WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: The Partnership Value Proposal (PVP)

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: The Partnership Value Proposal (PVP)"
display_name"The Partnership Value Proposal (PVP)"
subtitle-2210-10880-1"So moving on to today's material, our next step is to identify and articulate what we"
subtitle-10880-14210-2"call the Partnership Value Proposal."
subtitle-14420-19640-3"So remember, until now, when we were studying our partner, I told you, learn the"
subtitle-19640-23800-4"partner, focus on the partner, not on the partnership that we may want with them."
subtitle-23810-28490-5"Just focus on understanding who they are, what they do, what they want."
subtitle-29060-30610-6"Don't think about the partnership yet."
subtitle-30620-32600-7"So today we are beginning to think about the partnership."
subtitle-40730-44720-8"From now on, I mentioned this last time, from now on, we're going to have one"
subtitle-44720-46660-9"particular partner in mind."
subtitle-46670-53060-10"So if you haven't done that yet, please after today, select the one partner that you"
subtitle-53060-59210-11"want to work on, to work on a potential partnership with, and to start preparing ––"
subtitle-59210-64490-12"all the rest of the materials that we will be preparing will be oriented, aimed at that"
subtitle-64490-70490-13"one partner. Of course, theoretically, you can then use the skills that you gained to"
subtitle-70490-72710-14"pursue any number of other partners as well."
subtitle-73070-79070-15"So now that we have one particular partner in mind and we've done our homework about"
subtitle-79070-83870-16"that partner, we've studied that partner., Now"
subtitle-94130-99560-17"we are ready to, to extend what we already had as an intuitive partnership sketch."
subtitle-99800-104120-18"Just waving our hands and saying, oh yeah, it'll be good to them because of this and to"
subtitle-104120-110930-19"us because of that, we're ready to to actually identify and express the partnership"
subtitle-110930-112370-20"value proposal."
subtitle-112370-118430-21"It is a slightly less intuitive description of the partnership and it basically lays out"
subtitle-118430-123740-22"what we propose to do together, why it would be beneficial to all parties."
subtitle-123740-129770-23"It should be brief and compelling, and it should be based on the values and goals of"
subtitle-129770-134810-24"the two groups and skip all together –– leave out all the details and the logistics."
subtitle-134810-138650-25"Don't mention dates and numbers, focus on values and goals."
subtitle-138800-145460-26"And this PVP, this value proposal will eventually be the basis for our pitch."
subtitle-145460-152060-27"The pitch is our persuasive expression of the simple value proposal, right?"
subtitle-152060-154670-28"The value proposal is kind of no-nonsense."
subtitle-154670-159500-29"It is common and plain as you can make it, just describing what will happen and why it"
subtitle-159500-165500-30"would be good. The pitch will be our dressed-up presentation with an intent to"
subtitle-165500-171560-31"persuade of and on the basis of the Partnership Value Proposal."
subtitle-173060-177860-32"[someone], to your question, yes, it is okay if two people participating end up targeting"
subtitle-177860-180200-33"one organization as a partner, that's absolutely okay."
subtitle-180890-185540-34"And it would be great if you work separately, though, so that you can develop"
subtitle-185540-190610-35"your own ideas and then in the end you can compare and combine forces."
subtitle-190610-195800-36"But it would be great to have two separate sets of thinking about that one partner."
subtitle-198510-202110-37"So how do we develop this Partnership Value Proposal?"
subtitle-203250-211530-38"Well, a good step is to draw up a list of values and goals for our group and compare it"
subtitle-211530-216600-39"to a list of values and goals of the partner, and then see how much overlap there"
subtitle-216600-218310-40"is or isn't."
subtitle-218550-219990-41"A quick example here."
subtitle-220320-225870-42"Our group is a Wikimedia group with the obvious free knowledge, volunteer work, free"
subtitle-225870-230520-43"licenses, free to access, free of charge, no registration walls, reaching everyone."
subtitle-230730-232050-44"These are our values."
subtitle-232050-233670-45"And just some of them, of course."
subtitle-234030-235770-46"And here is a potential partner."
subtitle-235770-237570-47"Let's pick a national library."
subtitle-237570-239160-48"Pretty much any national library."
subtitle-239850-241440-49"Are they about free knowledge?"
subtitle-241560-243870-50"No, they're about knowledge."
subtitle-243870-245840-51"Free and proprietary."
subtitle-246270-247740-52"They don't make a distinction."
subtitle-248040-253470-53"And in most libraries, presumably, most of the knowledge is proprietary."
subtitle-255320-256580-54"But is there overlap?"
