WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Common problem and mitigations - costs underestimation

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Common problem and mitigations - costs underestimation"
display_name"Common problem and mitigations - costs underestimation"
subtitle-120-9870-1"Another very common problem that a partnership may run"
subtitle-9870-13080-2"into is an underestimation of costs."
subtitle-13620-18270-3"You had a certain plan, and you got some budget based on it."
subtitle-18300-19560-4"Now it's a fixed budget."
subtitle-19560-21120-5"It could be a budget from the partner."
subtitle-21120-24480-6"It could be a budget from a grant that is used to do the partnership."
subtitle-24480-29370-7"But you have some budget and then you discover that the costs are actually higher."
subtitle-29820-35040-8"Maybe you didn't understand some technical issue, and you cannot use this model, you"
subtitle-35040-36740-9"need to buy another model, whatever."
subtitle-36750-43410-10"Maybe it's due to currency fluctuations in your country, in your currency, whatever it"
subtitle-43410-45660-11"is. You had a plan and now the costs are higher."
subtitle-46050-52650-12"What do you do? So one mitigation that I really recommend and that the Wikimedia"
subtitle-52650-59700-13"Foundation is in favor of, is to mitigate some underestimation risk with having a"
subtitle-59700-61590-14""contingency buffer"."
subtitle-62650-66570-15"A contingency buffer, (again, "a contingency" is just a future occurrence)."
subtitle-66580-73120-16"So in your grant proposal, or as you make your budget, even if it's not a grant, in"
subtitle-73120-77710-17"addition to all the expenses that you know and estimated and have or maybe have precise"
subtitle-77710-82870-18"price quotes for, it is a good idea, and it is almost a standard business practice, to"
subtitle-82870-85530-19"add a kind of buffer."
subtitle-85540-90730-20"Sometimes it's called a buffer, sometimes it's called a contingency or "unexpected" or"
subtitle-90730-96370-21"whatever. Add a buffer to the budget, usually around 10% of the total cost of"
subtitle-96370-100240-22"everything else, sometimes 5%, sometimes 20%, depending on the scale."
subtitle-100330-105670-23"But some percentage of the budget just over and beyond everything that you have budgeted"
subtitle-105700-112990-24"in order to have that "wiggle room", that ability to overspend a little on some items"
subtitle-112990-120400-25"so that you're not really up to the cent or dollar planned and you cannot move anything."
subtitle-120400-122080-26"So these buffers are a good idea."
subtitle-122080-126730-27"And again, the Wikimedia Foundation as a grant-maker, will allow you to do that!"
subtitle-126730-132490-28"We encourage you to include some contingency buffer in your grant proposals precisely to"
subtitle-132490-136660-29"help you deal with a little bit of unexpected underestimation."
subtitle-137260-142540-30"Now, suppose you don't have that or the underestimation is more significant than what"
subtitle-142540-143890-31"your buffer supports."
subtitle-144400-150220-32"What can you do? Well, you can scale down your program, scale down in whatever way"
subtitle-150220-155440-33"makes sense. Maybe you can remove non-crucial elements."
subtitle-155860-161200-34"For example, maybe you were going to print certificates and T-shirts to support your"
subtitle-161200-165670-35"program. And now that you don't have enough money, that is a non-crucial element."
subtitle-165670-170350-36"Of course. People love T-shirts and mugs and things, and certificates, but it's not"
subtitle-170350-172060-37"crucial. It's not the core of the work."
subtitle-172060-176210-38"So maybe that you can cut down on."
subtitle-176210-180370-39"In other cases, or when you don't have non-crucial elements, maybe you just reduce"
subtitle-180370-182560-40"the quantities of things you do."
subtitle-182620-188680-41"The quantity of, for example, if you have an event and you have, three coffee breaks"
subtitle-188680-193360-42"scheduled and catered, maybe you can have only two coffee breaks, or you can reduce the"
subtitle-193360-194380-43"duration of things."
subtitle-194590-200320-44"If you were planning to have, three nights of accommodation for a certain event, maybe"
subtitle-200320-203170-45"you need to cut it down to two nights of accommodation, etc., etc."
subtitle-203170-208810-46"all kinds of ways of scaling down what you need to spend on in order to deal with the"
subtitle-208810-210010-47"higher costs."
subtitle-210310-215170-48"And of course, if you have the ability, because it's part of a broader budget, you"
subtitle-215170-222400-49"may be able to reallocate money It turns out that the costs are higher for this thing, but"
subtitle-222400-228130-50"we can take from some other planned activity and spend it on this."
subtitle-228160-232420-51"Of course, if you are able to do that, if you do have some money elsewhere that you can"
subtitle-232420-236290-52"spend, you need to notify your grant maker."
subtitle-236290-240040-53"If it's a grant, you need to notify your grant maker that you're going to do this and"
subtitle-240040-242170-54"get their permission again."
subtitle-242170-247720-55"In my experience, Wikimedia Foundation grant making, 90-something percent of the time, the"
subtitle-247720-250780-56"grant program officer says, "Yes, you can do that, no problem"."
subtitle-251260-255070-57"Again, we are an understanding and sympathetic grant maker, but you do need to"
subtitle-255070-260230-58"ask and sometimes it'll be at the expense of this other thing."
subtitle-260230-261370-59"It's not just extra money."
subtitle-261550-267940-60"Sometimes it means I'm solving this cost underestimation by scaling down some future"
subtitle-267940-269530-61"activity or even removing it."
subtitle-269710-275710-62"Maybe we had six events planned and I'm basically canceling the sixth event in order"
subtitle-275710-279910-63"to fund the higher costs of the events the first five times."
subtitle-282850-289270-64"So these are again some standard mitigations for underestimating costs, which happens a"