WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: What is a partnership? What isn't?

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: What is a partnership? What isn't?"
display_name"What is a partnership? What isn't?"
subtitle-1260-5280-1"Our first topic today is the definition of partnerships."
subtitle-6240-7830-2"Definition of partnerships."
subtitle-8660-13070-3"And I'm going to offer you a definition."
subtitle-13070-14870-4"It's not THE definition."
subtitle-14870-19760-5"It's not sacred, but it's a definition that will serve us well in this course."
subtitle-20300-28520-6"I want to suggest to you that partnerships are "bilateral or multilateral collaborations"
subtitle-28670-32630-7"that provide benefit to all sides"."
subtitle-33890-40070-8"And both of the bolded elements here are important, are crucial elements of the"
subtitle-40070-46550-9"definition. If there aren't at least two sides – bilateral means two sided –"
subtitle-46550-51380-10"multilateral means multi-sided If there aren't at least two sides, then it's not a"
subtitle-51380-56900-11"partnership. And if there isn't a benefit to all sides, it's not a partnership."
subtitle-58700-64190-12"But as long as there's two or more sides that are collaborating on something, meaning"
subtitle-64190-70660-13"working towards some kind of shared goal, it can be thought of as a partnership."
subtitle-70670-72650-14"This is a deliberately quite broad definition."
subtitle-74270-81590-15"But I do insist on this element that there must be a benefit to all sides."
subtitle-85760-90710-16"Because if only one side benefits, then it's not a partnership."
subtitle-90710-93600-17"Then it's a service that one side is giving the other."
subtitle-93620-98300-18"Or maybe a donation that one side is donating to another without any benefit to"
subtitle-98300-100650-19"themselves. But it's not a partnership."
subtitle-100680-103820-20"Now, that doesn't mean it's wrong or it's useless."
subtitle-105260-110900-21"Donations are great; services are great; allies that just support you without getting"
subtitle-110900-112070-22"any benefit to themselves."
subtitle-112070-116510-23"That's great. You should all want to have donors and allies."
subtitle-116510-118400-24"That's all great. But these are not partners."
subtitle-119900-126140-25"A partnership has to have a mutual benefit; has to benefit both partners or all partners,"
subtitle-126140-127850-26"if there's more than two."
subtitle-127850-129440-27"In some way; it doesn't have to be the same way."
subtitle-130160-134810-28"It can be different benefits to different sides, but there has to be a benefit."
subtitle-135200-142100-29"And when I say collaboration, I mean that each side is investing something towards this"
subtitle-142100-143120-30"shared goal."
subtitle-143120-146210-31"And again, the investment doesn't have to be the same either."
subtitle-146630-150800-32"The different sides of a partnership can be investing different things or can be bringing"
subtitle-150800-154310-33"to the partnership different resources or efforts."
subtitle-156740-163790-34"In some cases, one side may maybe only provides the partnership with their"
subtitle-163790-170090-35"reputation, their good name, or maybe they only provide a venue, a room to to have an"
subtitle-170090-174320-36"event in, which feels like maybe not a lot because they already have it anyway, but"
subtitle-174320-178490-37"they're there making it available to the partnership; that is also an investment."
subtitle-180410-186110-38"So I hope this two-part kind of symmetrical definition is clear."
subtitle-186380-191480-39"At least two sides, each investing something, not necessarily the same thing,"
subtitle-191480-196670-40"towards a shared goal, and each drawing some kind of benefit."
subtitle-196670-199910-41"Again, not necessarily the same benefit."
subtitle-201200-204290-42"Any questions about this definition?"
subtitle-204390-210710-43"[one] asks: if what the other party is bringing on board is their time, will this"
subtitle-210710-212420-44"still be considered a partnership?"
subtitle-212450-213770-45"The answer is absolutely!"
subtitle-213770-215270-46"That can be a partnership."
subtitle-215510-219710-47"Any kind of investment from any side can be a partnership."
