WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: General tips about running the partnership

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: General tips about running the partnership"
display_name"General tips about running the partnership"
subtitle-510-4980-1"Just a few more general tips before we get to the pitching for today."
subtitle-6360-12990-2"Basically, as you start your activities, the actual activities of the project, start small"
subtitle-12990-14240-3"and safe."
subtitle-14250-19380-4"So if you planned, I don't know, 50 workshops, start with one."
subtitle-19740-24120-5"Start with one, or two, and do them, and see how it goes."
subtitle-24120-29340-6"Maybe you learn that the plan you had, the curriculum you had, is actually not working,"
subtitle-29340-34220-7"and you need to pause and fix it, and only then do the next ten workshops."
subtitle-34620-37410-8"So start small and iterate and improve."
subtitle-37440-40200-9"Also, you are building trust, when you start small."
subtitle-40890-42900-10"You start small, you do something easy and safe."
subtitle-43350-44580-11"You succeed."
subtitle-44670-48810-12"Everybody feels better, everybody trusts you more, and you are building trust."
subtitle-48810-50460-13"And eventually you're also building a reputation."
subtitle-53220-57960-14"And it helps to to start with kind of the tried and true, with a format or an activity"
subtitle-57960-63170-15"recipe, something that you know works, and you can go through relatively safely."
subtitle-63180-68310-16"It's also useful to have a plan B or at least to have a graceful way to back out."
subtitle-68310-73470-17"If you realize that you're in over your head, and you should be open about single"
subtitle-73470-75720-18"points of failure on your side."
subtitle-75720-77310-19"What is a single point of failure?"
subtitle-77310-79950-20"It's like the weakest link of a chain."
subtitle-79950-84780-21"It means that if this one person isn't available, we cannot do the event."
subtitle-85580-88160-22"Now, ideally you won't have single points of failure."
subtitle-88520-91820-23"Ideally, you have backups for every position and every skill."
subtitle-91820-97010-24"In practice, as we know, especially in smaller communities, it is often the case"
subtitle-97010-100160-25"that if this one person isn't available, the event cannot happen."
subtitle-100160-101960-26"So you need to be open about it."
subtitle-101960-103340-27"Ideally in advance!"
subtitle-104000-105140-28"Remember what we said?"
subtitle-105140-110720-29"We discussed documenting our assumptions, so share it with your partner and say, "Look,"
subtitle-110720-116330-30"yes, we're going to do it on this date, unless this person is sick or unavailable,"
subtitle-116330-118280-31"because then we are not going to be able to do it."
subtitle-118280-126360-32"So bear in mind that this could theoretically happen." Especially for those"
subtitle-126360-129600-33"cases where you literally cannot offer a plan B."
subtitle-130980-133650-34"You want to provide regular feedback to the partner."
subtitle-134490-139470-35"Like I said, by sharing the data and the stats on their contribution, but also you"
subtitle-139470-141600-36"want to provide updates to the community."
subtitle-142890-146520-37"When things are already in motion, and there are statistics, and there are results,"
subtitle-146520-149520-38"especially if they're inspiring, share back to the community."
subtitle-149520-150870-39"Remind them, this is the thing that's happening."
subtitle-151920-156750-40"Always remember that whoever saw and responded to your first announcement, there"
subtitle-156750-160280-41"will always be other people, who had no idea it was happening."
subtitle-160290-161970-42"They weren't around that week."
subtitle-161970-163680-43"They were busy. They didn't see the village pump."
subtitle-163980-165440-44"They literally have no idea."
subtitle-165450-171180-45"And your fourth update will be the first time they hear about your partnership."
subtitle-171180-176370-46"So don't be shy, at least until people say, "Hey, stop spamming us with this", but don't"
subtitle-176370-181560-47"be shy to politely, gently share inspiring things, not just random things, but when you"
subtitle-181560-185880-48"have really an update, a development, something inspiring to share, share it with"
subtitle-185880-190530-49"the community. It's very important that the roles are clear, that it's clear who does"
subtitle-190530-192560-50"what. Who's responsible for what?"
