WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Tool: Problem/solution trees

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Tool: Problem/solution trees"
display_name"Tool: Problem/solution trees"
subtitle-520-5800-1"But, I hear you asking: "what if I'm the kind of person who's better at seeing problems"
subtitle-5800-10420-2"than solutions?" What if I couldn't think of this solution?"
subtitle-10870-16420-3"Well, I have just the thing for you, if you're one of those people."
subtitle-16420-17650-4"I am one of those people."
subtitle-18890-22580-5"And I offer you this tool: a problem /solution tree."
subtitle-23210-29750-6"You start a little diagram with the main problem that you want to tackle as the trunk"
subtitle-29750-36210-7"of the tree. And you start drawing the causes of the problem as roots and the"
subtitle-36210-43080-8"consequences of the problem, the effects that this problem has as branches of the"
subtitle-43080-50970-9"tree. And then you can reverse these negative statements and voilà, you have a"
subtitle-50970-53250-10"potential solution tree."
subtitle-53280-58380-11"This may sound really silly, but I want to demonstrate this to you, because once we have"
subtitle-58380-63690-12"a solution tree, we can actually evaluate the practicality and the priority of"
subtitle-63690-72180-13"particular solutions and derive a strategy, or in other words, invent intervention points"
subtitle-72570-73770-14"towards that solution."
subtitle-73770-76710-15"So I want to give you an example with a different topic."
subtitle-77250-78520-16"Here's a problem tree."
subtitle-78540-86130-17"The main problem is we don't have Freedom of Panorama; in case not everybody knows this"
subtitle-86340-94230-18"problem or this term: Freedom of Panorama is a legal concept that means the right to take"
subtitle-94230-102270-19"photos of artwork, including architecture and buildings, that is displayed in public In"
subtitle-102270-108210-20"countries that have the freedom of panorama legal concept, if a building or a statue or a"
subtitle-108210-113850-21"painting is out in public, even though it was created, say, five years ago, meaning the"
subtitle-113850-116310-22"artist that created it still has copyright,"
subtitle-116430-121620-23"I am allowed to take a photo of it because it is in public, because it is within my"
subtitle-121620-123360-24"panorama, what I can see."
subtitle-123900-125150-25"That's Freedom of Panorama."
subtitle-125160-129990-26"And countries that don't have Freedom of Panorama, literally it is illegal for me to"
subtitle-129990-136110-27"take a photo of a building or a sculpture if the copyright on that art, or that"
subtitle-136110-138990-28"architectural design, still exists."
subtitle-139620-142000-29"Now, I know: you're saying "what?!"
subtitle-142000-143100-30"I never thought of that."
subtitle-143100-144690-31"I always take pictures of copyrighted buildings."
subtitle-145110-147570-32"Of newer buildings." Yes, most people aren't aware."
subtitle-148020-149520-33"It's not a very familiar concept."
subtitle-149520-152520-34"And very few people are sued because of [lack of] Freedom of Panorama."
subtitle-152520-153900-35"But still, it is a concept."
subtitle-153900-159990-36"It is illegal in some countries and Commons is very particular about it, and will not"
subtitle-159990-164910-37"accept photos of copyrighted buildings or statues from countries that don't have"
subtitle-164910-167790-38"Freedom of Panorama, like South Africa, for example."
subtitle-169290-170760-39"So let's say this is our problem."
subtitle-170760-173850-40"The problem is that we don't have Freedom of Panorama in our country."
subtitle-174030-177150-41"Now, why is this an important problem?"
subtitle-177150-178300-42"What does it prevent?"
subtitle-178320-183900-43"For example, we have less access to public heritage via Wikimedia, because we cannot"
subtitle-183900-189240-44"document it. And it is difficult to run Wiki Loves Monuments programs in a country that"
subtitle-189690-191130-45"doesn't have Freedom of Panorama."
subtitle-191130-193950-46"And these two things lead to frustrated contributors."
subtitle-195090-198540-47"Now, why do we not have freedom of panorama?"
subtitle-198540-200490-48"What are the causes of this problem?"
subtitle-200850-206640-49"Well, one cause is that legislators are unaware because in most countries it's just"
subtitle-206640-212670-50"an inheritance of old British law or old Russian law or whatever."
subtitle-212730-215610-51"And nobody has given any thought to it in recent decades."
subtitle-215610-219810-52"Very few countries are deliberately prohibiting Freedom of Panorama, today."
subtitle-219810-225360-53"It's usually just an old law that nobody cares about or is even aware of, because the"
subtitle-225360-227670-54"general public doesn't care and takes pictures anyway."
subtitle-227670-229200-55"But we Wikimedians care."
subtitle-229290-233010-56"And the problem is that legislators – our parliaments – don't know."
subtitle-233610-235740-57"And secondly, it's a boring topic."
subtitle-236010-239010-58"Nobody wants to talk about copyright, except for Wikimedians."
subtitle-239010-240630-59"Nobody wants to talk about copyright."
subtitle-240630-241770-60"It's not a sexy topic."
subtitle-241770-244020-61"It's not an attractive discussion topic."
subtitle-245670-248730-62"So we can ask ourselves: "why is it a boring topic?"
subtitle-249300-254460-63"Why does nobody care?" Well, because the public is unaware of the consequences of"
subtitle-254460-259440-64"this! If you start talking to people about Freedom of Panorama and copyright law, they"
subtitle-259440-264360-65"don't care. But if you tell them we don't have pictures of our national whatever,"
subtitle-264360-270390-66"heroes or statues or monuments or the building of our parliament, because it was"
subtitle-270390-275040-67"built less than 70 years ago, then it starts..."
subtitle-275940-280080-68"The preposterousness of the situation becomes more clear."
