Wikimedia Resource Center/Skills Development
Contact: Jaime Anstee
If you learned something new implementing a Wikimedia program or running an activity, capture this on a learning pattern and share it with the movement. Alternatively, if you are about to start a new project or activity, find advice, tools and ideas on how to troubleshoot through some of the most common problems.
If you are a program or project leader, and struggle to get your story across in reporting, this is your chance to learn a few tricks and resources to build a narrative. Through some key strategies you can improve the way you share about your efforts, the impact of the work in advancing the movement, and how others might benefit from your experience.
Surveys help you take the pulse of your local community and evaluate different ways in which your programmatic activities are having an impact in your local community. Find resources and direct support to create your own survey, as well as tools that can help you run your program.
Contact: Chris Schilling
Contact: Asaf Bartov
Wikimedia hackathons play an important role energizing our engineering community and connecting it to local groups.
Contact: Chris Schilling
Contact: User: TAndic (WMF)
Contact: Joe Sutherland
Related pages: Training modules (on Meta)
In the program reports, you will find aggregate data on standard Wikimedia programs from 2014 and 2015, and how to use this data.
The program toolkits condense a series of lessons on how to start, run and evaluate your program.
Contact: John Cummings
Contact: John Cummings
Contact: John Cummings
A vast collection of high-quality, freely licensed, user-generated informational material about Wikimedia projects. Here are cheatsheets, pamphlets, videos, brochures, and other things.
Contact: Jaime Anstee Tanja Andic
Related pages: Safety Survey, Equity Landscape, Affiliates Data Portal, Affiliates Surveys, Community Insights Surveys
Contact: Srishti Sethi