WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: The Pitch and the Elevator Pitch

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: The Pitch and the Elevator Pitch"
display_name"The Pitch and the Elevator Pitch"
subtitle-120-5490-1"Pitching is a business term, but basically it means "the communication of a product or idea"
subtitle-5490-11080-2"with an intent to persuade the audience to adopt it or buy it or invest in it"."
subtitle-11100-17370-3"In our case, to get a potential partner to partner with us."
subtitle-17370-18750-4"We are pitching the partnership."
subtitle-18750-24210-5"We are offering them a valuable partnership that we want them to agree is valuable."
subtitle-24780-28440-6"Now, we already know a lot about our proposed partnership and why it would be"
subtitle-28440-29730-7"mutually beneficial."
subtitle-29760-36270-8"Now we need to present it persuasively to people who have less context than us and less"
subtitle-36270-40590-9"time. They haven't spent all this time thinking about it that we have."
subtitle-40710-42600-10"So this is the context in which we are pitching."
subtitle-43110-45000-11"We are pitching to people with less time."
subtitle-45210-47730-12"And there are two main types of pitches."
subtitle-47730-54240-13"The first, you may have heard of "the elevator pitch", which is a nickname for a"
subtitle-54240-56460-14"rapid verbal pitch."
subtitle-56460-62280-15"No slides, no graphics, just talking to someone, ostensibly short enough to last a"
subtitle-62280-63720-16"single elevator ride."
subtitle-63720-65220-17"Meaning under a minute."
subtitle-65610-72750-18"Right now, you, all of you, should be prepared to give an elevator pitch of your"
subtitle-72750-78630-19"proposed partnership off the top of your head, ideally based on your partnership value"
subtitle-78630-85770-20"proposal, plus any key facts about shared goals and values and past successes, yours"
subtitle-85770-86880-21"and the partners."
subtitle-86880-93210-22"But it should be something that you can put together or improvise for 30, 40, 50 seconds,"
subtitle-93780-94800-23"under a minute."
subtitle-95280-100800-24"And you can imagine, suppose you are meeting the general manager or president or rector or"
subtitle-100800-105540-25"whatever of your partner in an elevator or at a party or something."
subtitle-105540-106810-26"And there's no..."
subtitle-106810-111210-27"You don't have the circumstances to start showing slides and graphs and videos."
subtitle-111210-115500-28"You have maybe 30 seconds, maybe 60 seconds of their time and attention."
subtitle-116130-118470-29"You need to talk to them about a possible partnership."
subtitle-119700-121350-30"This is the elevator pitch."
subtitle-122570-128780-31"And the more standard pitch happens at a meeting, usually a full meeting with the"
subtitle-128780-134360-32"partner, usually at the partner's, and usually in the context that the partner knows"
subtitle-134360-137700-33"that you have come to discuss a partnership proposal."
subtitle-137700-143000-34"And then such a meeting would usually allow you to present slides, play short videos,"
subtitle-143270-150050-35"give handouts or other visuals, and it would typically last at least 15 minutes and"
subtitle-150050-154340-36"usually more like half an hour to an hour, depending on circumstances."
subtitle-154340-158480-37"So that's the other kind of pitch that you should be ready for."
subtitle-160010-166700-38"Now, preparing a 30 to 60 Minutes pitch certainly requires more than just our"
subtitle-166700-172520-39"Partnership Value Proposal, even though that will still be the heart of our proposal."
subtitle-173120-180140-40"But a good full length pitch will include elements from our self presentation,"
subtitle-180140-184640-41"and that's why I made you do it; from our partner research, which we will be quoting"
subtitle-184640-189980-42"back to our partner; from our analysis of how our values align, how our goals are"
subtitle-189980-199280-43"shared or at least intersecting; And, a presentation of our theory of change with"
subtitle-199280-205160-44"diagrams, with arrows, that attempt to convince the partner that these steps will"
subtitle-205160-207530-45"really lead to these outcomes."
subtitle-208370-213320-46"Demonstrating how we think these benefits would come about."
subtitle-214400-218930-47"Now, I'm sensing this that you are feeling that there will be an assignment to do the"
subtitle-218930-222950-48"pitch today. There isn't an assignment to do the full pitch today."
subtitle-222950-229520-49"Relax. I cannot give you a single magic formula for constructing a perfect pitch."
subtitle-229520-233690-50"There are different styles, different rhythms that work for different presenters"
subtitle-233690-238370-51"and different expectations and cultural contexts for different audiences."
subtitle-238910-242390-52"Some people really respond well to visuals and videos."
subtitle-242390-244640-53"Others really want charts and numbers."
subtitle-244640-246710-54"Others want a compelling story."
subtitle-246710-248900-55"Maybe you want a good combination of all of these."
subtitle-250340-255680-56"And of course, there's also a role for aesthetics, right?"
subtitle-255680-261800-57"That full pitch should be nicely designed, with illustrative photos, with attention to"
subtitle-261800-263330-58"typography, etc."
subtitle-263330-264800-59"That's all important."
