• Current funds: $85,000
  • Hardware budget: $50,000
  • Bandwidth and hosting: $20,000
  • Travel costs: $3,000
  • Developers conference, Berlin: $1300
  • Insurance: tba
  • Accountant: $500
  • Contingency fund: $10,000

  • Total: $84,800

Relevant points from the Board Meeting, 9 October 2004

  • Wikimedia raised close to US$60,000 in the fundraising drive. There is $47,675.54 USD in the PayPal account, $25k in the bank, and €10,000 due from Ars Electronica, making approximately $85k overall. Quarterly fundraising drives are planned.
  • Daniel presented a draft hardware budget at Wikimedia budget/Q4 Hardware and projected 85 percent growth by the end of the quarter. A total hardware budget of $50,000 was approved.
  • The Foundation has recently signed a bandwidth contract for 40Mbs, doubled from the previous 20Mbs commitment. Current activity suggests this may need to be increased again within this quarter, and at this point Jimmy would no longer maintain the 50% donation he currently pledges. It was agreed that $20,000 should be budgeted for bandwidth and hosting for this quarter.
  • Agreed upon travel costs for this quarter were $3,000 for Jimmy, and $1,000 each for Angela and Florence. These amounts are maximums, and any unused money would remain in the general Wikimedia fund. The Foundation will be sharing the cost of Tim Starling and Brion Vibber attending the MediaWiki developers' conference in Berlin in December with Wikimedia Germany. Travel for the conference will cost $2600. Conference tickets may also need to be paid for. It was agreed that outside of the developer conference, the Foundation ought to be conservative about travel expenses.
  • Jimmy and Michael are to investigate and report back on insurance costs, including liability insurance.
  • $500 will be budgeted for an accountant at the end of the year.