WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Common problem and mitigations - community friction

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Common problem and mitigations - community friction"
display_name"Common problem and mitigations - community friction"
subtitle-2460-9420-1"Another difficulty or contingency that may happen is friction within the community."
subtitle-9720-17460-2"And this is a whole set, of course, of potential problems and merits, maybe, a whole"
subtitle-17460-20760-3"course on its own, of how to effectively work with communities."
subtitle-20850-27900-4"But basically what I'm calling friction here is when the community objects, resists, takes"
subtitle-27900-34380-5"issue with your project as a whole, or with some specific action or specific aspect of"
subtitle-34380-41340-6"the project, in a way that results in disruption to the project's on-wiki work."
subtitle-41340-48030-7"I stress "disruption", because some individual or individuals may object to your"
subtitle-48030-53130-8"project, and you can still do the project, because they're not disrupting the project."
subtitle-54090-58320-9"It's perfectly fine for people to have opinions, and some people will not be fans,"
subtitle-58320-62730-10"or some people will think, "Yeah, it's not very valuable", or "this is not what we"
subtitle-62730-64470-11"should be focusing on", etc."
subtitle-64680-67470-12"But that's their opinion and they express it, and that's it."
subtitle-67470-69540-13"They're not going to disrupt the project."
subtitle-69540-73680-14"They just think it doesn't make sense, or it shouldn't be worked on, but they're not going"
subtitle-73680-79020-15"to disrupt it. I'm talking about friction that actually results in disruption of the"
subtitle-79020-84420-16"project, and refusal to cooperate or in some kind of hounding or wiki-stalking, etc.."
subtitle-85490-91340-17"If that happens, that's a problem, because almost all of our partnerships absolutely"
subtitle-91340-96670-18"depend on community work, on on-wiki work of some sort or another."
subtitle-96680-100810-19"And so if there is friction, that gets in the way of that."
subtitle-100810-102410-20"What can we do about that?"
subtitle-102440-110270-21"Well, again, we can mitigate it in advance by communicating the intent to partner."
subtitle-110840-114500-22"You remember this, we've done this as Assignment ten, and the beginning of the"
subtitle-114500-119990-23"partnership, which is an opportunity to cover questions and tensions that the"
subtitle-119990-121580-24"community may have early on."
subtitle-122510-126110-25"This ideally would mean that there would not be friction down the road, because you've"
subtitle-126110-129670-26"already done the explaining, the "who is this partner?"
subtitle-129680-131120-27"Why are we working with them?"
subtitle-131120-133220-28"What is the benefit to us to Wikimedia?"
subtitle-133490-134510-29"Why should we cooperate?"
subtitle-134510-135830-30"Why is it interesting, etc."
subtitle-135830-142340-31"etc." So that's a good way to head off, to prevent, such friction from happening."
subtitle-142340-146940-32"If it still happened, the best tip I can give you --and again, this is a subject for a"
subtitle-146940-155340-33"whole course -- but very concisely, the tips I can give you are: "Respond calmly,"
subtitle-155790-163710-34"factually, and honestly to the concerns." Calmly, meaning not emotionally."
subtitle-163710-168450-35"Even if people were being unfair to you, were misrepresenting what you do."
subtitle-168480-170850-36"Were using obscenities, even."
subtitle-171270-176940-37"It never helps to respond in the same way, to use obscenities, or to be very emotional."
subtitle-178310-180140-39"Respond calmly."
subtitle-180140-181740-40"Respond factually."
subtitle-181740-187160-41"Correct anything that was incorrect in what was said factually."
subtitle-187160-193890-42"And be honest: Which means if some of the concerns were true, were actually showing a"
subtitle-193890-199320-43"flaw or a problem, that's an excellent opportunity for you to agree with the person"
subtitle-199320-200700-44"expressing the criticism."
subtitle-201280-202770-45"Agree with what you can."
subtitle-202770-204080-46"Say "Yeah, you're right."