subtitle-220190-225410-48"Like I said, it can even be just their good name, their reputation, not even time, not"
subtitle-225410-227180-49"even anyone's personal effort."
subtitle-227180-235760-50"Just the fact that a certain organization or body with its reputation and its good name is"
subtitle-235760-240800-51"lending it to a project that can also be a contribution that helps."
subtitle-241520-243590-52"So absolutely, that can be a partnership."
subtitle-243590-250610-53"But again, there has to be a benefit to the party that is bringing their time."
subtitle-250610-257370-54"Right. So you ask what if the goal is not shared, but both goals are separate and still"
subtitle-257370-260010-55"compatible? That's an excellent question."
subtitle-260010-261600-56"Yes, that can still be a partnership."
subtitle-261600-263520-57"It doesn't have to be precisely the same goal."
subtitle-264060-269670-58"As long as there is a shared common denominator to our different goals, we want"
subtitle-269670-270900-59"this, you want that."
subtitle-270900-272220-60"But they are parallel."
subtitle-272220-276750-61"They are compatible, at least in some some specific overlap."
subtitle-276750-280740-62"And that's a key point actually in partnerships, very rarely will we find a"
subtitle-280740-284310-63"partner that is 100% identical to us."
subtitle-284310-288840-64"Right. 100% the same values, the same methods, the same approach."
subtitle-289260-290620-65"That's actually very rare."
subtitle-290640-296910-66"Most of our partners will have partial overlap, sometimes quite narrow overlap with"
subtitle-296940-298740-67"our values or our goals."
subtitle-298740-303840-68"But as long as there is that overlap and we can agree about it, we can have a partnership"
subtitle-303840-306420-69"and we will discuss that in depth in future lessons."
subtitle-307080-313680-70"Not today. Today our focus is our selves, on knowing ourselves before we even look at"
subtitle-313680-315060-71"prospective partners."
subtitle-316410-320100-72"Okay, so let's look at some examples of partnerships."
subtitle-323570-332510-73"So: Wikimedia group is working with the city library to provide editing workshops hosted"
subtitle-332510-333830-74"at the library."
subtitle-335750-337690-75"What are the benefits here?"
subtitle-337700-340880-76"Why am I saying this is a partnership?"
subtitle-345420-349500-77"Can anyone explain what is the – What are the at least two benefits here?"
subtitle-349740-350880-78"One to each side."
subtitle-358810-362350-79"[someone] suggests it brings more people to the institution."
subtitle-362650-364780-80"So that's a benefit to the library, right?"
subtitle-365440-370660-81"I would suggest the benefit to us might be potential future editors and improved"
subtitle-370660-375070-82"knowledge or articles or resources about a particular topic."
subtitle-375400-378730-83""To us" being to the Wikimedia side, of course."
subtitle-379900-384370-84"A benefit is potentially recruiting new editors, potentially getting new articles"
subtitle-384370-392080-85"written. And [someone] says promotion of public access to knowledge at the library."
subtitle-394810-397990-86"So these are, yes, these are good examples of the benefits here."
subtitle-397990-400060-87"And there could be others as well."
subtitle-400630-405190-88"There is a question here: is it necessary to have some kind of agreement signing required"
subtitle-405190-407590-89"even if a partner offers space?"
subtitle-408070-410260-90"The answer is: it depends."
subtitle-410290-414460-91"In some countries and in some situations, it's really important to have some kind of"
subtitle-414460-419020-92"written agreement. In others it is less important and we will discuss that in a"
subtitle-419020-421570-93"future lesson. So we will get back to that question."
subtitle-423400-429140-94"[someone] suggests another benefit is capacity building to the library's own staff."
subtitle-429160-430990-95"That's a very good example."
subtitle-432190-435250-96"Possibly digitization of the library content ."
subtitle-436390-439840-97"[someone] says symbiosis, but I'm not sure what symbiosis exactly."
subtitle-439840-442450-98"So maybe you could explain what you mean."
