Grants:IEG/Art+Feminism Editathon training materials and network building/Renewal/Timeline

Timeline for Art+Feminism Editathon training materials and network building

Timeline Date
Initiate nodes for 2016 December 2015
Event Catalyzing outreach for 2016 January 2016
Standardize process for gathering post-event metrics February 2016
Hold 2016 Event March 2016
Complete Diversity Audit April 2016
Complete UX/IA review Early May 2016
Implement UX/IA recommendations Late May 2016

Monthly updates


Please prepare a brief project update each month, in a format of your choice, to share progress and learnings with the community along the way. Submit the link below as you complete each update.



We implemented Streak for CRM and Trello for project management, and trained all core and regional organizers. We reached out to all past nodes and all +Feminism ambassadors, and began the process of organizng for 2016. We recruited a 3 person diversity subcommittee, and three regional ambassadors. We collated ~1000 emails for art + art history faculty and librarians at targeted national and international schools, and learned how to use Streak's mail merge to send those out.



We have successfully been using Streak to manage 129 nodes that are actively organizing events. It has been a very effective means for us to work collaboratively without creating redundant work, or stepping on each others toes. Trello has also been very helpful, allowing the core group to work in asynchronous patterns and keep all conversation threaded around assigned tasks. We are still getting a steady stream of requests to host node events (maybe 4 or 5 a week) and we expect to be in the ballpark of our projected 125 nodes.

We are still using a google form to have our nodes request funding, wherein they provide us with exact name for their venue, date, estimated attendance, etc; we still have to input this manually into Streak -- I wonder if there was some way of exposing the Streak data for them to alter directly, or to input the google form data?

Our three regional organizers have been handling their regions fairly independently. We have engaged a marketing consultant who has been advising us. We are working with MoMA on programming for the event in NYC. We have done successful outreach to most international chapters where we have nodes organizing that are not already working with national chapters. We have attempted to reach WMAU but have not yet been successful. We have worked out a reimbursement workflow with WMUS DC with their new webform which will reduce busywork all around. We have scheduled two in person NYC trainings, and two online organizer trainings in February.

We have realized that because of the Visual Editor we are going to have to revise our training videos/presentations. We are working on this, and hope to have them ready before our Train the Trainers events.

Interestingly, we have found that our effort to catalyze events via email at universities we had not yet accessed has not been particularly successful. We believe we sent out about 1000 emails, and somewhere around 6 or 7 events have been catalyzed that way. Most of these have been international, so it may still be fruitful to pursue this strategy internationally. Though this may simply be the typical conversion percentages for what might be considered "direct email marketing" -- we like to think we aren't selling widgets, but maybe the human behavioral patterns still apply.



We spent February organizing for MoMA and coordinating all the events around the world. It was a blur. Streak saved us.



The events in March were a big success. 2500 participants at more than 175 events around the world participated, resulting in the creation of 2000 new pages and improvements to 1500 articles on Wikipedia. This represents a significant increase over the 2015 events, with more than double the number of participants and triple the number of articles created or improved.

Alongside the central event at The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the 175+ events were held across every inhabited continent and in 30 countries at venues including: Ashesi University Brekuso, Accra; Tate Britain, London; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City; Gus Fisher Gallery, The University of Auckland; Archives Nationales, Paris; The Menil Collection, Houston; SCAD Hong Kong; Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Lima; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto; the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC.; and a month-long online edit-a-thon hosted by Women In Red. Plus an additional 10+ events are scheduled for later in April.

In New York, the Edit-a-thon featured an expansive conversation on contemporary feminisms and digital culture with writer Orit Gat, artist and activist Reina Gossett, and New York Times technology columnist Jenna Wortham, moderated by Fiona Romeo, MoMA’s Director of Digital Content and Strategy and afternoon breakout groups about related issues, including intellectual property, notability, and LGBTQ visibility on Wikipedia. Women In Red created/improved over 800 articles. In Paris, 600 participants convened for two days of long table conversation and editing at the Archives Nationales. And in València, the City Councilor in charge of gender equality, Isabel Lozano, attended and edited.



In April we have been working on reporting from our March events, and our UX and Diversity reviews. We have had several meetings with these advisors. In particular we are working in implementing the recommendations of the UX review.

Extension request


New end date


April 30th for midpoint report



The midpoint of this grant period falls in the middle of our most active month, when we are actively facilitating the editathons. We have spent the bulk of the month supporting these events, and compiling the results, which we are finally coming to the close of. As such, we haven't had a chance to write it up. We will be releasing the results in the next week, and will complete our report after that. --Theredproject (talk) 16:35, 9 April 2016 (UTC)

Hello, Theredproject. Thanks for keeping your timeline up to date. I'm approving this request, setting a new deadline of April 30, 2016 for your midpoint report. Best, --Marti (WMF) (talk) 15:25, 11 April 2016 (UTC)

Extension request


New end date


July 16, 2016



Two key aspects of the grant are still in progress: the Diversity Review and implementation of the findings of the UX/UI review. An extension will enable us to implement these changes and meaningfully reflect upon the process as a whole for the final repot. Many thanks for considering our request, Failedprojects (talk) 15:47, 17 May 2016 (UTC)

Approving your request for a new project end date of July 16, 2016. --Marti (WMF) (talk) 22:37, 17 May 2016 (UTC)
Your new final report due date is now August 15, 2016. -- JTud (WMF), Grants Administrator (talk) 21:05, 18 May 2016 (UTC)

Is your final report due but you need more time?

Extension request


New end date


October 15th



Our website work has extended through the summer, and we cannot complete the cycle until the website is complete. We are in the final stages right now.Theredproject (talk) 16:39, 4 September 2016 (UTC)