WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Partner study example: National Library of Nigeria

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Partner study example: National Library of Nigeria"
display_name"Partner study example: National Library of Nigeria"
subtitle-420-4710-1"And the last example for today is, yes, I'm not on commission."
subtitle-4710-6600-2"I don't get any any money if you go visit Ukraine."
subtitle-7170-8730-3"But I have visited Ukraine a number of times."
subtitle-9060-12390-4"I recommend it. Now you are suspicious!"
subtitle-12390-16360-5":) Anyway. The last example is the National Library of Nigeria."
subtitle-16380-20010-6"It's an example I picked randomly today and I wanted to learn about it."
subtitle-20010-23260-7"I know nothing, nothing about the National Library of Nigeria."
subtitle-23280-24990-8"I set out to find out."
subtitle-24990-26480-9"I went to their website."
subtitle-26490-33840-10"This is what it looks like: The head of the website has this banner and then there's a"
subtitle-33840-35910-11"lot of black space with nothing in it."
subtitle-35910-40020-12"I think it was supposed to show some kind of map or plug-in, but it wasn't working."
subtitle-40380-46920-13"And then there's a bunch of little options here, and I can read quite a lot just from"
subtitle-46920-48420-14"this home page."
subtitle-53650-57910-15"I don't mean to offend anyone, but it doesn't look very good."
subtitle-58450-64180-16"Again, remember: I know nothing about design, but I can see that the way this is"
subtitle-64180-69190-17"presented, the way it shows up, is not super professional, super sleek."
subtitle-69730-73270-18"That doesn't mean we shouldn't partner with them, of course, but it tells me something"
subtitle-73270-79930-19"about their IT capabilities or about the level of attention that is paid to this"
subtitle-79930-81850-20"thing, to their website, to their web presence."
subtitle-82450-85120-21"Maybe it's indicative of something deeper."
subtitle-85120-88210-22"Maybe not. Let's look onwards."
subtitle-89050-92200-23"I see, for example, something – what about this thing?"
subtitle-92200-97180-24""OPAC". The librarians in the audience probably know what it is, but most of you"
subtitle-97180-98350-25"probably don't know."
subtitle-98680-106090-26"This is librarian jargon, but in fact, an OPAC is the Online Public Access Catalog."
subtitle-107810-113570-27"Meaning it's the way for the public, for you and me, to search the National Library's"
subtitle-113570-119720-28"catalog. So you would think they would want that to be inviting, to be to to be aimed at"
subtitle-119720-121310-29"people who aren't librarians."
subtitle-121310-126320-30"And yet it isn't. They just say, oh, pack the information you need quickly and easily."
subtitle-126320-128360-31"What information? What is an opaque?"
subtitle-128360-130280-32"I don't know. I have to click to find out."
subtitle-132140-134750-33"My point is not that the colors aren't nice."
subtitle-134750-135920-34"Of course the colors are the national colors."
subtitle-136370-142220-35"My point is that there's insufficient attention here to usability, to user"
subtitle-142220-146750-36"friendliness. It looks like it was designed by a professional librarian rather than a"
subtitle-146750-147980-37"professional designer."
subtitle-147980-150770-38"So a librarian said, okay, here's the link to the OPAC."
subtitle-150770-152150-39"Everybody knows what an OPAC is."
subtitle-152150-157520-40"This isn't actually thinking about people like you and me who may not know what it is."
subtitle-157910-160430-41"By the way, I clicked the OPAC link."
subtitle-160430-165140-42"I had a search bar, I typed something in the search bar and nothing happened."
subtitle-165260-171950-43"So the OPAC is also not working, which again makes me feel a feeling of neglect about this"
subtitle-171950-174380-44"website. Again, maybe I'm just catching them on an off day."
subtitle-174380-175400-45"This is from today."
subtitle-175430-178460-46"Maybe something is wrong and tomorrow everything will work."
subtitle-178520-181970-47"But that's the impression I got from visiting this website."
subtitle-181970-183320-48"And these impressions matter."
subtitle-183320-188660-49"By the way, you should make sure your site gives a good impression because other people"
subtitle-188660-192740-50"will be looking up your site with precisely the same intention."
subtitle-192740-198110-51"So moving on to another part of the site, this is further down the website."
subtitle-198110-199820-52"This looks a little nicer, right?"
