Zaɓukan Gidauniyar Wikimedia/2022/Ƴantakara/Tobechukwu Precious Friday (Tochiprecious)
Tobechukwu Precious Friday (Tochiprecious)
Tochiprecious (talk • meta edits • global user summary • CA • AE)
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Bayanan gabatarwa / Gajeren bayanin nema shiga. Wannan shashen za'a fassara shi. (kalmomi 150 iya yawa) |
Na zama ƴar Wikimedia a 2017, na kafa ƙungiyar masu taimakawa a 2018, na kuma zama Wikimedian in Residence kuma tun daga nan nata aiwatar da ayyuka a al'ummu na Wikimedia da kuma ƙoƙarin inganta wasu al'ummun. Ni mace ce data yarda da taimakawa, tafiyar da al'umma, samun mabanbantan al'umma da sanya ilimi ya zama kyauta kuma wanda zai kai ga kowa. Ƙwarrwa ta a rayuwa ya keɓanta ne a fannin kula da gudanar da ayyuka, da tsarukan ma'aikatu, fassara, koyarwa da ɗabi'antarwa, kulawar al'umma, da kulawar wayar da kai.
Idan aka bani dama, manufa sune: inyi fafutuka akan rajin hakkin shigo da banbanci da yaɗa a abubuwa iri-iri, na bayanai, editoci, masu ƙaunar manhajan da sauran su., Ƙarin taimakawa ga ƙungiyoyin al'umma dan samar da daidaito akan ayyukan raji hakki, gina ƙwarya, badawa da raba kayayyaki da sauran su., zan zama mai taimakawa sosai ga Tsarin da aka bijiro na Fafutukar Wikimedia, musamman waɗannan adadin: 1 (Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement), 6 (Invest in Skills and Leadership Development), 8 (Identify Topics for Impact). | |
Gudummawowi a manhajojin Wikimedia, kasantuwar ku acikin ƙungiyoyin Wikimedia ko ƙungiyoyin da aka yi alaƙa da su, ayyukan ku a amatsayin mai shiri a tafiyar Wikimedia, ko shigar ku cikin aiki tare da wata ƙungiya da tayi ƙawance da Wikimedia. (kalmomi 100 mafi yawa) |
I've been involved in the global Community since 2017.
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Ƙwarewa a fannin dabarar ka kamar yadda mashawarta suka buƙata a gare ku.
(kalmomi 150 mafi yawa) |
I am skilled in Organizational Strategy, Program and Projects Management, teaching and mentoring, community management, outreach management by having worked in the pioneer Technology Incubator and Accelerator in Nigeria (Wennovation Hub), I hold a Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures (German and French) and am currently pursuing a Masters degree in Project Management. My professional career is focused on Program & Project Management, Community Management, Teaching and Translation, language activism. I am the founder of Smarter Languages Hub- a language services company. A Alumnus of Cherie Blair Foundation Women in Business Mentorship Program. In 2018, I was appointed the Ambassador, The Next Economy Nigeria Program funded by the Netherlands Ministry Of Foreign Affairs. In 2018, I also served as a Mentor for the Zimba Women in Business Mentorship Program, Uganda. | |
Ƙwarewar sanin rayuwa. Munfi son mu karanta labari akan ƙwarewar ka a rayuwa a yankunan Afirka, Kudancin Asiya, Gabas da Kudu masu Gabas ta Asiya da Pacific, da Latin Amurka & Karibiya. Muna da imanin ƙwarewa a wannan yankuna zai taimaka wajen faɗaɗa ƙoƙarin Kwamitin dan su cimma tsarin dabaru da ake buri na samun shigowar kowa da kowa, duk da dai mun san wasu ƙwarewar suma zasu iya bada muhimman taimakawa. (kalmomi 250 mafi yawa) |
Although I haven’t lived in other regions, I was born in Nigeria, live and work in the African region, one of my experiences is the knowledge gap. Wikipedia for example has more information about Paris, a city in France than Africa as a whole. Also, coming from a marginalized community in Nigeria whose language is predicted by UNESCO as an endangered Language has better shaped my mind to understand and relate to some of the challenges faced by some Communities in the region. I’m a strong supporter of the Movement Strategy Recommendations, especially numbers: 1 (Increase the Sustainability of Our Movement), 6 (Invest in Skills and Leadership Development), 8 (Identify Topics for Impact), and try as much as possible to uphold them in my region. One example is the volunteer community in Mozambique which I’m mentoring and have helped to put their Makhuwa