subtitle-256610-257980-55"Well, there's some overlap, right?"
subtitle-257990-260780-56"Some of the knowledge in the library is public domain."
subtitle-260780-262670-57"Some of it is, therefore, free."
subtitle-263120-267560-58"They may not be particularly interested in free knowledge, but de facto there is some"
subtitle-267560-272970-59"overlap there. The library is based on primarily paid work."
subtitle-272990-277580-60"Some national libraries have volunteers working there, but still primarily the"
subtitle-277580-282410-61"National Library, I think any national library, is based primarily on paid work."
subtitle-284270-287270-62"They have copyrighted material and public domain material."
subtitle-288650-293390-63"I'm not aware of of a national library that is actively promoting free licenses."
subtitle-293450-295340-64"So again, there are some overlap there."
subtitle-295850-298160-65"The National Library is typically free to access."
subtitle-298670-303920-66"I think some national libraries do charge money for services, but generally it's free"
subtitle-303920-307230-67"to access. So there's overlap there."
subtitle-307250-308960-68"It's aiming to serve everyone."
subtitle-309020-310130-69"The National Library."
subtitle-310130-314330-70"Most national libraries, again, are open to the public, not just to researchers or"
subtitle-314330-319220-71"academics. And so there is definitely overlap here in the sense of the public that"
subtitle-319220-324230-72"we serve: we serve everyone, and we want to be available for free without obstacles to"
subtitle-324230-330980-73"access. That's overlap with the National Library's values and goals."
subtitle-334820-338780-74"Here's another example that is a lot less compatible."
subtitle-340100-343200-75"Let's take a potential partner like Spotify."
subtitle-343220-345660-76"I'm guessing that's more or less familiar to most of you."
subtitle-345680-350540-77"I've never used their service myself, but I try to think about them as a potential"
subtitle-350540-358100-78"partner. And in terms of these values, Spotify basically only deals in copyrighted"
subtitle-358100-362750-79"art and not just copyrighted art, but copyrighted art that they themselves are not"
subtitle-362750-363770-80"the owners of."
subtitle-363770-369890-81"So they are not in a position to release this copyrighted art, which doesn't overlap"
subtitle-369890-371870-82"with our free license culture."
subtitle-372860-375590-83"They do most of their work by paid staff, presumably."
subtitle-377210-379640-84"I'm not aware of a strong volunteer force in Spotify."
subtitle-380780-387050-85"They require payment to access their services either in actual money or by"
subtitle-387050-388310-86"watching ads."
subtitle-388310-393230-87"But they're not completely free to access right, "freemium" or whatever you want to"
subtitle-393230-399320-88"call it. And whereas we want to reach everyone, they want to increase their paying"
subtitle-399320-404540-89"subscribers. They don't terribly care, I think, whether or not they reach everyone; to"
subtitle-404540-408380-90"the extent that they want to reach more people, it is so that a fraction of those"
subtitle-408380-410210-91"people become paying subscribers, presumably."
subtitle-410990-415280-92"I'm not really going to discuss Spotify's business plan here, but that's my"
subtitle-415280-423470-93"understanding. And whereas we cover a lot of art neutrally – Wikipedia and the Wikimedia"
subtitle-423470-428690-94"projects don't have an opinion on the question who is the number one pop singer or"
subtitle-428690-435830-95"something like that – Spotify would promote particular artists and particular art to"
subtitle-435830-439460-96"attract subscribers or because they were paid to promote them."
subtitle-439490-441710-97"Again, not something we do."
subtitle-441710-447350-98"So I really see very little overlap, indeed, no overlap, between what they do and what"
subtitle-447350-449750-99"they care about and what we do."
subtitle-450730-457450-100"So I'm deliberately giving you this negative example because really I don't see a lot of"
subtitle-457450-459610-101"potential to partner with Spotify."
subtitle-459610-463900-102"And I'm not singling them out; I'm taking an example of a commercial actor that most of"
subtitle-463900-465190-103"you probably know."
subtitle-466030-471700-104"It is conceivable that some kind of partnership is possible with them, but it's"
subtitle-471700-472750-105"not evident to me."
subtitle-472750-476050-106"You know, maybe some of you, if you think hard enough, can find some kind of"
subtitle-476050-479410-107"partnership potential with Spotify."
subtitle-480910-484630-108"But there's just too little overlap, I think."
subtitle-485020-489460-109"And if you try, maybe there is something you want from Spotify and then they'll want"
subtitle-489460-496900-110"something from you. For example, they might say, "Okay, but add a link to Spotify under"
subtitle-496900-501430-111"each singer's article on Wikipedia!" Can we do that?"