subtitle-446580-450180-99"But anyway, that's already quite a few potential benefits of this example."
subtitle-450180-455430-100"Let's move on to another example: Wikipedians supporting a university class"
subtitle-455430-458070-101"with an assignment of writing articles on Wikipedia."
subtitle-460260-462570-102"What are the benefits to the different sides here?"
subtitle-468350-473600-103"Yes. You mentioned that, of course, we get to use the space in the first example."
subtitle-473600-477920-104"We get to use the library space to deliver that editing workshop."
subtitle-477920-480770-105"That's, of course, a benefit to the Wikimedia group."
subtitle-481100-482770-106"What about the university class?"
subtitle-482780-484550-107"What are the benefits?"
subtitle-484910-489890-108"[someone] says university staff and students get increased knowledge and skills."
subtitle-489890-493290-109"That's a benefit to them, to the staff, to the students."
subtitle-493310-495290-110"What's the benefit to Wikimedia here?"
subtitle-496860-503010-111"Of course, writing new articles, potentially retaining some of those students as long time"
subtitle-503010-508320-112"editors. But even if not, we still get some new articles, maybe even good articles"
subtitle-508320-511950-113"because they are with some kind of academic review, etc.."
subtitle-512310-514620-114"This is fairly familiar."
subtitle-514620-519330-115"I'm sure many of you have at least heard of what we call the Education Program, the"
subtitle-519330-523890-116"Wikipedia Education Program, and some of you may have already been involved with that."
subtitle-524700-527610-117"So that's an easy example of a partnership."
subtitle-527640-533280-118"Here's another one. A Wikimedia group working with a museum to digitize and publish"
subtitle-533280-535890-119"media files of its collection."
subtitle-536580-544050-120"So of course, the benefit to Wikimedia is gaining new media files to publish on Commons"
subtitle-544050-546390-121"to make available to the public; an obvious benefit."
subtitle-547080-549480-122"What is the benefit to the museum here?"
subtitle-557390-563660-123"Greater visibility, help with digitization, like help with the actual work of digitizing"
subtitle-563660-566900-124"objects, which is a lot of work, right?"
subtitle-568200-570140-125"Recognition furthers their mission."
subtitle-570150-572040-126"That's an excellent point [someone] makes."
subtitle-572310-577200-127"It actually furthers the museum's own mission, because why does the museum exist?"
subtitle-577200-583710-128"It exists to help the public gain access and knowledge of these very objects right now."
subtitle-583710-589020-129"Usually it does it by people coming to the museum and seeing them, but actually making"
subtitle-589020-594240-130"them available online is literally in line with most museums' actual mission."
subtitle-596210-597650-131"They don't always realize it."
subtitle-597740-602570-132"And that's where a partnership conversation can help them realize it."
subtitle-603170-604640-133"So, yes, very good."
subtitle-604880-611030-134"So again, we could consider more and more potential benefits, but this was just a quick"
subtitle-611030-616400-135"example. These are all examples of partnerships because both sides get a benefit"
subtitle-616400-622000-136"and both sides do something, make some kind of contribution, even if it's just a space,"
subtitle-622010-627020-137"even if it's just –– even if the Wikipedians are effectively teaching the university"
subtitle-627020-632060-138"class, still the university and the professor have provided the opportunity."
subtitle-632270-637130-139"They have provided access to students, access to a classroom, etc.."
subtitle-637610-643010-140"That itself is a contribution, even if they don't actually do any of the Wikipedia"
subtitle-643220-644660-141"training. All right."
subtitle-644660-650560-142"So with these examples, let's move on to what are NOT partnerships."
subtitle-650570-653870-143"If all of these are partnerships, what wouldn't be a partnership?"
subtitle-654470-659870-144"And I want to suggest to you that most donations aren't partnerships."
subtitle-660080-664880-145"Most of the time when people donate money and even if it's not money, even if it's"
subtitle-664880-670850-146"just, I don't know, "I'm going to let you use this big room that I have here for your"
subtitle-670850-673130-147"activity; I don't care about your activity."
