Wikimedia Central and Eastern Europe/Developers Gathering

The Developers Gathering is a regional event in CEE that brings together MediaWiki developers for a local get-together over coffee. Developers who are interested in MediaWiki will come together at this small-scale gathering organized in their home countries to share experiences, exchange knowledge, and create collaboration opportunities for MediaWiki projects.

Event focus


This gathering stands apart from traditional hackathons, as it diverges from the expectation of participants actively coding during the event. Instead, our focus lies in fostering connections and easing communication among developers interested in MediaWiki. This event serves as a platform for sharing experiences, exchanging knowledge, and creating collaboration opportunities for MediaWiki projects.

It is important to note that attendees need not bring their computers to this event, as it is perfectly acceptable for participants to engage without the necessity of coding. The primary goal is to create a relaxed environment conducive to networking, idea exchange, and building meaningful connections within the MediaWiki community. So, leave your laptops behind and join the meeting for a code-free gathering focused on camaraderie and collaboration

How you can organize


Organizing the Developers Gathering at the country level is a straightforward process.

Choose a venue


Select a suitable venue that accommodates the expected number of participants. Ensure it provides a conducive environment for discussions and networking.

Set a schedule


Develop a simple schedule allocating time for introductions, knowledge sharing, and networking. Consider participants' preferences for optimal engagement.

Announce the event


Promote the gathering by announcing it through relevant channels. Utilize social media, IRC or Telegram channels, and local developer networks to reach potential participants.

With these basic steps, you can kickstart a successful local Developers Gathering focused on connecting and collaborating within the MediaWiki community.