WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Stabilizing a partnership

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Stabilizing a partnership"
display_name"Stabilizing a partnership"
subtitle-680-10080-1"So we were going to say a few words about sustaining and refining"
subtitle-10080-13550-2"partnerships and then a few words about ending a partnership."
subtitle-13560-17040-3"And then we will spend some time talking about the final project."
subtitle-22310-27320-4"There are several decision-making points about partnerships."
subtitle-27320-33410-5"And again, they come at the end of some cycle or project or fiscal year, and you've"
subtitle-33410-37880-6"done your evaluation, and you need to have a decision about the partnership, the"
subtitle-37880-39590-7"partnership that is already going on."
subtitle-39860-46220-8"Should you scale up the partnership because it's proven and it's successful and you"
subtitle-46220-47420-9"should expand it?"
subtitle-48340-53560-10"Should you change things that aren't working, so that you are better achieving"
subtitle-53560-59890-11"your outcomes, in a repetition, in another iteration, meaning continue to do the"
subtitle-59890-62740-12"activities of the partnership but with modifications?"
subtitle-64690-68260-13"In other words, you improve or try to stabilize the partnership."
subtitle-68860-72640-14"Or maybe we should give up on the whole theory of change?"
subtitle-72640-74480-15"This just isn't working."
subtitle-74500-80380-16"Our assumptions are incorrect, and what we thought could be achieved doesn't seem to be"
subtitle-80380-83560-17"possible. So we should stop investing in it."
subtitle-83560-91360-18"Stop wasting effort and time and inputs and "sunset", as they say, or basically stop,"
subtitle-91360-93050-19"terminate the partnership."
subtitle-93070-99070-20"These are all possible decisions we can make when we are at a decision point about the"
subtitle-99070-108450-21"partnership. So, whenever we evaluate, whenever we have fresh"
subtitle-108450-113850-22"data, it's an opportunity to refine and stabilize our project."
subtitle-114900-119880-23"We have already documented some lessons that we've learned."
subtitle-120180-126720-24"We can change the priorities or the scale of the investment that we make."
subtitle-126990-129270-25"Should we have more events or fewer events?"
subtitle-129270-131550-26"Should we target larger groups or smaller groups?"
subtitle-131940-134880-27"Should we focus on more articles or less, etc.?"
subtitle-135810-140130-28"There's all kinds of knobs that we can change one way or another."
subtitle-141720-143730-29"We might need to change our timelines."
subtitle-143730-150600-30"Maybe we had a too optimistic timeline, and it just can't be done in, say, two meetings."
subtitle-150600-156750-31"Maybe we need four meetings to get through a certain amount of material."
subtitle-158170-160030-32"Maybe we need to budget it differently."
subtitle-162300-171150-33"But we can also, if things are going well, we can add to the robustness, the strength of"
subtitle-171150-178560-34"a partnership by making sure that our transition plans are in place."
subtitle-178560-184380-35"Meaning what happens if someone changes at the partner's side?"
subtitle-184770-191280-36"Would the partnership just grind to a sudden halt, or is there some kind of plan about the"
subtitle-191280-197280-37"next person taking over and knowing the context and having the documentation, etc.?"
subtitle-197910-202530-38"It doesn't automatically happen everywhere and some Wikimedians have found that out the"
subtitle-202530-206310-39"hard way. When they had a partnership, everything was going great."
subtitle-206310-210530-40"And then suddenly someone changed on the partner's side and that's it."
subtitle-210540-213600-41"Now the partner doesn't know us, doesn't care about us."
subtitle-213600-214770-42"Everything is gone."
subtitle-218060-227000-43"So it helps to protect our partnership from this fate by making sure that there is some"
subtitle-227000-231530-44"kind of handover plan, some kind of transition plan on the partner's side and"
subtitle-231530-232790-45"also on our side."
subtitle-234440-240080-46"If you are always the person handling mass uploads, for example, and everyone knows"
subtitle-240080-243230-47"you're the person who does mass uploads, what if you're unavailable?"
subtitle-243260-248930-48"What if you're sick? What if you have some other life distraction?"
subtitle-249200-251240-49"You have twins suddenly."
subtitle-251240-255110-50"And everything else has to take a backseat because you've had twins."
subtitle-256700-259770-51"What happens? Who handles the mass uploads?"
subtitle-260510-263510-52"So these are what we call single points of failure."
subtitle-264170-269420-53"And in order to have what we would call a robust partnership, we need a partnership"
subtitle-269420-276710-54"that can withstand the loss or at least temporary unavailability of key people."
subtitle-276890-280550-55"So you want to make sure that you are creating this redundancy."
subtitle-281090-283370-56"Even if Asaf is usually handling mass uploads."
subtitle-284450-289310-57"You know what? If Asaf is not available, then William can do it as well."
subtitle-291110-295380-58"So even if usually it's the same person, it's good to have a backup, to have some"
subtitle-295380-301170-59"redundancy, and to have a means of transferring the knowledge and the"
subtitle-301170-306750-60"responsibility onwards to other people so that your partnership is robust, so that it"
subtitle-306750-309510-61"can withstand these unexpected changes."