Wikimedia Hong Kong/一週年紀念活動

Almost one year ago, on 14 July 2007, Wikimedia Hong Kong was established as the local chapter of Wikimedia. In this year we have almost finished the relevant registration procedure. In March 2008, Wikimedia Hong Kong was officially recognized as a Wikimedia Chapter by The Board of Trustees of Wikimedia Foundation.
在這成立一週年之際,臨時理事會將舉辦若干活動,以推廣並宣揚維基媒體等Web 2.0計劃。今年我們的活動將集中在web 2.0和教育方面的議題。
The Provisional Directory will launch several activities during the first anniversary of WMHK's establishment, to promote and advocate Wikimedia and her web 2.0 endeavors. This year we would to focus on topics about Web 2.0 and education.
一週年研討會 ※ First Anniversary Conference
edit鼓勵維基媒體讀者成為編者,是協會推廣維基媒體的一個重要方向。而今天受教育的青少年,在當下或未來,會成為維基媒體的支柱,也是往後網絡新媒體。因此我們欲通過討論,找出在教育界推廣維基媒體等各種web 2.0計劃的更好方法,以進一步在港宣揚自由文化。
The progress of transferring readers to editors is a crucial part of expending the foundation of Wikimedia's credibility. The audience of education today is just the readers and possible Wikimedia editors and new-media advocates tomorrow. So we would like to discuss how to promote Wikimedia and her web 2.0 endeavors in education sector in this conference, as well as a better promotion for the free culture in Hong Kong.
edit- Date: Saturday, July 12, 2008
- Time: 1:00 - 3:00pm
- Venue:
- Rm 201, HKCSS Duke of Windsor Social Service Building
- 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
- Organizer
- Wikimedia Hong Kong (WMHK)
- The Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK)
- Co-organizers/supporting
edit- 日期: 2008年7月12日 (六)
- 時間: 下午一時至三時
- 地點:
- 香港灣仔軒尼斯道15號
- 溫莎公爵社會服務大廈201室
- 主辦
- 協辦及各項支援
- 公共專業聯盟 (Procommons)
- IT Voice Hong Kong
- 立法會單仲楷議員辦事處
editDetails below are tentative. They may be changed due to further arrangements of the event.
- 1:00
- Welcoming Speech
- By Mr. K. M. Lam, President of WMHK
- 1:10
- Keynote: How to better promote Free Culture in Hong Kong?
- by Mr. Charles Mok, Chairman of Internet Society Hong Kong
- 1:40 Break
- 1:50 Panel: How to promote Wikimedia and her web 2.0 endeavors in education sector?
- Rebecca Mackinnon, Assistant Professor, Journalism & Media Studies Centre, University of Hong Kong
- Chitat Chan, Member of Hong Kong Media Education Resources Web
- Peter Ma, Editor for Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System (OOPS)
- Jeromy-Yu Chan, Deputy-President of WMHK
- 2:30 Q & A Session
- 2:45 Group Photo & Social Gathering
- 1:00 香港維基媒體協會會長林敬文致歡迎詞
- 1:10 香港互聯網協會主席莫乃光作主題演講:「如何更好在港推廣自由文化?」
- 1:40 中場休息十分鐘
- 1:50 專題討論:「如何在教育界推廣維基媒體等web 2.0計劃?」
- 香港大學新聞及傳媒研究中心助理教授麦康瑞(Rebecca MacKinnon)
- 香港媒體教育資源網成員陳智達
- 「開放式課程計劃」編輯馬景文
- 香港維基媒體協會副會長陳予
- 2:30 問答時間
- 2:45 全體合照及社交時間
一週年紀念晚宴 ※ First Anniversary Banquet
edit- Date: Saturday, July 12, 2008
- Time: 7.00 - 9.00pm
- Venue:
- Cheers Restaurant
- 5/F Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
edit- 日期: 2008年7月12日 (六)
- 時間: 下午七時至九時
- 地點:
- 香港銅鑼灣告士打道311號皇室堡5樓
- 迎囍大酒樓
聯絡 ※ Contact
If you want to come and join us in the conference, or your have any inquiries about the celebrations, please contact us via the email of our chapter:
If you want to join us, you're suggested to send us a mail with details below:
- Name
- Organization
- Telephone No.
- WMHK Members/ Wikimedians/ Visitors/ Press
- Name you wish to be referred to
- 姓名
- 組織
- 電話號碼
- 界別: WMHK成員?維基人?IT業界?訪客?
- 閣下的稱呼