subtitle-280290-282240-69"But the public right now is unaware."
subtitle-282750-284550-70"And why are legislators unaware?"
subtitle-284550-290100-71"Well, both of these – the legislators and the public – are unaware because in our"
subtitle-290100-293880-72"country there is generally very low copyright enforcement."
subtitle-293880-298950-73"Even things that are clearly copyrighted like films or books are routinely pirated in"
subtitle-298950-300900-74"our country. So nobody cares."
subtitle-301710-302970-75"So this is a very simple example."
subtitle-302970-306150-76"Of course, you can continue to develop this problem tree."
subtitle-306540-310170-77"But the point is that once you have identified some of the roots of these"
subtitle-310170-312570-78"problems, this is where the magic happens."
subtitle-312570-320520-79"What if we literally simply go and negate or invert every negative statement here and we"
subtitle-320520-323160-80"turn it into a solution tree?"
subtitle-323880-325200-81"What would that look like?"
subtitle-325800-329730-82"So we have Freedom of Panorama, not we don't have."
subtitle-330270-336720-83"And we have Freedom of Panorama because legislators are aware and took action, and it"
subtitle-336720-338160-84"is an attractive topic."
subtitle-338400-339990-85"And why is it an attractive topic?"
subtitle-339990-341370-86"Because the public is aware."
subtitle-341370-344660-87"And why is the public aware and the legislators are aware?"
subtitle-344670-347670-88"Because we have better copyright enforcement in general."
subtitle-348630-353130-89"Now, you may say, "wait, but we don't!" And I say, yes, but we're just practicing here."
subtitle-353130-355530-90"We're just inverting all the statements."
subtitle-356340-360330-91"And of course, if we have Freedom of Panorama, then we would have more access to"
subtitle-360330-363720-92"public heritage and there would be no barrier to running Wiki Loves Monuments,"
subtitle-363720-366290-93"which would lead to happy contributors."
subtitle-366300-367920-94"This looks great, right?"
subtitle-368430-370890-95"The only problem is it is of course, complete fantasy."
subtitle-371490-373230-96"But is it complete fantasy?"
subtitle-373650-379110-97"We can actually take this solution tree and say, "All right, this is our long term"
subtitle-379110-385890-98"outcome – We want to arrive at a moment when we have freedom of panorama.", but we can"
subtitle-385890-393330-99"identify that an interim outcome for that to happen is that our legislators become aware"
subtitle-393630-394740-100"and take action."
subtitle-396060-401520-101"That's an interim outcome and maybe an interim outcome for that, is that we need to"
subtitle-401520-403740-102"have better copyright enforcement, etc., etc.."
subtitle-404460-405900-103"I just put these two examples."
subtitle-405900-409890-104"But of course, these can also be interim outcomes."
subtitle-411900-415950-105"So this helped us identify those outcomes, which, remember, was the point of the"
subtitle-415950-420480-106"exercise, because we started with the question, "what if I can think of what would"
subtitle-420480-425970-107"be a good outcome?" So a problem/solution tree can help us, and then we can actually"
subtitle-425970-432720-108"evaluate each of these potential outcomes, and decide whether that is something that we"
subtitle-432720-434520-109"can usefully work towards."
subtitle-434700-438710-110"For instance: Can we make legislators aware?"
subtitle-439340-440600-111"Conceivably, yes!"
subtitle-440600-443380-112"We could lobby the legislators."
subtitle-443390-446600-113"We could draft a Freedom of Panorama bill for them."
subtitle-446810-449510-114"Do the work for them and say, here's a sample bill."
subtitle-449540-451070-115"You know, you just need to pass it through parliament."
subtitle-451520-453530-116"And here's why, יere's why it's important."
subtitle-455000-460430-117"Now, they may still be reluctant to do it, but what if we also make sure that the public"
subtitle-460430-465680-118"is aware? Let's say by a social media campaign, of the absurdity of the situation."
subtitle-465920-471350-119"The absurdity of, for example, not being able to feature a photo of our parliament in"
subtitle-471350-475610-120"Wikipedia because, I don't know, it was built less than 70 years ago or, you know,"
subtitle-475700-477200-121"our national poet or a national hero or whatever."
subtitle-477530-479000-122"Something that would attract the public's attention."
subtitle-479450-481100-123"We can do that, conceivably."
subtitle-481610-486140-124"And then conceivably the public could decide that's a topic that's attractive."
subtitle-486140-490670-125"With enough public awareness, that could actually encourage those legislators."
subtitle-491060-493640-126"Because they will then see there is a public benefit to it."
subtitle-493640-498450-127""Oh, I could be popular if I pass this bill." Etc., etc.."
subtitle-498670-506170-128"So once we've identified these, we can decide where we can create an intervention."
subtitle-506170-509920-129"And this one, for example, I put in gray, because you know what?"
subtitle-510640-516400-130"We probably have very little influence on the general level of copyright enforcement in"
subtitle-516400-522250-131"our society. That's probably not an outcome that we can reasonably, feasibly work"
subtitle-522250-526190-132"towards. Remember I said you need to make sure your interventions are feasible."
subtitle-526570-529780-133"I mean, conceivably, maybe you can do something about it, but probably not."
subtitle-530140-535450-134"These three that I've identified here are much clearer, are clearly much more feasible,"
subtitle-536380-540880-135"influence points or intervention points, for us as a Wikimedia group."
subtitle-541090-542380-136"For us to do advocacy."
subtitle-542500-543760-137"So I'm giving you an example."
subtitle-543760-549550-138"Not everything will be realistic for us to pursue, but we can maybe find some outcomes,"
subtitle-549550-553360-139"some interim outcomes that we can take action towards."
subtitle-554970-557640-140"So this was an example of a tool."