Community Wishlist Survey 2020/Archive/Switch between Reading mode and Contributing mode

Switch between Reading mode and Contributing mode

 N Technically infeasible

  • Problem: Some great scripts are not activated for IP because they are heavy or because readers doesn't need them to access the content. New contributors could benefit of those but may take ages before to find how to pimp their interface and add indispensable tools. And then, contributors have a display made for contribution and they may like to switch back to a lighter interface for reading, or have two settings.
  • Who would benefit: Readers and contributors
  • Proposed solution: Having a Reading mode and a Contribution mode with dedicated and modifiable parameters, including beta features, specific gadgets and css. A switch should be display somewhere on the interface to move from one setting to the other easilly. Then, a default could be made like the option to have all beta feature activated when they arrived. This default could be modified for projects preferences and for users preferences.
  • More comments: OSM have two interfaces, one for consultation and the other for contribution. I am not suggesting to go to this extremity but to have two sets of settings in the same interface.
  • Phabricator tickets:
  • Proposer: Noé (talk) 16:31, 10 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]


I am sorry to say this is not currently technically feasible. For performance reasons, the caching layer does not allow us to load all JavaScript to logged-out users. One option available is to set the desired gadgets to default for all, and this will make them available to IPs and users who have otherwise not enabled the gadgets. Hope this helps! MusikAnimal (WMF) (talk) 00:42, 19 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Well, I also have considered this proposal to be more global than project-oriented, so I am not so sad. Your solution is not good, as default gadgets will be activated for all without consideration for their needs. People who only want to read the content should be able to have the fastest version of the website, without any gadgets that help contribution, and people who want to contribute should be able to get proper tools. It is not only for people without an account. I'll be glad to have a dedicated interface for contribution for a project I am not familiar with, when I just want to do a small task, such as copy-edit a Wikisource page to add an extra space or add a category to a dozen of pages in a Wikipedia in a language I am not fluent in. Global parameters may helps but they are not made for specificities and each project is peculiar. I may consider to submit it again next year, if a longer time let people think about a solution we may haven't consider yet. Noé (talk) 07:09, 19 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]