subtitle-192570-197160-51"After you have such a weekly or monthly meeting, it's good practice to send out"
subtitle-197160-202140-52"minutes. To send out a written recording of especially what was decided."
subtitle-202140-206130-53"Even if you don't record everything that was discussed, every action item, everything that"
subtitle-206130-208050-54"was decided needs to be written."
subtitle-208050-214380-55"And not just, I don't know, "mobile hotspot will be bought" in the passive, but rather"
subtitle-214860-217290-56""Alice will buy mobile hotspots"."
subtitle-217890-220080-57"It needs to be clearly owned."
subtitle-226850-231650-58"And finally use your support network."
subtitle-231920-233560-59"You have a support network."
subtitle-233570-235520-60"You have the Wikimedia Foundation."
subtitle-236060-240740-61"You have other affiliates in your region and around the world, affiliates who are close to"
subtitle-240740-245930-62"you linguistically, or culturally, or geographically, and affiliates who are far"
subtitle-245930-250310-63"from you, but who have done similar things to what you are doing, or who have the"
subtitle-250310-251910-64"technical ability to help you."
subtitle-251930-253340-65"They are available."
subtitle-253370-258410-66"You may not feel that way, because you've never asked, but if you ask for help, if you"
subtitle-258410-263780-67"ask for support in the right venue, in the right way, and by the way, there is a whole"
subtitle-263780-265400-68"art to how to ask for help."
subtitle-265400-267510-69"If you just say, "I need help"."
subtitle-267560-268910-70"Almost no one will help you."
subtitle-269450-275240-71"If you say, "I have 300,000 files and I need help uploading them to Commons." That's"
subtitle-275240-278990-72"easier to deal with. People can point you to some written resources, etc."
subtitle-278990-282680-73"And if you're reading those resources and you say, "I don't understand how to make this"
subtitle-282680-285800-74"talk to that", again, people are able to help you with that."
subtitle-285800-290720-75"But don't just say "I need help" and wait for people to take you by the hand; state"
subtitle-290720-291890-76"what you need help with."
subtitle-292430-296600-77"So if you do that, you will find that there are a lot of people out there who are ready"
subtitle-296600-298390-78"to help you. They just don't know."
subtitle-298400-299660-79"They don't know that you need help."
subtitle-299660-301100-80"They don't know what you're working on."
subtitle-301370-303980-81"So use this support network."
subtitle-303980-306380-82"And also a point about the Foundation."
subtitle-306650-313280-83"Even if you're doing work funded by a grant, do not give in to the fallacy, to the false"
subtitle-313280-319910-84"belief, and I say this as a grant officer in the past: do not believe that you must show"
subtitle-319910-323750-85"perfect results to the Foundation and only share good news."
subtitle-324260-329210-86"Honestly, I tell you, we at the Foundation want to hear all the news."
subtitle-329210-331040-87"We want to hear what you're going through."
subtitle-331070-333500-88"We want to hear about the difficulties you encounter."
subtitle-334340-340730-89"We want to hear about what didn't work so well, even if it was due to a mistake."
subtitle-340730-343680-90"Not just bad luck, but an actual mistake that you made."
subtitle-343700-344720-91"It's safe."
subtitle-344720-346520-92"It is safe to tell us about it."
subtitle-346520-351800-93"And we will advise you, and we will help you plan how to get out of the situation."
subtitle-351800-357620-94"So really talk to your WMF program officer, your grant officer, if you are funded by a"
subtitle-357620-361300-95"grant. We really do want you to succeed."
subtitle-361310-362900-96"We don't want perfect results."
subtitle-362900-364130-97"We want you to succeed."
subtitle-364130-365630-98"We want the program to work."
subtitle-365630-368330-99"We want you to learn and grow as a program organizer."
subtitle-368990-374090-100"We want your community to grow, and growing happens through doing, and doing involves"
subtitle-374090-376430-101"mistakes. We understand that."
subtitle-378070-379780-102"Of course, avail yourself of the written documentation."
subtitle-380650-383020-103"This course didn't and couldn't teach you everything."
subtitle-383800-390070-104"So this is another link along with all the other links I shared already."