The Wiki Women Advisors will select the initial members for the Wiki Women* Task Force. They will participate in strategic discussions but will not be as deeply involved in the day-to-day activities as the members. Their role is more consultative, providing guidance and oversight.
Advisory Council members
- Margob28, Wikipedia, Nigeria, Volunteer
- NANöR, Arabic Wikipedia, Syria, Volunteer
- Anthere, French Wikipedia, France, Volunteer
- Tiputini, Wikimujeres UG, Spanish and Catalan Wikipedia, Spain, Volunteer
- Netha Hussein, Wiki Sverige, India, Volunteer
- Tesleemah Abdulkareem, Wikipedia, Nigeria, Volunteer
- Brahmavadini, Wikimedia Commons, India, Volunteer
- XenoF, Wiki Editoras Lx, Portugal, Volunteer
- Anita Braga, Wiki Editoras Lx, Portugal, Volunteer
- Tochi Precious, Nigeria Wikipedia, Nigeria, Volunteer
- Ciell, Dutch Wikipedia, Netherlands, volunteer
- Rosiestep, English Wikipedia, USA, Volunteer
- Bridgitk, WMF employee, Kenya, Gender Lead