Wikimedia chapters/Reports/Shared Knowledge/Financial reports/Q2 2020

This is a financial report of Shared Knowledge for the period extending from 1 April to 31 June 2020.

No. Item Description Unit No. of units Amount per unit Total amount Currency Notes
1 Monthly Salary Gross salary for Project and

Administration Manager

month 3 1248.00 3744.00 EUR April, May and June
2 Cellphone cellphone bills month 3 10.82 32.46 EUR April, May and June
3 Office expenses expenses for the office space month 3 60,00 180.00 EUR April, May and June
4 Bookkeeper month 3 48,79 146.37 EUR April, May and June
5 Awards for editing competition Editing competition number 2 n/a n/a 400.00 390.24 EUR We conduct the second editing competition „CEE Spring“
6 Office maintainance Office supplies n/a n/a 14.63 14.63 EUR
7 Bank fees fees charged by the bank to maintain the account and execute transactions n/a n/a 27.57 27.57 EUR
8 Wikiskatch Wikiskatch continues through online training, so we awarded the participants with t-shirts, magazines, and books. n/a n/a 42.27+35.77 78.04 EUR
Total 4613.31 4613.31 EUR