Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Shared Knowledge/Impact reports/Q4 2021

This is an Impact report for the fourth quarter (Q4, October through December) on the 2021 APG grant to Shared Knowledge, with special consideration given to the 2021 Annual plan.

For monthly reports about our activities during this quarter, see October Activity report, November Activity report and December Activity report.

You can also see our Financial report for the same period.



1. Mentorship for professors and students

2. Wikiexperiments

3. Wiki Science Competition 2021

4. Editing Competitions

5. Editing Weekends

6. Editing Days

7. WikiSketch Lessons

8. WikiGap Skopje 2021

9. Wiki Gender Gap 2021

10. Veloexpeditions

11. Geoexpeditions

12. Exhibits

13. Skopje Zoo

14. WikiVillage


Num. Name of project Achieved outcome Explanation
1 Mentorship for professors and students
  • 2 professors included
  • 76 high school students
  • 76 high school students
  • 40 articles created
  • 2 images uploaded
2 WikiExperiments
  • 3 participants of the Institutes staff
  • 14 videos of experiments
  • 78 improved articles
In collaboration with professors at the Institutes of Chemistry and Physics, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics.
3 Wiki Science Competition 2021
  • 1 competition held
  • 21 competitors
  • 126 uploaded images and 1 uploaded video
A photographic competition.
4 Editing competitions
  • 1 competition held
  • 6 competitors
  • 320 created articles and 8 improved article
Editing competitions topics was: "Solar System".
5 Editing weekends
  • 13 editing weekends held
  • 40 participations in total; 8 different users
  • 191 new articles created and 7 improved ones
Editing weekend's topics were: "Technology", "Linguistics", "Elections", "Operas", "Arabic Cuisine", "Buddhism", "Islands", "Ancient Rome", "Bridges", "Libraries", "Mayors in Macedonia (2021-2025)", "Australia", "Festivals".
6 Editing days
  • 26 editing days held
  • 62 participations in total; 11 different users
  • 216 created articles and 13 improved ones
  • 7 created templates
Editing days' topics were: "Archaeological sites in Radoviš Region", "Provinces of Thailand", "World Heritage Sites in East Asia", "Holy Roman Emperors", "Macedonian Folk Songs (K)", "Kings of Israel and Judea", "Paintings by Gustav Klimt", "Governorates of Egypt", "Emotions", "Works of Leo Tolstoy", "World Heritage Sites in Southeast Asia", "Metro Systems", "Archaeological Sites in Skopje Region", "Macedonian Folk Songs (l & Lj)", "Castles in Slovenia", "Paintings by Francisco de Zurbarán", "Anthems of Countries of Asia", "Archaeological Sites in Kratovo Region", "Dramas by Bertolt Brecht", "World Heritage Sites in Southern Asia", "Paintings by El Greko", "Archaeological Sites in Kriva Palanka Region", "Nobel Peace Prize laureates", "Provinces of Spain", "Paintings by Raphael", "World Heritage Sites in Western Asia".
7 Wiki Sketch Lessons
  • 1 new user
  • 1 created article
Individual lessons of editing on Wikipedia.
8 WikiGap Skopje 2021
  • 1 installment
  • 26 participants
  • 14 editors
  • 41 articles created and 4 improved
A stand alone edit-a-thon.
9 Wiki Gender Gap 2021
  • 8 competitors
  • 865 articles created and 5 improved
A stand alone week-a-thon. Continuation of Wiki Gender Gap 2021.
10 Veloexpeditions
  • 1 Veloexpedition
  • 195 uploaded images
Bicycle trip to Municipality of Jegunovce
11 Geoexpeditions
  • 1 Geoexpedition
  • 23 uploaded images
Visiting a canyon located in the Municipality of Štip
12 Exhibits
  • 1 exhibit held
  • 31 participants at the exhibit
  • 8 participants at the editing event
  • 9 created articles
Opening an exhibit titled "Japan Through Photographs" and organizing a editing event a day later themed at Japan.
13 Skopje Zoo
  • 1 participant
  • 1 created article
Creating article about species at the Skopje Zoo, in the Albanian Wikipedia. Handing over the 89 QR-coded plaques to the Zoo staff.
14 WikiVillage
  • 3 participants
  • 1 editor
  • 31 created articles
Creating articles in the English Wikipedia about the houses that are cultural heritage of Macedonia, located in the village of Galičnik.

Description of activities and learning


Many of the programs have their objectives (listed on grant page). This section will describe how the activities during the First quarter lead contributed towards their fulfillment.

Educational Program


1. Mentorship for professors

Goals met by this activity

On December 6, two professors were part of this activity. The first one is a high school history professor who teaches at the Mathematical-Computer Science Gymnasium in Skopje, which is the newest high school institution in Macedonia. He got introduction to basic knowledge in editing at Wikipedia. The second one is university professor at the Department of Piano at the private owned International University "Europa Prima", based in Skopje. The latter, beside getting mentorship, he was able to create one article and additionally two images were uploaded as result of this activity.

Some considerations

The history professor did not register as a user i.e. he just got training. Mentorship/editing event, of this type, for students was not in our annual plan, so their contributions fall in this objective.

