Grants:Project/Rapid/Art+Feminism 2020 Wiki Moviment Brasil User Group/Report

Report accepted
This report for a Rapid Grant approved in FY 2019-20 has been reviewed and accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation.



Did you meet your goals? Are you happy with how the project went?

Considering the problems that have befallen the world in recent months, related to the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe that our events have managed to be quite successful.

Although the events have all been transformed into remote ones, with live transmission via Google Hangouts, YouTube or Zoom, they all had sufficient number of people, good participation, involvement of the media and other institutions, in addition to good retention, with participants, especially women, who continued to edit Wikipedia in Portuguese afterwards, even after the events.

Even a page for the campaign was created to house all the events that would happen in the context of Art+Feminism in the Wikipedia in Portuguese, the “Artes+Feminismos na Lusofonia 2020” (“Arts+Feminisms in Lusophony 2020”).

Of the three events we planned, three were held (with a change of institution). We even considered two more, which unfortunately we were not able to do, due to the coronavirus. The first would be at Faculdade Cásper Líbero and, the second, with the Embassy of Sweden, in the context of WikiGap. We plan to do both later on.



Please report on your original project targets.

Target outcome Achieved outcome Explanation
One editathon about women, art and media, at Faculdade Cásper Líbero (Cásper Líbero College) One editathon about women, memory and communications with Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS) Among our three events scheduled for the Art+Feminism campaign, this was the one that suffered the most changes due to COVID-19. Unfortunately, we were unable to do it at Faculdade Cásper Líbero (we hope to have the opportunity to do it later this year, if possible), but we managed to replace the educational institution with another one, Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS), which has already hold some events with UG WMB in the past and has a Educational Program.

However, still due to the pandemic, the event was not held in person, as we had planned. Even with the change of institution and the new physical and structural reality, the event continued with more or less the same theme, acting on articles about women in the art, communication and memory that were related to the cities of the ABC Region, where the university is located.

As this was the first event we ever held in social distance, we were unable to do it publicly on YouTube, but in a Google Hangouts room. This slightly decreased participation. Due to technical problems, we were not able to record it and let the initial lecture available online.

However, even with these problems, I consider the results to be good: more than 20 participants watched the lecture, 15 articles were created, 29 articles edited, 273 total edits, 6 editors, 46.2K bytes added, 10 references added, 61.1K article views and 2 Commons uploads

Here is the event's page, where the slides are available, as well as the dashboard link, the task list for the event and the etherpad page we used to communicate and help the participants edit after the call.

One editathon about women, art and history, at Museu Paulista da USP (Paulista Museum) One editathon about women, art and history, at Museu Paulista da USP (Paulista Museum) The Maratona Mulher, Arte e História I (Women, Art and History I marathon), with the Paulista Museum (or Ipiranga Museum) was certainly our most successful edit-a-thon of the Artes+Feminismos na Lusofonia 2020 campaign. Its success, I believe, came about because WMB members and I have already carry out a successful GLAM project with the institution for several years, with more than 24 K images and metadata available.

Also due to the importance of this museum in Brazil, the event managed to bring other support institutions, such as the Goethe-Institut São Paulo, which would give up the physical space for the event, since the current museum building is under renovation. However, due to problems related to COVID-19, the event had to be held remotely.

The broadcast was made on YouTube, where dozens of people watched it live. Currently, the video is available in two different channels, together with 177 views. The accompaniment was done through a group on the GroupMe platform.

As the event had the purpose of only editing and improving existing entries in Wikipedia in Portuguese, linked to the collection of the Paulista Museum, only one new article was created (in fact, an article difficult to create, due to the lack of sources, and was incredibly created by a new female user at WP) and only 14 previously selected entries were edited. The intention was to improve the existing content, since the museum has a large gender deficit, leaving articles with better quality, better sources and more reliable information.

The lecture given at the beginning of the event included not only Wikipedia and its gender problems, but also gender issues within the museum's collection and in the history of Brazilian art.

Here is the event's page, where the YouTube video is available, as well as the slides, the task list for the event and the GroupMe that we used to communicate and help the participants edit after the call

One editathon about women, art and activism, at Instituto Moreira Salles (Moreira Salles Institute) One editathon about women, art and activism, with the support of Instituto Moreira Salles (Moreira Salles Institute) The third and last edit-a-thon held by WMB in the Artes+Feminismos na Lusofonia 2020 campaign was the one with the Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS).

This event was almost canceled, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of the IMS physical space in São Paulo. However, it was possible to accomplish it by merging it with an event that would take place at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, in Rio de Janeiro, together with the Coletivo NaPupila.

The on-wiki event continued to be called IMS Wiki Artes+Feminismos 2020, but it also had the organization and support of EAV Parque Lage and NaPupila. All of these institutions managed to do an excellent job of selecting references, especially research related to the institutions themselves. They also set up research worksheets, lists of women artists and made a group on the WhatsApp app, with almost 40 participants, all women, who work with art or research in art.

The numbers in this edit-a-thon were the most expressive, however not all participants registered properly on the dashboard. During the eight hours of the event, more than 30 participants remained active and connected to the Zoom room, where members of WMB and NaPupila answered their questions and help them edit.

After the event, the group on WhatsApp remained, where all participants continue to discuss important topics about the universe of arts and open knowledge. In fact, the involvement was so great that the WMB, IMS and NaPupila are planning to hold two monthly meetings, every month, to discuss open knowledge and the gender issue in art and on Wikipedia, being one of these two days per month exclusive for a edit-a-thon.

