Wikimedia Deutschland/Plan 2023/Budget 2023

Strategies Programs & Objectives Budget 2023 Annual Report 2023

The budget outlines the income and expenses we expect for 2023 for the Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. and the non-profit Wikimedia Fördergesellschaft mbH and how they are composed. The budget 2023 was approved by the Supervisory Board on December 6, 2022.

Questions or comments on the presentation of the economic plan can be submitted on the discussion page. More information about which goals Wikimedia Deutschland wants to achieve with the funds and what we plan to do in 2023 can be found on the pages Strategies and Programs & Objectives.

The volume of the 2023 business plan increases by 22 % compared to the updated 2022 business plan. In terms of expenses, the focus of growth is on the technology field of activity. We see slight increases in the field of volunteers and conditions for free knowledge, in the costs for general public relations and advertising costs.

2023 - PLAN WMDE WMFG Adjustments Consolidated
Revenues € 24,087,573 € 10,318,888 € -6,472,388 € 27,934,073
Donations received € 11,625,000 € 3,875,000 € 0 € 15,500,000
Donations (expensed) € 11,319,575 € 10,318,888 € -6,443,888 € 15,194,575
Membership dues € 6,200,000 € 0 € 0 € 6,200,000
Project funding WMF € 5,.658,939 € 0 € 0 € 5,658,939
Project funding Third parties € 850,559 € 0 € 0 € 850,559
WMFG sublease € 28,500 € 0 € -28,500 € 0
Other € 30,000 € 0 € 0 € 30,000
Inheritance € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Expenditures € 24,087,573 € 10,318,888 € -6,472,388 € 27,934,073
Field of action Volunteers € 3,865,053 € 0 € 0 € 3,865,053
Field of action Technology € 6,016,440 € 276,650 € 0 € 6,293,090
Field of action Conditions for Free Knowledge € 2,318,858 € 0 € 0 € 2,318,858
Public relations and advertising € 2,982,245 € 713,738 € 0 € 3,695,983
Administrative expenses € 2,461,089 € 0 € 0 € 2,461,089
Means forwarding WMF € 0 € 9,300,000 € 0 € 9,300,000
Means forwarding WMDE € 0 € 0 € 0 € 0
Means forwarding WMFG € 6,443,888 € 0 € -6,443,888 € 0
WMFG sublease € 0 € 28,500 € -28,500 € 0

Additional information

  • Donations: The accounting standard HFA 21, which has been applied by Wikimedia for years, stipulates that donations are only booked as revenue when they have been spent. For a better understanding, we have listed the actual donation income planned for 2023 under the heading " Revenues", even though, strictly speaking, this is not revenue in the sense of HFA21. In addition, there is a presentation of the flow of donations below. This shows how many donations have not yet been used, how many donations have flowed in from which source, and how many donations have been spent.
  • Membership dues: Over 110,000 members and supporting members contribute to the financing with their membership dues.
  • Project funding: Under this position we plan the funds we receive from third parties. Most of this money comes from the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Public Relations and Advertising & Administrative Expenses: Here, the expenses are planned that are allocated to the respective expense category according to the usual standards in the non-profit sector.
  • Adjustments: Payments between Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. and the non-profit Wikimedia Fördergesellschaft mbH are shown in the column "Adjustments".
Donation Flow 2023 WMDE
Unused donations 1.1. € 11,886,816
Direct donations received € 11,745,000
Donations received from WMFG € 0
Use of donations in 2023 € -11,319,575
Unused donations 31.12. € 12,312,241

Cost Distribution 2023 Total Personnel Material
Field of action Volunteers € 3,865,053 € 2,284,369 € 1,580,684
Field of action Technology € 6,293,090 € 4,625,613 € 1,667,477
Field of action Conditions for Free Knowledge € 2,318,858 € 1,353,784 € 965,074
Public relations and advertising (incl. WMFG) € 3,724,483 € 1,536,588 € 2,187,895
Administrative expenses € 2,461,089 € 1,492,371 € 968,718
Expenses by Departements 2023
Communities, Society, Politics € 3,041,828
Communications & Events € 1,706,968
Software Development € 5,985,745
ED Departement € 4,278,012
Finance & Operations € 3,650,020
Departements total € 18,662,573
Means forwarding WMF € 9,300,000
Expenses total € 27,962,573

Personnel (Full-Time Equivalents) 31.12.2023
Communities, Society, Politics 32.8
Communications & Events 14.4
Software Development 72.9
ED Departement 26.5
Supervisory Board 0.8
Finance & Operations 21.1
Total 168.5

(incl. working students; without interns)