WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Communicating setbacks - examples

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Communicating setbacks - examples"
display_name"Communicating setbacks - examples"
subtitle-60-7200-1"So for that, I offer you two examples of written communication."
subtitle-8190-13560-2"Obviously, you will need to adapt this to your local context, your local language,"
subtitle-13560-19110-3"etc., but these are things that would be, I think, acceptable in English speaking"
subtitle-20820-25590-4"organizations and businesses, as perfectly acceptable ways of communicating a problem."
subtitle-25590-26760-5"So here's an example."
subtitle-27300-32460-6""Dear Miss X, that's the partner, or the contact person at the partner."
subtitle-33060-38850-7"I would like to update you about the Y workshop which took place as part of our Z"
subtitle-38850-44010-8"partnership. The venue was great and we were able to deliver the training, but"
subtitle-44010-49290-9"regrettably, only three people turned up, which is much less than the 40 or so we were"
subtitle-49290-55870-10"hoping for. Perhaps before the next workshop we could meet and spend some time thinking"
subtitle-55870-61800-11"about additional channels to effectively reach interested people?" And then, of"
subtitle-61800-63360-12"course, you know, sincerely, etc.."
subtitle-63840-66360-13"So what do we see in this piece of communication?"
subtitle-67950-74880-14"We see that we are informing the partner about what happened."
subtitle-75570-78870-15"We don't immediately start with a problem."
subtitle-78870-81090-16"We give some general context."
subtitle-81330-83700-17"Overall, the venue was great."
subtitle-83970-85610-18"The training did happen."
subtitle-85620-87360-19"We delivered the training."
subtitle-87390-88920-20"It's not a complete failure."
subtitle-89550-92540-21"However, only three people showed up."
subtitle-92550-93860-22"We were hoping for 40."
subtitle-94170-96930-23"And we've expressed this remembering our theory of change."
subtitle-96930-98490-24"We had some thresholds, etc."
subtitle-98700-104340-25"So in that respect we didn't meet our threshold of success."
subtitle-104850-107370-26"So this happened and now, you know."
subtitle-107550-108810-27"And it's already done."
subtitle-108810-110730-28"It's over. The event is over."
subtitle-110850-112440-29"So what are we also saying?"
subtitle-112440-116430-30"We're saying, "hey, let's meet!" We, we the partners."
subtitle-118530-124020-31"Perhaps before the next workshop we could meet and spend some time thinking about what"
subtitle-124290-129920-32"additional channels to effectively reach interested people, what those might be."
subtitle-130320-132870-33"So again, we're making it our shared problem."
subtitle-133350-136590-34"Let's think about how we improve the next event."
subtitle-137670-139800-35"I'm inviting the partner to think with us."
subtitle-139800-143640-36"Now, some partners may not be interested in doing this thinking."
subtitle-143820-146760-37"They may say, "Well, better luck next time."
subtitle-147720-149310-38"Thank you for the report" or something."
subtitle-149490-155010-39"But some partners will agree to share the problem and share the resources and maybe use"
subtitle-155010-157020-40"their own channels and maybe change something."
subtitle-157650-164640-41"So anyway, we are inviting we're inviting the partner to co-own the problem and its"
subtitle-164640-169710-42"solution. So this is an example of how we report such a difficulty."
subtitle-169710-171720-43"And here's another example, a very different one."
subtitle-172260-175320-44"This one is before the event."
subtitle-176250-178050-45""Dear Mr. X", again the partner."
subtitle-178620-184140-46""I've just been informed that our catering provider for the Y event has taken ill, and"
subtitle-184140-186270-47"won't be able to serve the event tomorrow!"
subtitle-187450-193090-48"This is quite last minute and I hope between us we can find a solution that would allow"
subtitle-193090-194980-49"the event to take place as planned."
subtitle-195640-200770-50"We are already calling other caterers we know of and checking availability and asking for"
subtitle-200770-203680-51"price quotes. But we haven't found one yet."
subtitle-204310-209650-52"May I suggest you use your network as well, and update us if you're able to secure a"
subtitle-209650-211810-53"caterer within the planned budget?"
subtitle-213010-221910-54"Let's have a call at 9:00 pm today, either way, to decide on a course of action." So"
subtitle-221910-223110-55"what are we saying here?"
subtitle-223140-226110-56"The situation: I'm informing the partner."
