Please note that the program is still subject to change, though at this stage any changes should be minor.
Welcoming word from CLibreSpeakers: Habib Mhenni
Presentation of the project AraPediaSpeaker: Helmi Hamdi
IcebreackerSpeakerː All participants
Obrolan kilat
Virtual reality hypotheses of cultural heritage sites and digital documentation on Wikipediaː Umayyed desert places in Jordan
Pembicara: Nidhal Jarrar
WikiKsour Speakerː Nassima Chahboun
Speaker: Sami Mlouhi
Speaker: Abdulaziz Al Hammadi
Speaker: Yamen Bousrih
Speaker: Felix Nartey
Speaker: Abdelkarim Ben Abdallah(SMC Tunisia)
Speaker: Habib Mhenni/ Yamen Bousrih
Speakerː Israa Rahmani(OSM Tunisia)
Speaker: Helmi Hamdi