Language Wikipedia into the incubator and support them in becoming knowledge producers. Other projects I’ve been involved in which promotes the aforementioned Movement Strategy recommendations in Africa are: AfroCuration Mozambique 1.0, AfroCuration Mozambique 2.0, AfroCuration Zimbabwe, AfroCuration South Africa, AfroCuration Event with African Leadership Academy. These have further deepened my experience working in the region. With a younger population than other continents, there's still a lot of knowledge gap in the African continent which makes it a place with great opportunity for the Wikimedia Movement to thrive. If given the opportunity, I would use my experiences to help accomplish this. | |
Kwarewa na al'adu da yare tare da yankuna da harsuna ƙari akan yankinku da harshenku na asali. Sanayya na al'adun da ake cuɗanya yana taimakawa wurin gina alaƙa a al'umma mai mabanbantan mutane. (kalmomi 250 mafi yawa) |
My background as a graduate of Foreign Languages & Literatures, as a translator, who is also currently a Masters in Project Management Student at Rome Business School (where I'm learning Italian), a language activist has further opened my mind to people and national cultures. I'm a language enthusiast, one who appreciates languages and cultures and which has helped me become more accommodating and open to learning. I'm a native Igbo Language Speaker, I speak fluent English, I can read and write good French and German but have basic to mid speaking ability. As a startup founder of Smarter Languages Hub (a language services start up which helps to bridge the language gap), I have taught and networked with people from various continents and countries. In the various Wiki projects I have organized, I've also got help from volunteers from different Wiki communities in South Africa, Portugal, Brazil, Tanzania, Ghana, Italy, Israel and so forth. This further demonstrates my open mindedness in working and collaborating with people from different walks of life. | |
Kwarewa a matsayin ka na mai ba da rajin hakkin samar da wuraren aminci na haɗin gwiwa ga kowa da/ko gogewa a yanayi ko yanayin bibiya, ƙuntatawa, ko wasu farmaki g haƙƙoƙin ɗan adam. (kalmomi 250 mafi yawa) |
As a Nigerian, I have experiences regarding censorship and repression but I would prefer not to include details. I'm an advocate for Human Rights especially in the area of Human Trafficking where I've worked with Devatop Centre For Africa Development and A-TIPSOM (Action Against Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants in Nigeria) to create awareness of human trafficking on Igbo Wikipedia in other to make the knowledge accessible. As a member of the Wiki Loves Women Focus Group, I organize and host events to bridge the internet gender gap. Some of my most recent projects can be found here Wiki Loves Women Focus Group SheSaid Nigeria campaign and Igbo Wikimedians User Group WikiGap Challenge | |
Kwarewa dangane da (ko amatsayin maamba na, gwargwadon yadda ka zaɓi bayyanawa) ƙungiyar da ta fuskanci wariya a tarihi da rashin wakilci a cikin tsarin gudanarwa na shugabanci (wanda ya haɗa har da amma ba'a iyakance ga caste, launin fata, ƙabila, launi, asalin ɗan ƙasa, ɗan ƙasa, tantancewar jinsi, bayyana jinsi, sanayyar jima'i, shekara, addini, yare, al'ada, ilimi, iyawa, samun kuɗi shiga da muhalli). (kalmomi 250 mafi yawa) |
In my country, I come from an ethnic group which is underrepresented in terms of power. I would prefer not to share more details. | |
Verification | Identity verification performed by Wikimedia Foundation staff and eligibility verification performed by the Elections Committee | |
Eligibility: ![]() Verified by: Matanya (talk) 08:53, 17 May 2022 (UTC) |
Identification: |
2022 Board of Trustees Analysis Committee Rating
Candidate Name | Wikimedia Background | Sought Skills | Sought Regional Experience | Human Rights & Underrepresentation | Overall rating from the average score of the four categories | Overall rating from the average score of the nine criteria |
Tobechukwu Precious Friday | Gold | Silver | Gold | Silver | Silver | Gold |