Wiki Women* Task Force/Advisory Council

Task Force
Wiki Women* Task Force
Wiki Women* Task Force
Wiki Women* Task Force
Wiki Women* Task Force
Advisory Council
Wiki Women* Task Force
Wiki Women* Task Force
Wiki Women* Task Force

The Wiki Women Advisors will select the initial members for the Wiki Women* Task Force. They will participate in strategic discussions but will not be as deeply involved in the day-to-day activities as the members. Their role is more consultative, providing guidance and oversight.

Advisory Council members

  1. Margob28, Wikipedia, Nigeria, Volunteer
  2. NANöR, Arabic Wikipedia, Syria, Volunteer
  3. Anthere, French Wikipedia, France, Volunteer
  4. Tiputini, Wikimujeres UG, Spanish and Catalan Wikipedia, Spain, Volunteer
  5. Netha Hussein, Wiki Sverige, India, Volunteer
  6. Tesleemah Abdulkareem, Wikipedia, Nigeria, Volunteer
  7. Brahmavadini, Wikimedia Commons, India, Volunteer
  8. XenoF, Wiki Editoras Lx, Portugal, Volunteer
  9. Anita Braga, Wiki Editoras Lx, Portugal, Volunteer
  10. Tochi Precious, Nigeria Wikipedia, Nigeria, Volunteer
  11. Ciell, Dutch Wikipedia, Netherlands, volunteer
  12. Rosiestep, English Wikipedia, USA, Volunteer
  13. Bridgitk, WMF employee, Kenya, Gender Lead