subtitle-199820-203090-53"I can see that they are also proud of certain numbers."
subtitle-203510-208610-54"That they have four regional offices, 20 branches, 100,000 research papers, 2 million"
subtitle-208610-209930-55"books on record."
subtitle-210110-211340-56"Nigeria is a huge country."
subtitle-211340-213230-57"They have a large national library, great."
subtitle-214130-218510-58""With over two decades of diligence, we have managed to preserve our nation's intellect"
subtitle-218510-223790-59"and treasures for the future generation." This is like a kind of vision style"
subtitle-223790-228830-60"statement. And again, I encourage you to remember such statements because this is our"
subtitle-228830-232190-61"partner, our potential partner's vocabulary."
subtitle-232190-237650-62"Now we know: they think of themselves as "preserving the nation's intellect and"
subtitle-237650-240500-63"treasures for the future generation"."
subtitle-240500-243650-64"You know, not every national library will use that phrase."
subtitle-243650-245570-65"The Nigerian National Library does!"
subtitle-245990-250040-66"So that's worthwhile to to notice."
subtitle-250040-253010-67"Further down that same page, we see some news items."
subtitle-253700-255680-68"And what are the news items?"
subtitle-256010-261440-69"There is a "readership promotion campaign" in one of the states in Nigeria."
subtitle-261440-263540-70"The state government commends the National Library."
subtitle-264110-269180-71"So of course the National Library likes us to know that they have been commended by one"
subtitle-269180-270560-72"of the state libraries."
subtitle-270560-276920-73"But this is in the context of a national reading campaign to encourage people to read."
subtitle-276920-279290-74"So again, we've learned this is an issue."
subtitle-279290-281570-75"This is something Nigeria cares about."
subtitle-281570-284630-76"It is something the National Library of Nigeria cares about."
subtitle-284630-289400-77"Again, not every national library is actively promoting reading."
subtitle-289400-292250-78"Specifically the Nigerian National Library is!"
subtitle-292250-296500-79"That's worthwhile to keep in mind."
subtitle-296500-300020-80"We also see something about a service that they do: "The National Library introduces"
subtitle-300020-304730-81"online application software for international standard serial numbers and"
subtitle-304730-306380-82"international standard book numbers acquisition"."
subtitle-307310-310310-83"So this is how you can purchase an ISBN online."
subtitle-311030-314090-84"So they have some new technology that they're informing us about."
subtitle-327960-335670-86"Here is their About Us page and we are offered a vision and – confusingly – two"
subtitle-335670-336750-87"mission statements!"
subtitle-336750-338700-88"I think the third one is maybe a wrong title."
subtitle-340500-346560-89"The vision is "to ensure the building of an informed and enlightened citizenry through"
subtitle-346560-350940-90"the provision of information resources that are readily available and easily accessible"."
subtitle-351790-354940-91"Okay, so this is what they are about."
subtitle-354960-360420-92"Again, not every national library will phrase it in this way that their job is to"
subtitle-360420-362670-93"create "an informed and enlightened citizenry"."
subtitle-364200-369480-94"Some libraries will tell you "our job is to preserve knowledge", not about the citizenry."
subtitle-369510-373630-95"It's interesting that the National Library of Nigeria is talking about the citizenry."
subtitle-373650-377010-96"That's the goal. Through the provision of resources."
subtitle-377910-382350-97"The mission statement "to acquire, process, organize, disseminate, as well as provide"
subtitle-382350-388260-98"links to information resources to all Nigerians for their educational pursuits and"
subtitle-388260-393340-99"for informed decision making." Again, a pretty clear mission statement."
subtitle-393340-399010-100"We understand for whom and what they do and kind of why they do it, too."
subtitle-399790-405580-101"And then there's this more formal thing: it was established in this date with the mandate"
subtitle-405580-412600-102"to maintain –– So this is by virtue of what mandate or what force do they exist."
subtitle-412600-418210-103"It's a little funny: It says "you should provide such services as in the opinion of"
subtitle-418210-422350-104"the board are usually provided by national libraries." So this is kind of adorable, I"
subtitle-422350-427960-105"think, it's a mandate that says, "you know, go do national library things!", which is"
subtitle-427960-432070-106"kind of cute. Anyway, so this is again something that they offered me."
subtitle-432070-433660-107"I've never been to the National Library of Nigeria."
