Wikimedia Czech Republic/Strategic plan 2017–2020

Czech version

This is the strategic plan of Wikimedia Czech Republic (WMCZ) for 2017–2020. It is based on a community meeting and follow-up comments from both Chapter members and the wider Wikimedia community. Strategic plan is the primary document which defines the long-term goals of Wikimedia Czech Republic and serves as a basis for annual plans. The text can be subject to regular updates in an effort to reflect the developing goals of the chapter. You can track the changes in the page history.

Development & Community support

Strategic goal Necessary steps
Chapter activity and its management is based on a flourishing community of volunteers. This community is diverse on a geographical, social and gender level.
  • Regular meetings are arranged in order to foster new Wikimedia communities in at least three regional capitals of the Czech Republic (ie. Olomouc, České Budějovice, Ostrava, Pardubice, or Liberec).
  • Volunteer work for the Chapter is valued by the WMCZ members, as well as non-member supporters. It is considered to be a prestigeous activity and members are encouraged to promote it publicly. WMCZ Board shows clear appreciation for the work of both the volunteers and employees.
  • The WMCZ employees are taking care of the knowledge exchange of chapter's volunteers. This helps to maintain continuity of overall project management.
  • Workshops for broader public are organized – especially for senior citizens – which helps to diverse the Wikimedia projects community both in the age and gender aspect and might have such an effect for the chapter community as well.
The chapter is low-barrier oriented. It allows all people interested in its activities to join. The Chapter also cooperates with the members of broader Wikimedia movement community.
  • There is a continuity among various stages of volunteer involvement. The Chapter recognizes and cooperate with people who: 1) are aware of our activities, 2) are active supporters from broader community 3) are WMCZ members. The membership is not required for participation on our events.
  • Event participation is for free, and the participants may ask for refunds for associated costs.
Wikimedia Czech Republic actively educates its future leaders.
  • Experience sharing is fostered by transparent governing and decision-making processes, as well as by regular publishing of various reports and experience sharing.
  • The chapter provides various educational meetings for its members. It actively encourages them to get more experience, both at home and abroad. In other Wikimedia chapters internships will take place.
  • Various tasks and decisions are delegated to able chapter members (or volunteer non-members) that are not yet involved with WMCZ.

Project development & stable community

Strategic goal Necessary steps
Both current and new WMCZ projects are prepared according to the chapter's philosophy defined in the Bylaws. These activities are focused mostly on creation and development of Wikimedia projects in the Czech language.
  • A systematic effort is put into projects that support, develop or improve Wikimedia projects in the Czech language. Czech Wikipedia is one of these projects.
All of the prepared, currently ongoing and completed tasks are documented in a comprehensive way and all members of the Chapter are clearly informed about the activities of their colleagues.
  • Important outputs, meetings and appointments are reported in time. The used platform for this reporting is the chapters internal wiki
  • Projects coordinators results are consulted with the executive director and submitted to the chapter's board on a regular basis. Once per year these are presented to the general assembly as a part of the annual report.
The employees provide various know-how for the Chapter.
  • The employees will provide a key support role in various aspects of WMCZ work, such as fundraising, grant proposal preparation, marketing, public relations or results evaluation. They also contribute to actively develop such areas.
  • The employees develop their teams that will include also external collaborators from various environments. These will also include internship students.

Financial backbone

Strategic goal Necessary steps
Wikimedia Czech Republic is financed from various sources.
  • Major Wikimedia Foundation financial channels are used such as Annual Plan Grants. First in the Simple form and later in the full form that is approved by the Funds Dissemination Committee.
  • Obtaining financial assets from companies as well as individuals will be taken care of by a professional fundraiser.
  • Project managers prepare and submit grant proposals prepared partially by the employees of WMCZ. These proposals will be submitted to various foundations, foundation grants or other organizations.
Thanks to the supplemental activities Wikimedia Czech Republic will obtain additional income.
  • Paid workshops for teachers teaching in permitted education programs are organized. The chapter also activelly participates in the fullfilment of the Czech government plan related to digital economy and digital education, especially in relation to the education programs.
  • An e-shop offering basic merchandising related to Wikipedia (ie. clothing) with items available for Czech citizens is functioning.
Wikimedia Czech Republic has available facility for work-related meetings of the community as well as the employees.
  • One of the priorities is obtaining a new facility that would function as a headquarters and the office of the chapter. Such a facility will provide a necessary support for the community-related activities, chapter members meetings, meetings with the employees, partners and collaborators of WMCZ.
  • The facility is equipped so that the WMCZ employees and volunteers can work conveniently. The facility provides also technical support.

Organizational professionalization

Strategic goal Necessary steps
Wikimedia Czech Republic cooperates with public institutions that were already contacted by the chapter both formally or informally. The chapter is also actively trying to involve more of such institutions.
  • The chapter is an active member of the Alliance for Open Education.
  • The cooperation with museums, galleries and other GLAM institutions is coordinated with the GLAM team. Such a team consists of the Chapter members and other volunteers that support WMCZ. Thanks to the collaboration with Open Data and Wikidata specialist team the structured data from public institutions is brought to Wikipedia. This introduction of structured data to Wikimedia projects will have several phases. In the initial one, coordinates are added for photographed objects, later an Open data specialist will be hired to obtain more structured data for overall growth of Wikidata project.
  • A scientific team dedicated to the analysis of Wikipedia data and their importance within the society is estabilished and developed.
Wikimedia Czech Republic is active at the international level, collaborates with neighboring chapters, share its knowledge with them and follows examples of good practices from other chapters.
  • Both WMCZ volunteers and employees contribute reguralrly to the international communication channels (such as the Wikimedia blog). They actively participate on various Wikimedia movement related conferences.
  • WMCZ will organize the Central and Eastern European chapters meeting.
  • WMCZ will be interested in the mid-term horizon to prepare a successful bid for Wikimania or will participate with one of the neighboring chapters in their participation bid.
The chapter has clear and transparent rules for its governance. The chapter is subjected to an auditing process.
  • Rules regarding the conflict of interests will be prepared and adopted.
  • An auditing process will be arranged on a regular basis. Such a process will evaluate financial and organizational aspects of the chapter whether these comply with legal and ethical standards.

External communication

Strategic goal Necessary steps
Czech Wikipedia, as well as the other Wikimedia Foundation projects, are presented in the media and in the external communication as grown-up projects that do have a significant role in information providing and education in the Czech Republic.
  • Aside of several famous current supporters the chapter aims to get more well-known opinionmakers to openly support and promote Wikipedia.
  • The Public Speakers project (Mluvkové) provides necessary support for the chapter's representatives being active in general public. These trained preople are capable to respond quickly and profoundly when asked. They can also create an attractive content for the media.
  • Wikimedia Czech Republic mainstains, improves and make new contacts with Czech journalists.
WMCZ contributes to the development of free culture in the Czech Republic. The chapter is consulted when necessary in the areas of education and free culture.
  • A successful example of an influential public institution that has provided public domain works for the Wikimedia projects is used as a model example.
  • Wikimedia movement ideas as well as the needs of WMCZ are being communicated on high political levels, such as conferences in the Parliament of the Czech Republic or during bilateral meetings with politicians.