Persidangan ESEAP 2024/Kriteria Sikulasip

This page is a translated version of the page ESEAP Conference 2024/Scholarships Criteria and the translation is 71% complete.
Logo Wikimedia Kosilahon, Asia Tenggara om Pisokodungan Serantau Pasifik
Pisokodungan id labus do horizon
Tadauwulan: 10 - 12 Mikat 2024 ∙ Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

Walai Ababayan Sikulasip Mamampayat Kotindapahan Kinoyonon Mono'odo Koilotumboyoon om koumoligan Ruputan Poguhatan insaru uhoton

Apply for scholarships Scholarships Timeline Scholarships Criteria Applicants Demographics Help


Kiwaa duo wayaan do lumantoi. Iti nopo nga mongongobi puruan koisaan om songulunan.

The selection of affiliate representatives is contingent upon consensus within their respective local Wikimedia affiliate membership, taking into consideration their substantial contributions to the community. If you are a member of any eligible affiliate, do contact them about the ESEAP Conference 2024 scholarship.

Puruan koisaan kalantoi nung:

  • nonuan koimaganan mantad Yayasan Wikimedia om;
  • nonuan label Tumumboyo id suang ruputan mimpuun 30 Milau 2023.

Sosongulun di au kalantoi sabaagi puruan koisaan alapon do papatahak pangapalaian diolo maya borang sikulasip di pinotounda, milo akseson hiti

Katayadan koinsanau puruan tinimungan di kalantoi

Bab Wikipedia

  1. Wikimedia Australia
  2. Wikimedia Indonesia
  3. Wikimedia Korea
  4. Wikimedia Taiwan
  5. Wikimedia Thailand

Tinimungan moomomoguno

  1. Tinimungan Moomomoguno Komuniti Wikimedia Myanmar
  2. Komuniti PhilWiki
  3. Tinimungan Moomomoguno Wikimedian Vietnam
  4. Tinimungan Moomomoguno Komuniti Wikipedia Hong Kong
  5. Tinimungan Komuniti Moomomoguno Wikimedia Malaysia
  6. Tinimungan Moomomoguno Wikipedia Aotearoa New Zealand


We have adopted a point-based system developed in consultation with members of the Scholarships Committee.

Kriteria Kointalangan
Sakadai On-Wiki Manahang okukuro kosodu' kouhupan di nouhup mantad Wikimedia maya online, iti milo kohomput goduduo kouhupan tonsi (miagal do mongidit, artikol om papaatod gambal) om nogi kouhupan teknikel miagal do koburuan bot, kakamot om skrip di monguhup mongingidit suang kalaja diolo.
Kaampayatan Moomomoguno Wagu Manahang kaampayatan ii mangapalai suang program ponokotuduk toi inisiatif di kitudu montok manahak ponontudukan om sokodung sondii kumaa mongunguhup wagu.
Kaampayatan om Piuhupan Komuniti Manahang rahung Wikimedian kumaa kaampauatan om koburuon komuniti, pointongkop do ababayan id wiki miagal do manalasai konflik, momuruan kosimbanan duwou om popohompit rurumikot wagu. Suai ko iri, mongilo tonggungan diolo do manganjul inisiatif gowoyon miagal do bengkel, kimpin, hackathon om ogumu po
Inklusiviti om Inisiatif Kopogisuayan Assess the extent to which the applicant collaborates with contributors from different linguistic backgrounds, fostering a sense of global collaboration and inclusivity.
Strategi Assesses for involvement in discussions and initiatives related to the Wikimedia Movement Strategy, showcasing a commitment to shaping the future of the movement.
Dokumentasi om Jangkauan Assess the consistency of the applicant's contributions over time. Long-term commitment to maintaining and updating documentation and training materials demonstrates sustained impact
Nilai Pomoruhang montok Persidangan Assesses the potential of the applicant to add value to the conference based on a response written to their motivation to attend the conference.
Poin Poimida Kategori diti oguno montok manahak poin pomoruhang kumaa Wikimedian nung kouhupan diolo poinsoliwan kategori id sawat. Kategori diti oguno maya konsevatif.

Kriteria montok di potilombus au otorimo

Oguno montok toinsanan i minangapalai

  1. Mamangapalai di nakaanu skolasip do Panambarasan ESEAP 2022 nga au minomogonop ruputan kalapas panambarasan diolo pogulu 31 Mikat 2023.
  2. Mamangapalai nopo nga monorimo garanti mamaso toi nakatalib mantad honggo-nonggo program om noilaan do Au huboyo.
  3. I minangapalai nopo nga maamaso do noblok sompomogunan mantad do Yayasan Wikimedia toi ko' komuniti.
  4. The applicant has failed to demonstrate any significant Wikimedia contributions or activities which may merit the awarding of a scholarship.
  5. The applicant failed to obtain a valid passport by 15 January 2024. A valid passport includes an expiry date after 10 November 2024 (ie. 6 months after the start of the conference)

Montok di minangapalai miampai sosongulun

  1. Pangapalayan nopo nga aiso suang.
  2. Aplikasi diti nokoingkakat mantad Tonsi di poinsoliwan topik toi ko' mogorogo
  3. The applicant has failed to make a reasonable effort to answer the questions on the application form.

