Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania/zh
![]() | This consultation concluded on 19 January 2016 at 0:00 UTC. Analysis of feedback and outcomes are available at Grants:IdeaLab/Towards a New Wikimania/Outcomes. |

- 维基媒体国际会议——历来是一个属于所有维基媒体改革参与者的会议
- 维基媒体大会——历来是一个面向维基媒体基金会成员与联盟组织(分会,专门组织,用户组和维基委员会)的会议
- Regional or country focused conferences - regional community gatherings (e.g. WikiArabia, Iberocoop Conference, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)), or country-specific Wikimedia Conferences (e.g. WikiCon USA)
- Thematic conferences - global community gatherings focused on particular themes Diversity Conference, Wikisource Conference, Global Hackathons, GLAMWiki Conference
問題 1: 維基媒體運動投資了可觀的資源來舉辦維基國際年會,包含巨額的時間以及志工或職工的精力,然而我們還沒有建構出對於運用上述資源舉辦的年會,想要達到成效的共享理念。於是,我們也很難得知維基國際年會是否符合運動所需。
- 在過去十年來,維基媒體運動的相關會議不論是在數量、範圍、或是複雜性都有所提升。是在這之中最大的維基媒體運動會議:維基國際年會Wikimania尤其可見其成長。 2014年在倫敦以及2015年於墨西哥舉辦的維基國際年會,其總支出(包含旅支、住宿、補助、工作人員薪資、以及直接與會議相關的支出)共約一百萬美金。兩場年會的參與者分別是倫敦1,520位,墨西哥則是800位左右。作為維基媒體會議的組織者、贊助者、主持者、演講者、或參與者等等身份的我們,要怎麼樣才能知道我們投入維基國際年會的資源是符合運動所需的?
問題2: Wikimania組織與執行的形式是隨著時間有機自然生成的,針對個別的問題每次進行些微的修正。這造成了許多問題年復一年沒有解決,一直保存下來。 主辦權的競標方式,以及各個團體在籌備過程中的角色和責任的不明確,是每年最受關注的兩個領域。在這個點上,看起來需要更大的結構性變革。但是什麼形式的變化,能為這個運動的需求帶來最好的支援?
Based on conversations with past Wikimania hosts, committees related to Wikimania (e.g. Jury Committee, Steering Committee, Program Committee), WMF Staff, and community volunteers and participants, the following issues have been identified. You can edit this table to add other issues, if you like.
Area | Issues |
Outcomes & Connections between conferences |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Process |
Communication & Resources |
- 從各類維基媒體會議的脈絡中,建立彼此認同的Wikimania的新價值
- 重新思考2018年之後的所有Wikimania形式,並確立明確的角色分工與職責。
2015年12月15日 | 公告諮詢,尋求社群各界參與 |
2016年1月18日 | 諮詢期結束 |
2016年2月8日 | 報告目前的研究發現以及接續行動 |
2016年3月-5月 | 開始進行2018年修改方向的基礎工作 |
2016年6月21-28日 | 2016年維基媒體國際會議 |
2016年9月-12月 | 分析2016年維基媒體國際年會的成效,吸收其教訓納入2018年的計畫,決定最終2018年的方案。 |
下列的宣言是建立在統整過去維基媒體運動會議的質性、量性資料以及現身說法。[1] [2] [3] [4]
The value of Wikimedia movement conferences
Gathering together at a movement conference helps to deepen and strengthen our relationships, both within our communities and as a global movement.
FloNight, Rosiestep, and I already knew each other before Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City. But at Wikimania this year, we came together and were inspired to form the WikiWomen's User Group, a group that provides "a space for women on Wikimedia to collaborate on projects, discuss issues, socialize with each other, and a space for Wikimedians to work on gender-related issues." Wikimania inspired us to create the group because we were able to have those inspiring conversations in person that wouldn't have happened over email. As of December 2015, there are now 74 members.
— Keilana from Wikimania 2015
It was only looking backwards in late 2014 that I, The Interior, Sadads, and Nikkimaria realized all four of us leading the The Wikipedia Library had met in person for a weekend-long GLAM Bootcamp in Washington D.C in 2013 over a year before. We shared a coincidental interest in GLAM, but it wasn't the particular subject that brought us together those three days: it was the personal connection, rapport, familiarity, and sense of possibility we developed. By socializing in a shared 10-bed hostel, sharing day-long discussions around a conference table at the National Archives, taking breaks to explore historical monuments, and spending nights crafting hilariously well-referenced Wikipedia trivia articles, we were unknowingly laying the foundation of the Wikipedia Library’s core. At an event only designed to give us the basics, what we really came away with was the basis of trust and drive to come together again with an instant sense of confidence and possibility.”
