WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Organizing a first meeting with your partner

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Organizing a first meeting with your partner"
display_name"Organizing a first meeting with your partner"
subtitle-1630-8140-1"So we are ready to move on to our second major topic of the day."
subtitle-8170-10150-2"Meeting our partner."
subtitle-12850-21490-3"So now that we have our partnership research and our PVP, and even an elevator pitch, and"
subtitle-21490-27040-4"let's say we have already produced our evidence toolkit, and we have worked on our"
subtitle-27040-31030-5"main pitch presentation, which I know you haven't worked on yet, that's fine."
subtitle-31030-36550-6"But let's imagine that we have, we are ready to schedule our first meeting with our"
subtitle-37030-38170-7"potential partner."
subtitle-38590-43540-8"And that meeting, that first opportunity we're going to have to present our"
subtitle-43540-50830-9"partnership, ideally, we want to meet with a decision maker, with someone who can"
subtitle-50830-54160-10"literally say, "yes, this is a good idea, let's do this."
subtitle-54160-58300-11"Let's work with these people." I don't mean they have to sign an agreement right then and"
subtitle-58300-62320-12"there. We usually don't even want to do that right there at the first meeting."
subtitle-62320-63970-13"But we want to impress."
subtitle-63970-69550-14"We want the chance to directly talk to and directly impress the actual decision maker,"
subtitle-69550-73540-15"whoever that may be. Maybe it's a middle manager, maybe it's a vice president."
subtitle-73540-75940-16"Maybe only the director can make such decisions."
subtitle-77710-81240-17"And we want to get time with this person, at least an hour."
subtitle-81250-83380-18"Now, this is easier said than done."
subtitle-83380-88990-19"I understand. It may not be easy to get to pitch for an hour to the decision maker."
subtitle-88990-92500-20"And again, this differs from institution to institution, and country to country."
subtitle-92500-95620-21"We may need to pitch to pitch!"
subtitle-95860-101230-22"Meaning we may need to convince a person to let us pitch to this other person, to their"
subtitle-101230-103360-23"manager or to the director or whatever."
subtitle-103360-108820-24"And we may even need to pitch to a series of people before we are granted the opportunity"
subtitle-108820-111930-25"to deliver the full pitch to a relevant decision maker."
subtitle-111940-113950-26"That's okay. That's how it works."
subtitle-115630-122210-27"So this exact, this pitch to pitch stage, is exactly where our self introduction –"
subtitle-122210-126730-28"assignment three – and our elevator pitch – assignment eight – are really useful."
subtitle-127000-132250-29"We have to maybe do a series of "hi, we are this and that and we'd like to interest you"
subtitle-132250-134980-30"in..." and give them the elevator pitch, just a minute."
subtitle-135580-140650-31"And then if they say, "Oh yeah, well, that sounds interesting, but I'm not, I cannot...""
subtitle-141010-143240-32"then you say, "Great, who can I talk to?"
subtitle-143500-144700-33"Can you refer me?"
subtitle-144700-149170-34"Can you help me organize a meeting so that I can present to your manager, to whoever"
subtitle-149170-150820-35"can..." etc., etc."
subtitle-150820-157300-36"So this can be exactly one of those cases where you're not going to give long"
subtitle-157300-161950-37"presentations to irrelevant people, but you might need to at least give them an idea, a"
subtitle-161950-167950-38"taste of why you are asking for a meeting with the director, the manager, the"
subtitle-167950-175330-39"president, whatever. So that's about how we get to do a pitch and how do we even get to"
subtitle-175330-178060-40"that person who we need to pitch to?"
subtitle-178330-181660-41"Well, sometimes we just already have some kind of contact."
subtitle-181660-184930-42"We already know someone working there or related there."
subtitle-184930-190000-43"And if we do, then it's often easiest to go through that person, even if their actual"
subtitle-190000-194500-44"role is not relevant to what we do, or they're not the decision maker."
subtitle-194500-198340-45"The fact that they work there, and they know the organizational structure, means that they"
subtitle-198340-202480-46"can probably help us get to the right person, and maybe even arrange the meeting"
subtitle-202480-207490-47"for us. But if we don't have a contact, if we just want to work with this organization,"
subtitle-207490-211120-48"but we don't know anyone there, we start with official channels."
subtitle-211120-213010-49"We look at the partner's website, as we've learned."
subtitle-214060-218500-50"We look at their staff page or if they have some kind of organizational structure page"
subtitle-218500-220870-51"which shows the different departments, that's even better."
subtitle-221080-227140-52"And we try to find who would be the right person to talk to, or at least redirect us to"
subtitle-227140-228250-53"the person to talk to."
subtitle-228820-235060-54"In some cases, we may have only a single "contact us" email address, and then we write"
subtitle-235060-239560-55"to that email address, and we explain who we are, and we give them a written version of"
subtitle-239560-244930-56"our elevator pitch, and we say, "we understand this is probably a general email"
subtitle-244930-249130-57"address, but we would be grateful if you can connect us with the most relevant people in"
subtitle-249130-254950-58"the organization to explore possibilities, etc., etc." So sometimes we literally have to"
subtitle-254950-259630-59"go through the "contact us" form on the website and we don't know who is on the other"
subtitle-259630-265060-60"end, but we can be polite, we can explain -- we don't just say, "please connect us to the"
subtitle-265060-267160-61"executive director!" That doesn't work."
