WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Feedback on assignment 1

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Feedback on assignment 1"
display_name"Feedback on assignment 1"
subtitle-2820-6780-1"So let's review last week's assignments."
subtitle-7200-16500-2"And for each assignment I have a few general comments that are the result of checking the"
subtitle-16500-22470-3"submissions of people who have taken this course previously and after those general"
subtitle-22470-28620-4"comments about the assignment, some of which may be useful to you, I will share examples"
subtitle-29580-39120-5"of learners' work that are anonymized so that we don't unnecessarily share"
subtitle-40500-45480-6"local context or potential information about local partners, because the point is to get"
subtitle-45480-51090-7"the principles and we don't particularly care about the details of specific past"
subtitle-51090-52680-8"learners' work, of course."
subtitle-52920-62220-9"So about assignment one: Remember Assignment one was where you had to determine"
subtitle-62220-68370-10"whether a certain scenario that was briefly described is or is not a partnership."
subtitle-69660-72060-11"And you were given several such scenarios."
subtitle-72630-77850-12"So a couple of general comments that repeated in some of the submissions received"
subtitle-78030-84210-13"is some confusion about grants: are grants partnerships or not?"
subtitle-85250-93880-14"And, I make the distinction between a mission-based grant, like all the grants in"
subtitle-93880-103650-15"the Wikimedia movement, and donations or grants that are purely philanthropic"
subtitle-103890-107760-16"and not aimed at any particular mission."
subtitle-109090-111310-17"Although those are actually rare."
subtitle-111340-116950-18"Most philanthropic work, most philanthropic grants are, in fact, in service of a certain"
subtitle-116950-122830-19"mission. But certainly in our movement, in the Wikimedia movement, all the grants that"
subtitle-122830-126520-20"are given are to promote the Wikimedia mission."
subtitle-127780-132010-21"In other words, there exists a mutual benefit."
subtitle-132940-138460-22"Remember, that's one of the conditions for a partnership in our definition: There is a"
subtitle-138460-139810-23"mutual benefit."
subtitle-139960-145120-24"The benefit to the grantee, the group that is receiving the grant is, of course, that"
subtitle-145120-146410-25"they receive money."
subtitle-146410-149920-26"They receive funds that enable them to do their work."
subtitle-150280-153160-27"What is the benefit to the grant-maker?"
subtitle-154600-158560-28"The Foundation or any other group that is giving the grant."
subtitle-158830-164920-29"The benefit, of course, is that that work that this grant funds gets done."
subtitle-165220-166960-30"And why is that a benefit to the grant maker?"
subtitle-167350-172840-31"Because that work is work towards the grant maker's mission."
subtitle-173780-179360-32"When the Wikimedia Foundation, to take an example, gives an affiliate – a chapter or a"
subtitle-179360-184190-33"user group – some money to do some work in their country or their language or their"
subtitle-184190-191660-34"topic, whatever they are about, that work is progress on the Wikimedia Foundation's"
subtitle-191660-199280-35"mission. In other words, the Wikimedia Foundation is trading funds for progress on"
subtitle-199280-200780-36"its own mission."
subtitle-201050-203180-37"That's a benefit for the foundation."
subtitle-204740-211990-38"And so, again, I submit to you that mission-based grants are partnerships."
subtitle-211990-217900-39"There is a mutual benefit to both parties to the grant."
subtitle-219340-221120-40"And there is, of course, mutual..."
subtitle-221120-223470-41"I mean, there is investment from both sides as well."
subtitle-224410-228370-42"The foundation or the grant maker is investing money."
subtitle-228370-231070-43"The grantee is investing work."
subtitle-231070-236410-44"And skill and knowledge and and context and everything else that they bring other than"
subtitle-236410-239950-45"the money. So that's about mission-based grants."
subtitle-240340-241990-46"They are partnerships."
subtitle-242290-251320-47"And one learner mentioned something that I thought was curious and worth addressing."
subtitle-251800-258310-48"They thought that grants are not partnerships because it is the duty of the"
subtitle-258310-262900-49"Wikimedia Foundation to give grants and to fund affiliates."
subtitle-262900-268060-50"And because it is their duty, it cannot count as a partnership."
subtitle-270010-272290-51"So to that, I have to say: A."
subtitle-272290-278530-52"it is not correct that it is the duty of the Wikimedia Foundation to give grants."
subtitle-278530-285040-53"The Wikimedia Foundation chooses to give grants as one vehicle, one way, of making"
subtitle-285040-286390-54"progress on its mission."
subtitle-286780-291460-55"But there's nothing in the Foundation's bylaws that requires it to give grants."
subtitle-292120-298120-56"And certainly, even if it were the case that it had to give grants, it still doesn't have"
subtitle-298120-300490-57"to give any particular grant."
subtitle-300670-308200-58"That is, when a grant proposal is made, the Foundation is certainly under no duty to give"
subtitle-308200-309220-59"that grant."
subtitle-309250-314620-60"It can say no to this grant and give some other grant if it thinks that this grant"
subtitle-314620-319150-61"proposal is weak or unrealistic or poorly thought out."
subtitle-320260-322570-62"So no, there is no such duty."
subtitle-322570-330580-63"And even if there were, it wouldn't really cancel the fact that, like I said, a"
subtitle-330580-336070-64"mission-based grant is a mutual benefit to both grant maker and grantee."
subtitle-337100-344780-65"Um, and another point of confusion from past learners that maybe confused you as well is"
subtitle-344780-350570-66"the question of whether a collaboration between communities, between Wikimedia"
subtitle-351110-353840-67"affiliates or communities, can count as a partnership."
subtitle-354590-360650-68"For example, a collaboration on an international writing competition such as CEE"
subtitle-360650-363150-69"Spring or Wikipedia Asian Month."
subtitle-363170-365960-70"Those are linked from the assignment."
subtitle-368580-374040-71"And again, some learners thought, "well, that's just Wikimedia with Wikimedia, so it's"
subtitle-374040-375150-72"not a partnership"."
subtitle-376920-379260-73"But I think it is a partnership."
subtitle-379260-382650-74"It's a partnership between this affiliate and that affiliate."
subtitle-382650-386520-75"It doesn't matter that they're all part of the same Wikimedia movement."
subtitle-386520-392490-76"They are two groups that don't generally work together all the time, who are"
subtitle-392520-399180-77"partnering, who are collaborating on this one thing, both of them putting in effort and"
subtitle-399180-401250-78"both of them deriving benefits."
subtitle-401730-402990-79"There is a mutual benefit."
subtitle-402990-409680-80"When you participate in these international writing competitions, you you gain attention"
subtitle-409680-414900-81"and motivation for your community from the international participation, from the"
subtitle-414900-419940-82"international prizes and prestige of potentially winning the competition, etc.."
subtitle-420240-426930-83"So there is a symmetrical mutual benefit to both groups or the 15 groups that are"
subtitle-426930-432510-84"participating in such a competition, and it can definitely count as a partnership."
subtitle-433290-436920-85"So these are some general comments on assignment number one."