Campaigns/Foundation Product Team/Office Hours/Arabic Office Hours 2022 04 28/fr
The foundation product team will host an Office Hour about the Event Center on April 28, 2022. It is the first event focusing specifically on Event Center in Arabic for the arab communities.
Office Hour Details
If you haven't heard about this project, you might be wondering what we're doing? At the moment we are developing a new dedicated event platform. Our main question is simple: what do you think about this project and the related registration feature? You can read more about it on our meta project.
Heures de bureau en arabe 2022 04 28
Date + Time: 15:00 to 15:45 UTC, April 28, 2022
Program: See Below
Link : on Google Meet :
Centre d'événements, outil d'enregistrement, espaces de noms'.
Au cours de cette réunion, nous présenterons
- Équipe de produit Campagnes
- Possibilité de créer de nouveaux espaces de noms
- Centre d'événements
- Outil d'enregistrement des événements.
- Date : 28 avril 2022
- Heure : 15:00 UTC
- Lien google meet : comming
We had office hours for Arabic-language community members (Mena region) . They had 18 participants, respectively, and multiple people said they were interested in being V0 testers. Next up is the Swahili office hour and filled the form.