subtitle-267370-272980-62"But if we give the elevator pitch, if we already explain, oh, this is not spam, this"
subtitle-272980-274690-63"is someone proposing a partnership."
subtitle-274870-278860-64"They should talk to this vice president or they should talk to that person."
subtitle-279700-281950-65"Usually you can get some response that way."
subtitle-284320-289420-66"We want to get at least one decision maker in the room, and we also ideally want to have"
subtitle-289420-290830-67"some relevant expertise."
subtitle-290830-296620-68"So if, for example, the partnership we offer has a technical aspect such as a GLAM content"
subtitle-296620-302680-69"donation, which involves metadata and programming, often, you probably want their"
subtitle-302680-307690-70"curatorial staff, the librarians, the museologists, and maybe you even want someone"
subtitle-307690-313240-71"from their IT department, if they have one, so that the expertise is in the room, so that"
subtitle-313240-316990-72"the decision maker doesn't have to feel, "Oh, well, I don't even know if this is"
subtitle-316990-323170-73"possible, and the person I would need to ask isn't in the room." But again, this is ideal."
subtitle-323170-327670-74"Very often the right people won't be in the room, and we may find ourselves doing the"
subtitle-327670-331540-75"whole pitch only to be told, "okay, this is really interesting."
subtitle-331540-336400-76"Now we need you to say all of this again, with this guy in the room, or this woman in"
subtitle-336400-340050-77"the room." That may be what we have to do."
subtitle-340050-344910-78"And we will do it. We will go through the whole thing again, with another set of people"
subtitle-344910-349980-79"in the room, if we want that partnership."
subtitle-349980-357180-80"Now, if we make a larger meeting, there is a bigger chance of getting at least one of the"
subtitle-357180-359700-81"people in the meeting really excited about the potential."
subtitle-359880-361120-82"Maybe some other people won't get it."
subtitle-361140-363960-83"Maybe some other people will be checking Facebook the whole meeting."
subtitle-363960-368250-84"But if one person is paying attention and gets really excited about the potential, we"
subtitle-368250-373680-85"have an ally in the organization, and that ally might help convince the others."
subtitle-374340-378840-86"But also, the larger the meeting, the more likely we are to have an enemy, to have"
subtitle-378840-383760-87"someone who decides, "Ooh, this doesn't look right, and is full of risks and concerns,""
subtitle-383760-386280-88"and becomes an antagonist within the organization."
subtitle-387480-389940-89"Overall, I would say the balance is positive."
subtitle-390570-392550-90"We're more likely to make allies than enemies."
subtitle-393180-396390-91"So don't be afraid of larger meetings."
subtitle-396390-402180-92"I just want you to bear in mind that you might encounter one person who is making sour"
subtitle-402180-404820-93"faces at you, and expresses doubts."
subtitle-404820-410610-94"That's okay. Now, I also want to point out, and this is something that I know Wikimedians"
subtitle-410610-411660-95"have struggled with."
subtitle-412520-417920-96"To partner with us, in the traditional ways that we usually partner like GLAM, Education"
subtitle-417920-424730-97"partnerships, etc., usually doesn't fall into any existing workflow for the partner."
subtitle-424730-427910-98"So that means they've never done anything like this before."
subtitle-427940-429310-99"They've never worked with us."
subtitle-429320-435080-100"And the model that we're asking to work in is completely new to them."
subtitle-435080-440930-101"And it's not like they can say, "Oh yeah, this is for Sophia to handle, because this,"
subtitle-440930-443600-102"obviously, ties into her work, her role!""
subtitle-443630-447320-103"Sometimes they'll go, "Ah, I don't even know what department it would be."
subtitle-447350-452360-104"What team? Maybe we need some kind of inter-team thing." And, depending on how the"
subtitle-452360-456380-105"organization is, and how rigid they are, it may be difficult for them."
subtitle-456380-460760-106"And again, you may be finding yourself talking to a group of people."
subtitle-460760-462190-107"And in the end they say, "You know what?"
subtitle-462200-466530-108"Now we understand that you actually need to talk to these other people."
subtitle-466530-470570-109"Now that we really understand what the project is about, we realize that we can't"
subtitle-470570-474710-110"help you. You need to talk to these other people." Again, don't lose hope."
subtitle-474710-475950-111"Just move on."
subtitle-475970-477440-112"Now you talk to these other people."
subtitle-478730-483050-113"So you need to be patient and you need to be flexible and don't feel like, "Oh, they"
subtitle-483050-487580-114"wasted my time and they're just giving me the runaround." It's difficult for them too."
subtitle-487730-491990-115"Again, in many organizations I've seen this, where there was a..."
subtitle-491990-499880-116"They literally didn't know how to internally direct the Wikimedia initiative and who"
subtitle-499880-500900-117"should take care of it."
subtitle-502950-506610-118"And by the way, there may be multiple points to connect to in an organization."
subtitle-506940-509040-119"You might connect from the technical angle."
subtitle-509040-513750-120"You might connect from the communications and PR department of an organization, because"
subtitle-513750-518040-121"they see the value of the good PR and they'll convince the other decision makers."
subtitle-518460-525390-122"You need to be flexible, keep an open mind on who are your partners and allies inside"
subtitle-525390-526860-123"the partner organization."
subtitle-527790-533160-124"So let's say we are able to at least schedule a first meeting."