subtitle-673130-675440-148"I'm just happy for you to go ahead and use the room."
subtitle-675560-677240-149"I'm donating that room."
subtitle-677240-679070-150"I'm not really getting any benefit out of it."
subtitle-679760-682010-151"It's a donation." It's a very kind thing I'm doing."
subtitle-682550-683900-152"It's not a partnership."
subtitle-684930-693000-153"Okay. Another example: if our Wikimedia group is renting, is paying for a concert"
subtitle-693000-698490-154"hall in order to hold an event there, they are not partnering with the concert hall."
subtitle-698930-701160-155"They're buying a service."
subtitle-701520-706470-156"They're paying for space and they're not partnering with the concert hall."
subtitle-708390-713880-157"Another example, if an expert photographer volunteers to serve on a Wiki Loves Whatever"
subtitle-713880-719250-158"jury – Wiki Loves Monuments; Wiki Loves Earth – serve on a jury with his professional"
subtitle-719250-725310-159"expertise and doesn't get any personal benefit out of it, is truly just volunteering"
subtitle-725310-731940-160"his time to participate in this jury, he's not really partnering with the organizers."
subtitle-731940-733230-161"He's volunteering, right."
subtitle-733230-735450-162"I mean, he is a Wikimedia volunteer and it's great."
subtitle-735960-740010-163"Just like we are all volunteering when we write articles on Wikipedia or upload"
subtitle-740010-744240-164"pictures to Commons, this person is volunteering their time to be on a jury and"
subtitle-744240-747000-165"that's great, but they're not a partner in that."
subtitle-747390-749790-166"There isn't any benefit to them."
subtitle-750850-753390-167"Now you might say, well, maybe there is a benefit to them."
subtitle-753400-758530-168"Well, yes, if there is a benefit to them, whether they are paid or maybe I don't know,"
subtitle-759280-762630-169"it promotes their business somehow, then it could be a partnership."
subtitle-762640-767470-170"But in the scenario I described where someone is just giving their time and their expertise"
subtitle-767470-771100-171"with absolutely no benefit to themselves, it's not a partnership."
subtitle-771100-772540-172"It's great. It's wonderful."
subtitle-772570-773800-173"Not a partnership."
subtitle-779240-784240-174"There's a question here: Can donations be classified –– Oh, sorry."
subtitle-784250-789740-175"Before that. Are these anonymous donations or do they help with their public cultural"
subtitle-789740-791300-176"capital? That's an excellent question!"
subtitle-791540-794710-177"An anonymous donation would almost never be a partnership, right?"
subtitle-794720-800300-178"Because it's anonymous. There's literally no way to reflect back positively on the donor."
subtitle-800570-806360-179"But even if it's not anonymous, if I'm a private citizen and I'm donating $100 to"
subtitle-806360-809360-180"Wikipedia through the Wikimedia Foundation."
subtitle-809630-814370-181"And even if my name is listed somewhere, there isn't a very particular benefit to me."
subtitle-814940-817100-182"It's still a kind of one sided relationship."
subtitle-817100-818780-183"I am a donor. I'm a supporter."
subtitle-818780-820550-184"I'm an ally. I get a very nice thank you note."
subtitle-821030-826010-185"I'm not really partnering with the Wikimedia Foundation by donating to it."
subtitle-826010-827310-186"And again, that's okay, right?"
subtitle-827330-832130-187"Not everything needs to be a partnership, but I'm actually encouraging you to to think"
subtitle-832130-834320-188"carefully about what is and what is not a partnership."
subtitle-834830-840710-189"Because when we want to build partnerships, we want to make sure we have provided, we are"
subtitle-840710-845420-190"providing some kind of benefit to our prospective partner; that we're not asking"
subtitle-845420-849380-191"them to just donate to us, because that's a different kind of relationship."
