Wiki Loves Living Heritage/要素/6
これらは ユネスコ無形文化遺産一覧に登録された要素です。これらのページを使うと画像が探せるし、ほかの画像を検索したり、情報の加筆や情報を表現した画像のアップロードをしてください。ローカルのレベルでどういう要素が記録されているか調べるには目録ページが役に立ち、UNESCO 加盟国ごとの要素一覧もご参照下さい。
This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot.
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Durga Puja in Kolkata
Yunjin brocade
art of Ottoman illumination
Dances and expressions associated with the Corpus Christi Festivity
Oruro carnival
La Romería (the pilgrimage): ritual cycle of 'La llevada' (the carrying) of the Virgin of Zapopan
Date palm, knowledge, skills, traditions and practices
Dancing Devils of Yare
Círio de Nazaré
Portuguese-Galician border ICH: a safeguarding model created by Ponte...nas ondas!
Barranquilla's Carnival
Sango Festival of Oyo
Barniz de Pasto technique
Manufacture of cowbells
Carnival of Podence
Safeguarding the carillon culture: preservation, transmission, exchange and awareness-raising
manual bell ringing
Chapei Dang Veng
Equitation in the French tradition
Culture of Ukrainian borscht cooking
traditional wooden boatbuilding in Carriacou and Petite Martinique
traditional irrigation in Europe
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If you wish to add the country of origin, follow this rule of thumb: For traditions, use the property 本国 (P495). You can use 国 (P17) for events that happen in a specific 場所 (P276) or 位置する行政区画 (P131) and publications, such as ICH good practices.
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