We reserve the right to remove certain people due to their conduct on/off-wiki. Examples would be those on global and event ban lists, under sanctions from the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC), or otherwise known to the COT as rule breakers.


Isai no milo mangapalai?

Ponguhupan kousinan nopo diti nga montok no di maamamampayat ESEAP?
Scholarship is exclusively offered to the communities in the ESEAP region. We will be prioritizing applications from those who best fulfill the criteria of contributing to the ESEAP experience. We will take into account how the scholarship would enhance the applicants' contributions to the mission after the event.
Okon oku soboogian mantad do puru piomungan. Milo oku mangapalai do ponguhupan kousinan?
Kaanu sosongulun do mangapalai miampai au intangan o status koomungan sabaagi surupu do affiliate.
Yoho nopo nga puru tinimungan kumalaja sikulasip. Milo oku mangapalai?
Yes. Volunteer scholarship reviewers will be eligible for a scholarship. To avoid conflict of interest, their applications will be reviewed by a team made of Core Organizing Team members and the organizer reviewers.
Sokiro au ku kotindapou id Persidangan ESEAP miampai mitorungak, poingkuro oku tumanud?
Haro o pipilion montok mampayat maya id suang talian tu haro o roromu ababayan hibrid montok ababayan diti.

Nunu ngaawi o proses?

Gisom soira o pangapalayan sikulasip Persidangan ESEAP 2024 diti do oukab om aawi?
Fasa Mangapalai nopo nga oukaban mantad do 26 Momuhau gisom do 15 Milatok 2024 Nombo nopo id Pomogunan. Pitanga tuong id Kepulauan Howland and Baker Islands|Howland om Baker, om 12:00 UTC montok do tadau sumusuhut. Intangai timpu di koontok montok zon timpu dokoyu.
Milo oku papaatod pangapalaian montok ponguhupan kousinan katalib timpu kapaatadan?
No. This is to ensure that final decision results are released on-time and in fairness to all applicants. We recommend to submit applications at least a few days before the deadline to avoid missing it.
Nunu o proses montok do sikulasiap ESEAP?
In general, we expect the workflow for funding decisions to go through the following steps:
  1. Sosongulun papaatod foom pangapalayan maya do Google Form
  2. Tinimungan karaja Biasiswa mongintong kawagu kelayakan om kriteria (pinointalang id sawat)
  3. Tinimungan kumalaja sikulasip i manahang do pangapalayan om momonsoi kootuson
  4. Sosongulun nopo di nga poiloon kokomoi kootuson om uhoton kokomoi maklumat moi kaanu o Yayasan Wikimedia do mongulud sakayon om tionon
  5. Buuk Yayasan Wikimedia nopo nga popoimagon sakayon om tionon.
Nunu kaantakan kalapas fasa kapaatadan pangapalayan? Soira intangan kawagu o kapaatadan dii?
Submissions will be reviewed by the Scholarships working group on an ongoing basis.
Poingkuro o sikulasip di do intangan om patahakon?
We will encourage you to provide the suitable answer and link accordingly on Google Form. Once all surveys have successfully been completed and therefore all of the data has been collected, the Scholarship working group will jointly determine which people will become scholars.
Soira oku kaanu do tisuli kokomoi do tapalai Sikulasip?
Offers will start going out in [TBD]. All applicants will be notified of their outcome as quickly as possible. This may take a couple of weeks as some people's circumstances may prevent them from accepting. Other applicants will be referred to their affiliates if you choose that option.
Poingkuro i minangapalai poiloon kokomoi koutuson?
We will use the e-mail address provided on the application to notify applicants. All applicants will be contacted at some point, regardless of the result. We encourage you to use your active email address or provide your active username account in the application form.
I have received / not received a scholarship, and... Can I pass my scholarship to someone else?
No. To provide equality, the scholarship was reviewed to a certain order of merits. If a recipient will confirm to decline it, we will pass it to the next person in the order of the review.
If I decline the scholarship for this year, can I pass it to next year’s ESEAP Conference?
No. Each year conference was set under different themes under the consideration of each core organising teams in certain locations. We will encourage you to apply again for the following year, but we will ensure to consider your continuous valuable contribution in our review process.
If I didn’t receive a scholarship, can I ask the scholarship group to review my application again?
No. Our review process involves several meticulous steps, and regrettably, it can only be completed once.
I applied for a scholarship but did not get it. What do I do now?
Getting a scholarship is not necessary for attending ESEAP Conference; you can also register to attend as long as you can cover your own costs. However, it is important to note that conference attendance is subject to space limitations. As such, even without a scholarship, prospective attendees will undergo a selection process by the scholarship team to determine eligibility for participation.
If you can't cover your own costs, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with an affiliate in your region. They might be running their own scholarship program or you are free to join virtually!