subtitle-204090-210740-47"That thing was a copyright violation and should have been deleted, of course!" So"
subtitle-210750-215610-48"agree with what you can, commit to fix what you agree is flawed."
subtitle-215610-216890-49"If something is still..."
subtitle-216890-222120-50"If someone uploaded a whole bunch of images with very poor metadata, don't just leave it"
subtitle-222120-223350-51"as a problem to the community."
subtitle-223350-228810-52"Make sure that you, with your partner, are working to fix it, so that you show that you"
subtitle-228810-234240-53"care, and you are fixing what you have broken, what you have done in a flawed manner"
subtitle-234600-238550-54". And also offer a timeline for reassessment."
subtitle-238560-243930-55"In other words, you can say, "yes, I agree: this didn't go as well as planned, or this"
subtitle-243930-247410-56"didn't go in a way that matches our community norms."
subtitle-247710-249420-57"We're working on fixing it."
subtitle-249930-252570-58"How about we re-evaluate this in three weeks?"
subtitle-252990-257280-59"Give us three weeks to fix this, and then we'll look at it again." This is a very"
subtitle-257280-262650-60"useful communication technique that I think not a lot of people use, because it really"
subtitle-262650-264570-61"helps lower the flames."
subtitle-264780-266340-62"There's no point continuing to argue right now."
subtitle-266820-269090-63"We agree. We're working on it."
subtitle-269100-271080-64"Let's talk again in three weeks."
subtitle-271650-277380-65"It gives people kind of a realistic timeline, so that you don't just say "we're"
subtitle-277380-281860-66"working on it" and that's it, and it feels like, maybe you're working on it, maybe not,"
subtitle-281860-282890-67"how do we know?"
subtitle-282890-286860-68"When you say "we're working on it, let's talk again in three weeks!", it feels a lot more"
subtitle-286860-292620-69"concrete and people say, "okay, yeah, let's talk again in three weeks, and see whether"
subtitle-292620-297300-70"you've corrected it or not." Of course, when you say such a thing, you should be there,"
subtitle-297570-302430-71"you should actually show up in three weeks, ideally with a report of your own, before"
subtitle-302430-304500-72"people ask you, and say, "hey, remember this thing?"
subtitle-304920-306630-73"We've been working on it, we've fixed it,"
subtitle-306630-309660-74"here are the results, here's something we haven't fixed yet." Whatever."
subtitle-309660-312490-75"Whatever you have to report."
subtitle-312490-315810-76"Even if you're not done fixing it yet, maybe you can say "we've been working on it."
subtitle-315840-317730-77"We fixed 70% so far."
subtitle-317730-318930-78"We still need more time."
subtitle-319230-320280-79"We're still working on it."
subtitle-320280-322290-80"Let's talk again in two weeks" or something."
subtitle-322290-325920-81"But again, show people that you have made a commitment and you stuck to it."
subtitle-325920-332400-82"It's a way to rebuild trust, and to lower or mitigate the friction."
subtitle-333300-339950-83"And finally, if things are indeed wrong and cannot be fixed, you should stop doing them."
subtitle-339950-345770-84"You should pause them or stop them again, even if it was part of your partnership plan."
subtitle-345770-347030-85"And it turns out, you know what?"
subtitle-347030-348530-86"It's wrong and it cannot be fixed."
subtitle-348530-350660-87"So that should be removed from the partnership."
subtitle-352010-356120-88"And if that was the whole partnership, then the partnership should be stopped."
subtitle-357290-360770-89"In general, don't go into war with the community."
subtitle-361280-362840-90"The community always wins."
subtitle-363650-367550-91"Individuals in the community may be mistaken, may be rude, may be all kinds of"
subtitle-367550-370580-92"things. But overall, never take on the entire community."
subtitle-370580-374990-93"The community is the projects."
subtitle-374990-379490-94"The community owns the projects and operates the projects, and makes them what they are."
subtitle-379940-382640-95"And you will never "beat" the community."
subtitle-383090-385550-96"That is my advice to you."