2. Wikiexperiments

Goals met by this activity

There was video capturing of experiments in October and November. In October, in one day, nine videos were made, five of chemistry (Prof. with Marina Stojanovska) and another four of physics (with Prof. Oliver Zajkov). Then on November 9, with the expertise of then already retired Prof. Dr. Petruševski and Stojanovska, we managed to film five more videos. At the end of December, many of the recorded experiments in 2020 and 2021 were inserted in their respective and related articles in the Macedonian Wikipedia.

3. Wiki Science Competition 2021

Goals met by this activity

This quarter was filled with the Wiki Science Competition 2021, which completes our objective of organizing two photo competitions in 2021. The Macedonian installment was part of the international Wiki Science Competition that aimed to encourage the public to take science-themed images and upload them on Wikimedia Commons, enriching it with content of this kind and bringing people closer to the science. This competition lasted from November 1 to December 15. 21 competitors were part of this and they uploaded 126 images and one video.

Some considerations

Unlike the previous photo competitions that lasted 30 days, this was longer with month and a half period.

Community Program


4. Editing Competitions

Goals met by this activity

As usual, we made one EC that lasted from November 15 to December 14. The name of the EC was "Solar System". The competitors created and improved articles that regarded content about celestial objects and related within our Solar System. The outcome in numbers was 320 new articles and eight improved articles out of six participants.

Some considerations

The top three participants earned and got a 'special prize'. Because we wanted the prizes to be thematic and connected with the EC, we gave the top competitors a telescope.

5. Editing Weekends

Goals met by this activity

The Editing Weekends were on various topics such as history, geography, culture, linguistics, technology, Macedonian mayors, architecture, cuisine.

Some considerations

Every weekend we held EW (13 editions). The average productivity is 15.2 articles per weekend.

6. Editing Days

Goals met by this activity

The coordinator of this activity chose the subjects to be about archaeology, music, art, literature and linguistics, history, transport.

Some considerations

Held every Tuesday and Thursday. The average productivity is 9.0 articles/templates per 24 hour period.

7. WikiSketch Lessons

Goals met by this activity

In early October, a new person registered and became a Wikipedian. Beside getting training, he was able to create one article.

8. WikiGap Skopje 2021

Goals met by this activity

We managed to continue the collaboration of the Swedish Embassy in Macedonia and the local organization UN Women. The WikiGap Skopje 2021 edit-a-thon was traditionally held, with goal to cover articles about women who are environmental activists. Over 26 people were part of the online edit-a-thon, of which the Swedish ambassador, and out of them 14 have edited. They all contributed in creating 41 articles and improving four articles on November 15.

Some considerations

This was predecessor activity of Wiki Gender Gap 2021 week-a-thon competition.

9. Wiki Gender Gap 2021

Goals met by this activity

Right after the WikiGap edit-a-thon ended, the people who attended the WikiGap (and others) edited from November 16 to 22. The competition ended with high productivity - 865 new articles and five improved articles out of eight competitors. This was a prized activity and the top three competitors got vouchers for books.

Some considerations

This was continuation activity of WikiGap Skopje 2021 edit-a-thon.

10. Veloexpeditions

Goals met by this activity

The last Veloexpedition was held on October 30. In that occasion the destination was the Municipality of Jegunovce which is located about 25 km west from Skopje. Municipality of Jegunovce is a rural administrative local unit and with that, many of its villages got visited. 195 photographs were made by the group made of four men.

Some considerations

The three participants that were part of this activity, were not registered users.

11. Geoexpeditions

A Geoexpedition on October 23. Four SK activists got the chance to head to Canyon of Kamnik located in the Municipality of Štip.

Partnership Program


12. Exhibits

Goals met by this activity

The chosen theme of this activity was the country of Japan. The 30 images that portray Japan and its overall culture, were put at the shared gallery of Cinematheque of Macedonia and Children's Art Center. At the opening of the exhibit on November 22, about 25 people participated at the event. A day later, according to the plan's objective, we held the "Japan" Editing Day which attracted eight people at the quarters of MladiHub - a youth national platform.

Some considerations

Because we had representatives of the Embassy of Japan in Macedonia, for spreading Japan's culture among the Macedonian citizens, they were happy to receive the 30 photographs in order to place them at their embassy's quarters.

13. Skopje Zoo

Goals met by this activity

The last lacking article, on the Albanian Wikipedia, was created and we completed all the 89 species that are inhabiting Skopje Zoo. In early November all 89 QR-coded plaques were given to the Zoo's staff so they can install them, as we agreed in 2020 and again in 2021.

Some considerations

Because the staff did not accomplish their objective as of 2021, we as Shared Knowledge could not organize a promo event. This means the plaques will be installed soon in 2022.

14. WikiVillage

Goals met by this activity

The installment of the QR-coded plaques was finished in this quarter. The installment included 31 QR-coded plaques (of houses that are cultural heritage of Macedonia) and an additional bulletin with a map of the village of Galičnik (the location where the houses are at) and its respective QR-coded article. After the installment, which was at the end of October, the English articles of the houses were created during this quarter.