subtitle-434170-438370-108"I learned all this literally by reading their web page."
subtitle-439780-444280-109"We also have some objectives on that same page, more specific "to provide a source of"
subtitle-444280-448750-110"intellectual support and stimulus for advancement in all fields of human endeavor,"
subtitle-448750-452560-111"particularly academic, social, cultural, scientific and technological." You can see"
subtitle-452560-457360-112"here that there's a very strong emphasis on advancement, stimulus, uplifting the"
subtitle-457360-459850-113"citizenry" – it's very much a development vocabulary!"
subtitle-461050-464980-114"Again, quite different from a lot of other national libraries I know, which are more"
subtitle-464980-469600-115"about preservation and access, but they're not really talking about improving people."
subtitle-471970-477160-116""Comprehensive and rich collection for reference and research within and beyond the"
subtitle-477160-481450-117"nation's physical boundaries." This is valuable to remember because remember the"
subtitle-481450-486610-118"mission talked about Nigerians, but now this objective is to also be available beyond the"
subtitle-486610-488170-119"nation's physical boundaries."
subtitle-488170-494170-120"That's interesting. "And to ensure for the nation a place in the community of nations"
subtitle-494260-497710-121"which depend on knowledge and original ideas for survival." This is interesting because"
subtitle-497710-502720-122"this also means [that] beyond the service that we give Nigerians, we should give back,"
subtitle-502720-509020-123"we should participate in the broader community of nations, which is a leverage,"
subtitle-509320-514210-124"something we can use to encourage this partner to work internationally, or to take"
subtitle-514210-516040-125"example from things that are happening elsewhere."
subtitle-516970-521200-126"If we say, "well, the British Library is doing this, so should the Nigerian National"
subtitle-521200-525640-127"Library!", based on your being part of the community of nations, etc.."
subtitle-527050-533140-128"So I hope you are beginning to see how we practice this "judo", this kind of learning"
subtitle-533140-540010-129"the partner's language and then leveraging it to present to them what we are talking"
subtitle-540010-543220-130"about in the terms that are favorable to them."
subtitle-544120-546790-131"This is the news page of the National Library."
subtitle-547360-548380-132"This is what it looks like."
subtitle-548380-550810-133"It's empty. There's no news, not even old news."
subtitle-551500-557980-134"Again, signs of of neglect or some kind of technical problem."
subtitle-558910-560620-135"Not very confidence-inspiring."
subtitle-560620-566890-136"Again, I think it just shows [that] nobody powerful, at least, is paying attention."
subtitle-567310-571000-137"Maybe someone is in charge and they're under-budgeted and nobody cares whether or"
subtitle-571000-572140-138"not the site is up to date."
subtitle-572140-577510-139"Maybe. I don't know. But it looks like it's not important or it is important, but not to"
subtitle-577510-578530-140"the powerful people."
subtitle-580180-583660-141"Which is a shame. Moving on."
subtitle-583660-585490-142"Oh, this is the OPAC search form I mentioned."
subtitle-586240-589330-143"This is after I typed in something and I clicked search."
subtitle-589330-591640-144"This is what I saw. There were no results, nothing at all."
subtitle-591670-592840-145"Maybe it'll work for you."
subtitle-592930-594010-146"It didn't work for me."
subtitle-597400-599530-147"So this was a little disappointing."
subtitle-599770-603670-148"But we got an idea of what it says it wants to do."
subtitle-603700-607060-149"The execution is a little disappointing."
subtitle-607060-609640-150"What can we learn about this library from other sources?"
subtitle-609640-611620-151"And this is the last section of today's lesson."
subtitle-612610-614230-152"This is their Facebook page."
subtitle-614230-615390-153"I found them on Facebook."
subtitle-615400-616930-154"They're actually linked from the site."
subtitle-617080-619510-155"This is the Facebook page of the National Library of Nigeria."
subtitle-619840-620920-156"It looks like a Facebook page."
subtitle-620920-623320-157"I scroll down and I see what do they post about?"
subtitle-623650-627670-158"And I gave you all of the four latest posts here."
subtitle-628510-633580-159"The latest post is from January 1st, meaning more than a month and a half ago, and it is"
subtitle-633580-634720-160"about the new year."
subtitle-636070-637240-161"Wishing us a happy new year."
subtitle-638620-639750-162"Not a lot of information."
