


The Wikimedia Foundation hosts a variety of content that is available under a Creative Commons license and is free to reuse, remix, and share on other platforms.

We request that all re-users identify Wikimedia content as specifically as possible. This allows your users to verify information by directly accessing the original Wikimedia source. The guide below provides best practices and examples for how to attribute Creative Commons licensed content from Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in a variety of contexts – including small screens and voice assistants and generative AI – in order to meet license attribution requirements, provide credit to our contributor community, and raise awareness of the open knowledge movement and ensure that it continues to flourish.

As technology continues to evolve, we plan to keep these materials updated to provide guidance on new formats and attribution considerations. If you are planning to reuse Creative Commons licensed content from Wikimedia projects and have more questions about attribution that are not covered in this guide, please feel free to contact us at