This page is a translated version of the page Wiki labels/FAQ and the translation is 11% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Nasıl yeni bir kampanya oluştururum?

This will be an automated process at some point in the future. For right now, post on the Wiki labels talk page and ping User:EpochFail.

This will be an automated process at some point in the future. For right now, post on the Wiki labels talk page and ping User:EpochFail.

Can anyone contribute labels?

Yes! Anyone with an account on the wiki in question (and in good standing) can submit. Through the use of mw:Extension:OAuth, all labels submitted via Wiki labels are associated with on-wiki identities.

What am I agreeing to when I authorize Wiki labels with OAuth?

The only permission we request is the basic set. This let's us identify your global account with Wikimedia. That's it.

Where should I ask questions?

The Wiki labels talk page is the best location for right now. We'll be trying to set up a Flow board as soon as possible.