subtitle-639760-646750-163"Fine. The previous post is wishing us Merry Christmas by scanning a paper document."
subtitle-647860-650350-164"Not very Internet-native."
subtitle-650890-655060-165"Before that, we actually have another ceremonial update."
subtitle-655060-659260-166"The President greets the National Librarian for his 70th birthday."
subtitle-662700-667500-167"I'm sure it's very touching, but it's not really of service to me as a consumer of the"
subtitle-667500-673920-168"library; I'm feeling that whoever is running this page isn't really thinking about how to"
subtitle-673920-678500-169"be of service to readers or to patrons or to the public of the library."
subtitle-678510-681600-170"They're not really focused on the mission that we've just read about."
subtitle-681630-686640-171"They're basically, I think, trying to please some boss, maybe; they're clearly"
subtitle-686640-689790-172"republishing some press release about the president's greeting."
subtitle-690570-694740-173"It doesn't feel like that page is very useful to people interested in knowledge,"
subtitle-694740-696210-174"library services, etc.."
subtitle-696690-701790-175"The most substantive post I saw is actually that the National Library is now fully"
subtitle-701790-705300-176"operational in Ekiti State, again one of the many states of Nigeria."
subtitle-705330-712170-177"So now they have a presence in that state from which, by the way, we learn that the"
subtitle-712170-718380-178"National Library doesn't have branches or representation in all the states of Nigeria"
subtitle-718380-722460-179"yet. That's why it's news that now, in this state, there is."
subtitle-722460-725850-180"So this is, I think, the most substantive post here."
subtitle-725940-731910-181"And I want to point your attention to the fact that the post is just a link to an item"
subtitle-732600-734820-182"in a media outlet called Punch."
subtitle-734850-738090-183"It's a Nigerian media outlet not related to the library."
subtitle-738420-744120-184"In other words, the library Facebook page wasn't even delivering the news themselves."
subtitle-744120-751890-185"They just linked to external reporting about their own work, which again, I think is a bit"
subtitle-751890-757170-186"amateurish. I think it shows that the Facebook page, has a lot to improve on,"
subtitle-757170-759090-187"which, by the way, maybe we can help with."
subtitle-759090-763560-188"Maybe we understand social media a little better and we can give them some ideas and do"
subtitle-763560-768180-189"some kind of collaboration, on the social media presence of the National Library"
subtitle-768660-771030-190"insofar as it is relevant to free knowledge."
subtitle-771060-774390-191"I'm just saying it occurs to me as a potential avenue."
subtitle-775920-778800-192"So one last example."
subtitle-778800-785520-193"This is from some site called AllAfrica, and we learn that they've been trying to fix the"
subtitle-785520-787770-194"building of the National Library for 15 years."
subtitle-788460-794220-195"And despite promises every year of completing the project, yearly promises of"
subtitle-794220-795660-196"completing the project, it's just not happening."
subtitle-796440-801540-197"The office, the building is run down, it's unsuitable and there's a problem."
subtitle-801540-804360-198"So again, signs of neglect, signs of a problem."
subtitle-804870-810480-199"This also tells me there's probably not too much available money in the library to do new"
subtitle-810480-811740-200"things, to do new projects."
subtitle-811740-816360-201"So if I come with a partnership proposal to the library, it probably shouldn't involve"
subtitle-816360-818190-202"asking them to invest money."
subtitle-818700-819930-203"That's what I'm learning from this, probably."
subtitle-823290-825630-204"What else do I see? This is also from Punch."
subtitle-825750-832260-205"I see that they explained about how the pandemic affected them and they say there"
subtitle-832260-838560-206"will be a symposium and national dignitaries will be invited to read to Nigerians."
subtitle-838560-844140-207"And it talks of the importance of reading again, this reading campaign clearly very,"
subtitle-844140-848490-208"very important for Nigeria and for the National Library of Nigeria."
subtitle-848490-854190-209"So again, I'm getting the signal if we can offer something relevant to a reading"
subtitle-854190-857370-210"campaign, maybe they'll be all ears."
subtitle-857370-861270-211"I also see that they've done a national essay competition on the importance of"
subtitle-861270-863910-212"reading. So they do competitions with prizes."
subtitle-865230-866940-213"We do competitions as well."
subtitle-866970-868710-214"Maybe there's potential here."