Wikimedia New England/20 July 2013

Pre-meeting preparation


Below is a proposed agenda for the meeting on Saturday:

Join the etherpad to take live collaborative notes at

  • Icebreakers! (15 minutes)
  • Getting lunch (15 minutes)
  • Introduction and brainstorming of goals (15 minutes)
  • Where do we want to go? (15 minutes)
  • Discussion of user group status (15 minutes)
  • Outreach (30 minutes)
  • Create steering committee (15 minutes) - see talk page for the two options put forward thus far
  • Fin (possible editathon?)

Meeting notes



  • Sven: Participation level is an issue; some recent events had only two or three participants.
  • Richard / Kevin - Need to do a better job with spreading the word. NYC has not done a great job with social media, but DC has done better, so should be used as a model.
  • Maia asked about Facebook and Twitter. Both are mentioned on the Wikimedia New England page:
  • EdwardsBot message has been effective.
  • Pi: Suggests notices on WP Massachusetts etc - and work on making the various state boards more active


  • Do we want to get a Boston chapter done? No form consensus, but as it would take some time, no deed to decide immediately
  • Molly: Why do we need a chapter?
    • Richard: It's a lot easier if you have an organization people can identify with. It creates an identifiable community.
    • Funding from external groups can be accomplished if a user group, but often easier if a formal chapter. Funding from WMF Foundation generally requires chapter status
    • Chicken and egg cycle - chapter makes it easier to hold events, but holding events as a prerequisite to chapter
  • Processes
    • Usual sequence is to set up user group, and then consider more formal chapter
    • Application to become a chapter requires success as a user group.
    • Process to become a chapter takes roughly a year
    • Both types of groups are created by application to Affiliations Committee, which is a user community group created by the WMF Board
    • User Group application already in progress, see Planned User groups

Discussion of open positions

  • (Wikipedian in residence, etc.)
    • One in Salem Peabody Essex Museum Some funding possible
    • one in NY ("requires" Polish speaker)
    • Blue Raspberry is currently WIR at Consumer reports


  • Mailing list exists
    • Signup sheet passed around at meeting to add new names

Monthly meeting options

  • IRC suggested, but not all members are on or feel comfortable with IRC
  • Google Hangouts suggested, no consensus

Suggested activities

  • Tagging day
  • Wiki loves Monuments
    • Planned for September (all month), we should coordinate activity in connection with this initiative
  • Coordination with Wikimedians Active in Local Regions of the United States' (WALRUS) committee

Action items

  • Someone (Kevin?) to summarize advantages and disadvantages of user groups and chapters so member can be fully informed about options
  • Maia to review Wikimedia User Group Agreement in preparation to be one of the two signees
  • Someone (?) to add names collected to the mailing list
  • A lawyer member (name?) agreed to play role in the legal aspects of organization