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This page outlines the standards and guidelines related to the Abuse filter editors and their use of their rights to manage Abuse filters globally.
BEMÆRK: Denne gruppe findes ikke længere.
The Abuse filter editors global group was created to allow its users global access to the abuse filters on projects with it enabled.
Tildelte rettigheder
- View the abuse log (abusefilter-log)
- View detailed abuse log entries (abusefilter-log-detail)
- Create or modify abuse filters (abusefilter-modify)
- Create or modify global abuse filters (abusefilter-modify-global)
- Modify abuse filters with restricted actions (abusefilter-modify-restricted)
- Revert all changes by a given abuse filter (abusefilter-revert)
- View abuse filters (abusefilter-view)
Rights specifically not assigned
- View private data in the abuse log (abusefilter-private)
Se også
- Operatører af misbrugsfilteret: global tilladelse · globale grupper (toolforge) · medlemsliste · group changelog
- Globale grupper
- Abuse filter (with wikis configurations comparison)
- mw:Extension:AbuseFilter