subtitle-226470-228160-57"An unexpected thing happened."
subtitle-228180-231270-58"We had a caterer. Everything was organized in budget."
subtitle-231270-236190-59"But, they're ill, they're not able to serve the event tomorrow."
subtitle-237050-238100-60"That's the situation."
subtitle-238100-244070-61"So first of all, I gave them the facts, the thing that happened, and I acknowledge that"
subtitle-244070-247190-62"it's quite last minute, because this really is bad news."
subtitle-247190-248240-63"It's unexpected news."
subtitle-248240-249830-64"Nobody likes hearing bad news."
subtitle-249830-256340-65"And I'm softening it somewhat by saying, "yes, this is last minute", because people"
subtitle-256340-258920-66"are usually upset to receive last minute bad news."
subtitle-259430-263720-67""Everything was set. And now you're telling me the caterer is ill?" Now, it's not your"
subtitle-263720-265340-68"fault, of course, you're just sharing the news."
subtitle-265910-272900-69"But still, psychologically, people feel attacked when they get bad news last minute."
subtitle-272900-282090-70"So helping soften that is saying, "yes, this is quite last minute." But then I move on to"
subtitle-282090-284100-71"express what we can do."
subtitle-284100-289590-72"And again, I'm trying to include the partner, to bring them into co-ownership of"
subtitle-289590-294780-73"the problem. And I say "I hope between us" because this is a problem for both of us."
subtitle-294810-303120-74""I hope between us we can find a solution that works and that would allow the event to"
subtitle-303120-306850-75"take place as planned". Now, here's what we have already been doing."
subtitle-306870-308760-76"I'm giving you this update kind of in real time."
subtitle-309090-311400-77"So we've already started working on it."
subtitle-312290-313820-78"But we haven't succeeded yet."
subtitle-313820-316700-79"So we're asking you to also help."
subtitle-317750-321510-80"And we're giving them a concrete suggestion, not just "help!"."
subtitle-321530-323210-81"We're saying maybe use your network."
subtitle-323210-324870-82"Maybe try to look for a caterer."
subtitle-324890-326960-83"Make sure it's within the schedule, budget, etc.."
subtitle-327380-331190-84"And finally, I don't want to just say, "hey, try to do something"."
subtitle-331850-335330-85"I'm offering a very concrete connection point."
subtitle-336470-337940-86"Since the event is tomorrow."
subtitle-338360-343310-87"Let's have a call at 9:00 pm today when we've exhausted all our possibilities."
subtitle-343310-345540-88"If we've secured a caterer, great."
subtitle-345560-348260-89"If we haven't, we need to make some kind of decision."
subtitle-348770-350990-90"And again, I want you to be part of that decision."
subtitle-352340-354290-91"Do we go ahead with the event without catering?"
subtitle-355550-361970-92"Do we go ahead with the event with, some cheap sandwiches instead of full catering?"
subtitle-362090-363950-93"Do we cancel the event?"
subtitle-363980-368000-94"Can we cancel the event so late, at such a late stage?"
subtitle-368870-372770-95"These are questions, and we need to decide them together as partners."
subtitle-372770-376070-96"Again, the partner may say something like, "Well, do whatever you can."
subtitle-376310-380540-97"We don't know. We can't help." Maybe they'll say that, but maybe they would actually"
subtitle-380540-383420-98"appreciate being included and deal with it."
subtitle-383420-388010-99"And again, maybe they have some ideas, maybe they have some emergency options, but either"
subtitle-388010-390800-100"way, you're inviting them to co-own it with you."
subtitle-391010-396290-101"You're inviting them to make the decision together whether or not you've succeeded in"
subtitle-396860-398330-102"solving the catering problem."
subtitle-398510-400910-103"So these are two examples of communication."
subtitle-400910-405890-104"One of them is kind of a "this happened, here's our learning, let's think about it"
subtitle-405890-408020-105"together." The other is more like "this is happening."
subtitle-408590-409610-106"We need help."
subtitle-410060-414350-107"Let's work on it together." These are different tones, different contexts."
subtitle-414350-422540-108"But I think they give you an example of how we contact and communicate to our partner a"
subtitle-422540-429700-109"difficulty. In a way that is not panic-inducing but does make them part of the"
subtitle-429700-433720-110"team working on it, does invite them to co-own the problem with us."
subtitle-434590-436690-111"So these were examples of how to communicate."