— Ocaasi about GLAM Bootcamp in 2013
User:Soni and I attended Wikimania 2014 in London, and we were able to attend two roundtable discussions on helping new users getting started on Wikimedia projects, and how best to retain their participation. Both of these discussions highlighted two things that help engage and retain new users: (1) personalizing invitations and (2) making a personal connection that shows there is a human behind the username. These discussions informed some of the aspects of the mentorship space we were creating, The Co-op. The roundtable discussions motivated our decisions to prepare semi-personalized invitations, create user profiles that included more personal information (such as a free-hand description on why the mentor / learner was in the space), and to recognize the achievements of successful new editors.
— I JethroBT from Wikimania 2014
My first CEE (Central and Easter European) Wikimedia Meeting was in Kiev in December 2014. Me and the other two Bulgarians who attended heard for the first time of the Wiki Loves Monuments and the Wiki Loves Earth contests. Actually, I had heard of WLM, but having no Freedom of Panorama and no Fair Use in Bulgaria, I had immediately ruled it out that we could ever have a Bulgarian edition of WLM. The truth was that from our colleagues from CEE we learned a lot about how to set up the contest in a way that avoids the Freedom of Panorama problems, and in 2015 Bulgaria joined both contests for the first time. That wouldn't be possible if we hadn't learned from the experiences other people shared at a real life event, with all these seeable and touchable WLM and WLE framed photos, calendars, postcards, beer coasters and pin buttons. It was really inspiring!
— User:Spiritia, about the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Conference in 2014
The first WikiArabia conference was held this year in Tunisia, as the “first annual conference for Wikipedians and Wikimedians from across the Arabic world.” One session at this conference focused on “Arabic Wikipedia policies and suggestions for new solutions”, where attendees discussed how to address old or outdated policies that needed to be updated. One solution proposed was to establish a committee of users (admins and editors with sufficient experience) to review a policy periodically. When the conference organizers followed-up after the conference with an admin, they confirmed that some of the policies were actually reviewed after the conference!
— Vivaystn from WikiArabia 2015
Current rolesHost: The organization or team representing the region where Wikimania is held. Program Committee: Group responsible for requesting and selecting sessions to include in the Wikimania program. Jury: Group currently responsible for selecting the host. Steering Committee: Group tasked with making recommendations to members of the jury for the host selection process, and generally advising Wikimania hosts. WMF Events Manager: WMF's main point of contact for Wikimania coordination |
謹記維基人在維基國際年會或是其他的運動會議中想要達成的目標效益,讓我們思考有哪些可能的新形式可以最有效的支持上述的效益。歡迎您提供改善在此已經列出的走向的建議,也歡迎您在討論頁提出其他可能的新形式! 目前2016年維基國際年會也正在實驗新的形式[5]——這次實驗所得到的學習經驗也將用於2017年及之後的會議。[6] - lessons learned from this experiment should also be fed into future forms for 2017 and beyond.
主辦地的選擇 |
議程設定 |
旅運支援 |
- Your answers will be protected under the following privacy statement.
- Instigator Would like your input to build a more sustainable plan for supporting Wikimania and other movement conferences. Siko (WMF) (talk) 00:17, 2 December 2015 (UTC)
- Community organizer Helping facilitate communications and engage groups and individuals interested in Wikimedia movement conferences. I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) 23:42, 1 December 2015 (UTC)
- Project manager help coordinate feedback and work with community and WMF to implement changes. EYoung (WMF) (talk) 01:19, 2 December 2015 (UTC)
- Researcher Finding, summarizing and analyzing qualitative and quantitative information from past movement conferences. Shouston (WMF) (talk) 04:46, 3 December 2015 (UTC)
- ↑ Conference reports submitted by WMF grantees (e.g. Wikimedia Conference report, reports from regional conferences such as Wiki Indaba and WikiCon USA)
- ↑ Post-conference evaluation surveys conducted by the organizing teams, e.g. Wikimania 2014, Wikimania 2015, Wikimedia Conference 2014, Wikimedia Conference 2015, Wiki Indaba 2014, WikiArabia 2015
- ↑ Hundreds of Wikimania Scholarships reports from 2014 and 2015
- ↑ Conversations with conference organizing teams, volunteer committees, and conference attendees
- ↑ 詳見2016年維基國際年會的計畫基本原則,評估任務,以及議程規劃注意事項
- ↑
See fundamental principles in planning, evaluation tasks, and general programming considerations for Wikimania 2016
- ↑ 參見重新想像維基媒體機會補助諮詢報告中的會議與旅行支援資助部分