subtitle-850990-855550-192"The next question was, can most donations be classified as collaborations, if not"
subtitle-855550-859360-193"partnerships? Again, I guess it depends."
subtitle-859690-861550-194"Some donations are collaborations."
subtitle-861550-862690-195"You could say that. Oh yeah."
subtitle-862690-866440-196"The guy who is letting us use his big room is collaborating with us."
subtitle-866440-867880-197"Even though there's no benefit to them."
subtitle-867880-869800-198"They are helping out. They're helping out."
subtitle-869800-871660-199"And in that sense, it's a collaboration."
subtitle-872050-874960-200"Again, would you say that someone who donated some money to the Wikimedia"
subtitle-874960-877120-201"Foundation is collaborating with it?"
subtitle-878140-880870-202"I'm not sure. Right, because it's kind of a one time thing."
subtitle-880870-885100-203"It happens. There isn't much of a relationship with the donor other than the"
subtitle-885100-887380-204"thank you letter and maybe another letter next year."
subtitle-888820-892960-205"I think maybe calling it a collaboration might be a little overstating it."
subtitle-892960-894940-206"But again, it depends on the context."
subtitle-896590-902170-207"And [someone] says promoting existing independent editathons is just support."
subtitle-902740-904510-208"I am not sure what you mean."
subtitle-906400-907430-209"Promoting existing..."
subtitle-907510-914050-210"You mean the–– the library or whatever it is, is providing PR, publicizing the fact"
subtitle-914050-915940-211"that there is an editathon."
subtitle-916450-921280-212"Yes, I think in that case, this is something that it is doing for the project."
subtitle-921280-923110-213"So they are investing something."
subtitle-923260-927460-214"But if there is no benefit to the library, it's still not a partnership."
subtitle-927460-934810-215"However, most city libraries and university libraries do have a series of events,"
subtitle-934810-936700-216"cultural events and hosted events that they do."
subtitle-937120-942490-217"And sometimes that's literally one of their goals, meaning it's their job to host such"
subtitle-942490-948040-218"events. And in that sense, by hosting us, the Wikimedia event, they are also making"
subtitle-948040-949990-219"progress on their own goal."
subtitle-949990-954700-220"In that case, yes, it is a partnership because by giving us the space, they have"
subtitle-954700-961150-221"also been able to check the box off on: "We have held a cultural activity in February","
subtitle-961150-962500-222"for example. Right?"
subtitle-962500-964870-223"So again, that is an actual benefit to the library."
subtitle-970650-974570-225"Another question: would you say the COVID-19 information the World Health Organization"
subtitle-974570-977690-226"gave to Wikimedia is a partnership or a collaboration?"
subtitle-979550-980810-227"That's a good question."
subtitle-980810-982230-228"And I turn it back to you."
subtitle-982250-986600-229"What would you say is the benefit to the World Health Organization?"
subtitle-987660-990660-230"If there is a benefit to them, then it could be a partnership."
subtitle-993840-999000-231"And we think of a benefit to the World Health Organization, greater public"
subtitle-999000-1004730-232"awareness. So the World Health Organization literally has as part of its mission to"
subtitle-1004730-1006740-233"spread information about health."
subtitle-1006740-1009320-234"Right. And to increase access to health information."
subtitle-1010250-1017450-235"And Wikimedia is an excellent vehicle, an excellent vessel to deliver information to"
subtitle-1017450-1022340-236"the people. As [someone] notes, much, much stronger than the World Health Organization's"
subtitle-1022340-1023410-237"own website."
subtitle-1023550-1027380-238"Right. So absolutely, there is a benefit to the World Health Organization."
subtitle-1027380-1029510-239"And therefore, yes, that could be called a partnership."
subtitle-1031340-1033350-240"Because there's a benefit to both sides."
subtitle-1035000-1042620-241"So this was the definition of partnership that we will be working with on in this"
subtitle-1042620-1044120-242"course. Again, there could be some other definitions."
subtitle-1044930-1046970-243"We will work with this one for now."