Wikimedia User Group Nigeria/Reports/2018-2019

This is the annual report of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria supported by the group. This report includes all activities of the user group from October 2018 to October 2019.


Black history month in Nigeria
Participation at Women of Color Editathon
Wikipedia for Librarians
Initiating Wikifan Club at Pan African Univeristy
Wikiindaba 2019 Conference
Group Photograph for the launch of Wiki Women Radio in Nigeria
Workshop for Black history Month
Group photograph at the WLE 2019
Wiki Loves Earth-Upload Session
Lagos Municipalities photowalk
Wikimedia Strategy Youth Salon held at FUNAAB
Lagos Strategy Saloon 2019

Incorporation of Wikimedia User Group Nigeria


The user group satisfied all the requirements for the registration of a non-profit organisation in Nigeria through Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in the country named " Wikimedia Nigeria Foundation" on the 31st Day of October 2018 whereby registered as an incorporated Trustees.

Black History Month


Wikimedia User Group Nigeria in collaboration with Afrocrowd, Oregon State Univeristy,US and Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta organised an edithathon to celebrate Black People named Black History Month. Over 30 editors participated in the 2day editathon. 5 new articles were also created with over 6.02K words added to Wikipedia see more details here

Wiki Women Radio


Wiki Women Radio, an offline Wikipedia program conceptualised to create awareness for Wikipedia, reduce gender bias among Nigerian women through the weekly interview of selected women that have shown tremendous success in their chosen careers continues in the reporting year 2019. Over 50 Nigerian women from all walks of life have featured on the program since inception.For more details see here

Wikipedia for Librarians


Wikipedia for Librarian is an on online Wikipedia program organised to identify editors, training of librarians on the use of Wikipedia and collaboration with Nigerian tertiary institutions who share the mission of open knowledge. The user group partner with Nimbe Adedipe Library, at the Federal University of Agriculture to organise the maiden edition of the program in Nigeria.

International Women's Day


International Women's Day is an annual event organised to celebrate women for their roles in community building. In 2019, the community marked the date with an official launch of a Wikipedia Fan Club in the city of Benin, South-East Nigeria. See the details here

Wikiindaba 2019


Wikiindaba is an annual regional conference funded by Wikimedia Foundation for African editors and in the diaspora as a platform for promotion of open knowledge in Africa. The 2019 edition was organised in Abuja, Nigeria by the Wikimedia User Group Nigeria. Over 70 delegates participated in the 3-day conference.

Wikimedia Hubs in Nigeria


The genesis of Wikimedia Hub started in 2017 as a solution for reaching every state in Nigeria with the awareness of Wikipedia. Wikimedia User Group Nigeria added three additional hubs in Edo State (South-East), Ogun State ( South- West), Ekiti State ( South West) and Enugu State ( South-East).

In total, the number of hubs has grown to 10 namely Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Kwara, Edo, Enugu, FCT, Ekiti, Kano and Katsina state.

Wikimedeian Fan Club


Wiki Fan Club is a Wikipedia education program conceptualised to serve as a platform for training of Nigerian students on how to use Wikipedia and its sister projects. In 2018, the user group launched a new club at Ekiti State Univerity, South-West Nigeria. see more detail here. Also in 2019, the group completed the registration of another Wiki Fan CLub at Federal Univeristy of Agriculture, Abeokuta. The club will be launched in the new calender year. At the moment, there are 8 Wiki Club in Nigeria. Namely Lagos State University ( South-West), University of Ibadan ( South- West), Ekiti State University( South-West), University of Ilorin ( North-Central), University of Nigeria( South- East) and Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta( South-West) and Nigerian Institute of Journalism. The following institution are in pipeplines Uninersity of Lagos and Obafemi Awolowo University( South-West).

Wiki Loves Earth 2019


Wiki Loves Earth (WLE) is an annual international photographic competition held throughout May and June. The WLE 2019 ended in Nigeria with an unprecedented result. The group partnered Nigerian Toursim Development Corporation(NTDC) and Plus TV Africa both operating as financial and media partner respectively.You can read more about the project here

Wiki Loves Monuments 2019


Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM) is an international photo contest for monuments.It is driving by Wikimedia communities across the globe. In 2019, Wikimedia User Group participated for the 3rd time in the contest. The group premiered in 2016 and then followed by 2018 and 2019 editions respectively. In 2019, over 2500 images were uploaded at the local version of the contest.

Lagos Municipal Walk


Lagos Municipal walk was designed to bridge the knowledge gap about Lagos municipalities on Wikimedia Commons. It focused on taking and uploading of freely licensed quality images of Lagos municipalities by professional photographers. Over 30 professional photographers participated in the 2-day Photowalk in Lagos. See more details here

Nigeria Youth Saloon


Wikimedia User Group partnered students at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta to discuss the future of the movement.The event took place on the 17 July 2019, COLERM Class, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. See more details here

Wikimedia User Group Saloon


Wikimedia User Group Nigeria participated in the movement-wide discussion on the future of Wikimedia in four states in Nigeria. Namely, Lagos state, Oyo state and Kwara state.