Here is the event's page, with some the important information about the day. This event was not recorded.



Projects do not always go according to plan. Sharing what you learned can help you and others plan similar projects in the future. Help the movement learn from your experience by answering the following questions:

  • What worked well?

The main good factor, as always, was the gender gap theme. The interaction between the participants is always greater when the event has something to do with this subject. Also, as we held two events linked to institutions that hold GLAMs, in the context of the UG WMB, the themes “women in art” and “women in history” were also very present and attracted a lot of attention.

Also because of that, we still managed to establish partnerships with other institutions, which was good, in addition to getting some positive attention from the media:

Mulher, Arte e História I

  1. “Museu do Ipiranga e Wikipédia promovem evento online de edição de artigos” - Revista Galileu
  2. “Museu do Ipiranga faz parceria com Wikipédia para difusão digital de acervo” - São Paulo para crianças
  3. “Museu do Ipiranga faz parceria com Wikipédia para difusão digital de acervo” - Revista Museu
  4. “Maratona de edição Museu do Ipiranga e Wikipédia” - Rota Cult
  5. “É Tudo Verdade, Superflex, Edu de Barros, Museu do Ipiranga, Grupo Corpo, Fernanda Grigolin” - SELECT

IMS Wiki Artes+Feminismos 2020

  1. “Maratona estimula a edição de verbetes sobre mulheres na Wikipédia” - Revista Marie Claire
  2. “Livro grátis de Yuval Noah Harari é destaque desta terça-feira de quarentena” - Folha de S. Paulo
  3. “Conheça a NaPupila, coletiva curatorial que ajuda a reescrever história das artistas mulheres na mais popular das enciclopédias virtuais” - Revista Caju
  • What did not work so well?

Considering the pandemic state, due to COVID-19, I believe that the events had a lot to go wrong. Fortunately, however, little went wrong. We managed to carry out the number of events that we had planned and the participation was good and active, although it was not as big as a physical event would have been.

What didn't work so well was, first, the instruction for participants to sign up on the dashboard page, so we could keep track of their edits, and second the portrayal of the events. This happened because, as the events were remote, we had some technical difficulties at first, which we later overcome. Therefore, the first event was not recorded and we do not have photos, only its poster. The second was well recorded and is available on YouTube and on Commons. The third and last, we have few photos and also no recording.

Also due to the pandemic, we were unable to properly use and relocate the financial resources of the event, as there was no need to rent a venue with data show and internet connection, or to offer food to the participants.

  • What would you do differently next time?

In the next remote edit-a-thons, we want to always use YouTube, with live broadcast, and possibly on Facebook and Twitter as well. It is necessary for the video to be available later, for us to upload it on Commons. We also need to take more and better screenshots and pictures of the events.



Grant funds spent


Please describe how much grant money you spent for approved expenses, and tell us what you spent it on.

An amount of R$ 582,53 was used for taxes, materials, printed materials and, sometimes, food. We received USD 807,06 (R$ 4.094,22), with the dollar at R$ 5,07.

There is also the amount left from the past WMB’s grant, Editatonas Brasil: R$ 891,39 (USD 248,29), received with the dollar at R$ 3,59.

This time, there was a lot of money left, because the events were held remotely, due to the covid-19 pandemic, which decreased the event costs considerably. We practically only had expenses related to materials and printed materials, which were made before the pandemic hit Brazil.

We had no expenses on space rental, computers and internet access, and we hardly spent on food. We only reimbursed the food expenses that the users presenting and organizing the event had. They bought the food a few days before the event and sent us the receipts.

We were unable to use the rest of the amount available.

  • What we managed to use is described below:
date time vendor amount (R$) description purpose of purchase document
19/2 (this was bought with the amount left from the Editatonas Brasil Grant) 10:22 FM Impressos Personalizados LTDA 64,78 Printed material Printed material 1
8/2 (this was bought with the amount left from the Editatonas Brasil Grant) 20:56 Lojas Americanas 56,98 Material Material for the edit-a-thons 2
11/3 14:15 Del Copias 39,2 Printed material Printed material 3
4/3 Copy Vital Brasil 70 Printed material Printed material for all the edit-at-thon 4
4/3 20:28 Carrefour 32,5 Material Material for the edit-a-thons 5
12/3 17:12 Allmini Center Comércio LTDA 26,7 Material Material for the edit-a-thons 6
19/3 13:53 Colonial Pães e Doces LTDA 17,56 Food Food acquired by those who would present, to consume during the event 7
19/3 15:47 Pão de Açúcar Jabaquara 92,76 Food Food acquired by those who would present, to consume during the event 8
30/3 18:01 Flor da Catarina 76,47 Food Food acquired by those who would present, to consume during the event 9
R$ 15,56 - IOF tax
R$ 90 - Bank taxes
TOTAL: R$ 582,53

Remaining funds


Do you have any remaining grant funds?

Remaining funds from this grant have been returned to WMF in the amount of US$729.77 (after any bank fees were deducted).

Yes, there’s a amount left of R$ 4.403,08 total, considering the remaining amount of this grant and the previous grant, Editatonas Brasil, which was R$ 891,39 (USD 248,29).

There was a lot of money left, because the events were held remotely, which decreased the event costs considerably.

We are not sure how to proceed here, with this amount of money left, since the UG Wiki Movimento Brasil received a funding from the sAPG 2020, which started on April 1st 2020.

Anything else


Anything else you want to share about your project?