subtitle-501550-502660-112"No, we cannot."
subtitle-502870-504790-113"That's a non-negotiable, non-starter request."
subtitle-506020-514000-114"So even if we do find some overlap, there may be one aspect that's a blocker to any"
subtitle-514000-515740-115"potential collaboration."
subtitle-515830-517990-116"It really does depend."
subtitle-520990-525250-117"So we need to pay attention to when our values are a mismatch."
subtitle-526090-530890-118"We generally want to look for alignment or intersection of values and goals, even if not"
subtitle-530890-535270-119"all our goals. If there is enough of an intersection, even if it's a narrow one, we"
subtitle-535270-536980-120"can work together on something."
subtitle-536980-543550-121"Remember the example of the Ukrainian tourism promotion site from last week?"
subtitle-544090-545310-122"They are a commercial site."
subtitle-545320-546490-123"They have a point of view."
subtitle-546490-552520-124"But we could still find some kind of narrow shared interest that we could collaborate"
subtitle-552520-554110-125"with them based on."
subtitle-554650-561820-126"But there might be things that would make it impossible to collaborate or to be seen to be"
subtitle-561820-566710-127"collaborating with a group; for example, an organization that's dedicated to persecuting"
subtitle-566710-574920-128"a minority. That is not an organization that we want to partner with in any capacity."
subtitle-574920-580420-129"Or a group that is dedicated to pushing a false revisionist narrative on Wikipedia."
subtitle-581680-585300-130"They're deliberately falsifying information on Wikipedia."
subtitle-585310-587140-131"That is not a group we can work with."
subtitle-587150-592390-132"It's just too directly contrary to our mission, to our goals."
subtitle-592570-597460-133"I'm giving some pretty extreme examples, but it really depends on what the potential"
subtitle-597460-600940-134"partner wants from us or does themselves."
subtitle-601120-606460-135"And again, even a little bit of alignment is enough to create a partnership."
subtitle-606610-608980-136"But pay attention to the mismatch."
subtitle-609190-611090-137"It's okay that they're commercial."
subtitle-611110-613630-138"It's okay that they are the government, for example."
subtitle-614620-620380-139"It's less okay if they also engage in active censorship of free cultural projects, for"
subtitle-620380-623850-140"example. So I'm not giving you black and white solutions."
subtitle-623860-626330-141"Government bad, commercial bad?"
subtitle-626350-629790-142"No. There are potential partnerships with the commercial sector."
subtitle-629800-631150-143"There are potential partnerships with the government."
subtitle-632140-636730-144"There are amazing examples of great collaborations with commercial parties and"
subtitle-636730-638290-145"with governments around the world."
subtitle-638390-640540-146"We can discuss some of those examples, if you wish."
subtitle-641350-647140-147"But again, pay attention to where our values mismatch and make sure that none of them is a"
subtitle-647140-648310-148"blocker for us."
subtitle-649820-659380-149"So when we've looked at our goals and our values, we can try and"
subtitle-659380-668800-150"express how partnering to do this and that would provide these benefits and we want to"
subtitle-668800-675760-151"express it as much as possible using the partner's vocabulary, which we know from"
subtitle-675760-681580-152"Assignment five. We've learned how the partner thinks, what the partner views as"
subtitle-681580-683200-153"goals, as priorities."
subtitle-683710-690130-154"And we want to express this Partnership Value Proposal in a way that would be easy"
subtitle-690130-694120-155"for the partner to see the value; because we already see the value, right?"
subtitle-694120-696220-156"I mean, we are designing this partnership."
subtitle-696220-698230-157"We obviously already see the benefit."
subtitle-698230-704080-158"We want to phrase it in a way that will be as close to the partner and their thinking as"
subtitle-704080-706030-159"possible, so that they can easily see."
subtitle-706030-711730-160""Ah yes, that's exactly what we're about as well!" Or "this directly feeds into, goal"
subtitle-711730-720980-161"number three in our annual plan!" So this Partnership Value Proposal should express the"
subtitle-720980-728900-162"value that we add, the investment or the effort or the expertise that we bring into"
subtitle-728900-734900-163"the partnership, the value that their side, the partner's side adds – their investment,"
subtitle-734900-739610-164"their expertise, their effort, their facilities, whatever they might contribute –"
subtitle-739730-743480-165"the goals that are served, it could be one goal that is shared."
subtitle-744080-746840-166"Or it could be separate but compatible goals."
subtitle-747620-753050-167"We may have two different goals, but they are compatible and both are served through"
subtitle-753050-760910-168"this partnership, and therefore the benefit to all sides."