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GLAM on Tour 16. – 19. November 2017

GLAM-on-Tour («GLAM» acronym for Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum) at Monte Verità, Ticino

How to get there


Monte Verità is not so far from the harbour and the main places of Ascona but its uphill site separtates its

Here you will find some usfull links:

  • Situation map at the main station in Locarno
  • Public busses in Locarno with the destination to Ascona are No. 1, 5 and 7. The bus station of this lines are indicated on the "Situation map" with a light blue dot and the remark "Bus 1 to Ascona". Please remember to switch the bus #1 to #5 at "Ascona, San Materno". There are some more lines, but these run quite seldom.
  • Walk from the Bus station #5. Here is indicated the path to walk after you have left the bus #5 at its terminal station "Monte Verità".
  • Walk from the Bus station #7 at "Losone, Posta". This way is a bit longer than taking Bus #1 and #5 but your challange is the direct way, a better intervall and a smouth ascent to Monte Verità.

Situation plan


If you zoom in the map you will find all the buildings situated on the hill. The biggest one is determinated for our accommodation and our work. The left-hand building will offer our meals. Furthermore, you will explore the museum (next one hilldown) and all the tiny huts spread on the area.