subtitle-264800-267470-60"But out of scope for this course."
subtitle-267680-270110-61"I have nothing to teach you on good design."
subtitle-270110-271940-62"I'm not a good designer myself."
subtitle-272690-273890-63"And it's just out of scope."
subtitle-273890-275810-64"We don't have time to deal to delve into that."
subtitle-276020-279980-65"But of course when you do actually pitch, you should pay attention to aesthetics."
subtitle-279980-285470-66"You should do your best with whatever resources you have in your group to to have"
subtitle-285470-289490-67"aesthetics, to have good design, to have good spelling, to have all of that."
subtitle-289490-291530-68"But we are not touching on that in the course."
subtitle-292070-297710-69"We're focusing on the substance and don't ever fall into the trap of having really nice"
subtitle-297710-301160-70"aesthetics at the expense of compelling substance."
subtitle-302210-307730-71"So I'm just saying that's out of scope for our course, but we will be building our full"
subtitle-307730-310070-72"pitch, your full pitch over time."
subtitle-310070-316730-73"Over the next coming weeks, we will be adding to and perfecting your full pitch for"
subtitle-316730-321350-74"your selected partnership proposal with your selected final partner."
subtitle-321350-325970-75"It will require a lot of materials, including some reserved material, meaning"
subtitle-325970-331430-76"material that you won't necessarily present, but you will have ready and you could present"
subtitle-331430-337460-77"if it comes up. If the potential partner is interested in it, you will have some"
subtitle-337460-339980-78"materials ready with you and ready to be presented."
subtitle-341330-343910-79"And I'm calling that "the evidence toolkit"."
subtitle-343910-346130-80"So we will be adding to this over the coming weeks."
subtitle-346760-352250-81"Today we're only focused on the elevator pitch and we will cover it in just a couple"
subtitle-352250-354990-82"of minutes and then I'll let you go."
subtitle-354990-356930-83"Again, There's no magic formula."
subtitle-356930-363290-84"And the elevator pitch, because it has to be under 60 seconds, is very similar to our"
subtitle-363290-368390-85"Partnership Value Proposal, but it is aimed at the partner."
subtitle-368390-372050-86"We're trying to get the partner to care and to pay attention."
subtitle-372260-378830-87"So you need to come up with whatever works for you, whatever you can credibly and"
subtitle-378830-380810-88"convincingly deliver."
subtitle-382220-388250-89"But I'm still going to offer you a rough template for what could be an elevator pitch"
subtitle-388250-389300-90"as inspiration."
subtitle-389300-392570-91"Please feel free to deviate from it."
subtitle-392570-400620-92"But it could sound something like "we could achieve this and that priority goal of"
subtitle-400620-405390-93"yours", using the partner's language, the partner's goals and leading with that."
subtitle-405390-410700-94"Because remember, in every act of communication to a stranger or to a potential"
subtitle-410700-415790-95"partner, the first question on their mind is, should I pay attention to this person?"
subtitle-415800-417150-96"Is this worth my time?"
subtitle-417150-418260-97"What do they even want?"
subtitle-418620-422700-98"So the first thing we want to do is to convince them that, yes, this is worth your"
subtitle-422700-427590-99"attention. And the best way to do that is to lead with what they care about."
subtitle-427950-431160-100""We can achieve your priority goal."
subtitle-432350-437210-101"As well as our goal", in case these are not literally the same goal."
subtitle-437480-441590-102"So by all means, be honest that we are also pursuing our goal."
subtitle-442340-448370-103""With your resources and investment", "With your doing so and so or with you providing so"
subtitle-448370-454310-104"and so and us providing so and so, by taking these actions", So we can say something like"
subtitle-454310-461810-105""with your equipment and facilities and our expertise, we could achieve this by, hosting"
subtitle-461810-467240-106"workshops or by digitizing content, etc." But this is just three lines."
subtitle-467240-471230-107"But I of course left out the most interesting bits because they are specific to"
subtitle-471230-476000-108"your partnership. So if you if you fill in those bits, it will become more like a"
subtitle-476000-481880-109"pageful. But that's still easily something you can say in under 60 seconds."
subtitle-482300-488930-110"After you say this kind of fuller sentence, which is the heart of the pitch, which is"
subtitle-488930-494720-111"basically an elaborated version of the PVP, you can follow that or augment it with"
subtitle-494720-499970-112"supporting sentences that convince the potential partner that you are serious,"
subtitle-499970-502370-113"reliable, competent."
subtitle-502370-507320-114"So you could add things like: "We already partner with so-and-so", or "this has already"
subtitle-507320-509450-115"been done in this other country"."
subtitle-509450-515060-116"Or "we have, so-and-so many volunteers" or "this many page views"."
subtitle-515150-516440-117"These are just examples."
subtitle-516440-522500-118"But I'm saying after the PVP or the glorified PVP, you can add some other"
subtitle-522500-524780-119"sentences as part of your pitch."
subtitle-525200-526520-120"So this is just one template."
subtitle-526520-529460-121"Like I said, you need to make up whatever works for you."