WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Questions and answers about informing the community

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Questions and answers about informing the community"
display_name"Questions and answers about informing the community"
subtitle-90-6900-1"To pause here and ask if you have any questions about the difference here, or has"
subtitle-6900-11400-2"everyone understood or heard or felt the difference in approach here?"
subtitle-13280-15920-3"And now I see that there's a question here from [someone]."
subtitle-16460-20240-4""Isn't there the possibility of the consultation jeopardizing the prospective"
subtitle-20240-25580-5"partnership? If you do this in advance, like the partner or a news outlet might stumble"
subtitle-25580-33200-6"upon a village pump discussion page before we even approach the partner." Yes, that is"
subtitle-33200-34700-7"certainly possible."
subtitle-36980-42230-8"Certainly don't discuss sensitive matters in public."
subtitle-43220-46190-9"Don't embarrass the partner, or the potential partner."
subtitle-46280-52370-10"And if you think that that's likely to happen, if you think that when you mention"
subtitle-52940-60650-11"this prospective partner, maybe it's a partner, say, whose previous management was"
subtitle-60650-62180-12"involved in some scandals."
subtitle-62570-63860-13"The previous management."
subtitle-64370-67970-14"But, you know, the first thing that people will think of would be those famous scandals"
subtitle-67970-72050-15"from the past. And that might distract people and create an ugly discussion."
subtitle-72050-73460-16"So you can head it off."
subtitle-73670-80510-17"You can, when you say we are considering partnering with Y, you can mention, "yes, we"
subtitle-80510-83150-18"know about past scandals, but they're under new management."
subtitle-83150-89150-19"Please, let's keep this to the point, and not discuss the scandal", or something like"
subtitle-89150-94880-20"that. You can try to head off the obvious difficulty and also remind people, literally"
subtitle-94880-99350-21"remind people, because people who are so used to on-wiki discussions sometimes forget"
subtitle-99350-103670-22"that it's public, sometimes forget that the people they are discussing could read this."
subtitle-103790-108200-23"So you can, you can just politely remind people and say, "Hey, whatever your opinion"
subtitle-108200-113720-24"about this, let's all be civil and and stick to the facts", something like that."
subtitle-113930-117860-25"Is it a guarantee that they wouldn't write something that would embarrass or offend the"
subtitle-117860-120110-26"partner? No, it is not a guarantee."
subtitle-120110-124820-27"But I think asking people politely and reminding them gently can go a long way."
subtitle-125760-130980-28"But yes, there is a chance that the partner would discover or someone would even send the"
subtitle-130980-135360-29"link to the partner, and they would read the discussion about themselves as a prospective"
subtitle-135360-140610-30"partner. And in that discussion, by the way, it is important that you, the user group, the"
subtitle-140610-145110-31"chapter, the person who is actually going to approach them with a partnership, at least"
subtitle-145110-149580-32"that you conducted yourself in a civil and calm manner."
subtitle-149580-153240-33"Because then even if the partner reads it and takes offense or something, you can"
subtitle-153240-157590-34"explain, "well, yeah, you know, we have public discourse on Wikipedia, and we have"
subtitle-157590-161550-35"all kinds of people, and some of them are less mature, and some of them are more"
subtitle-161550-166350-36"outspoken and less polite."
subtitle-166350-172710-37"And yeah, I wish that conversation had turned out differently, or that people didn't"
subtitle-172710-177390-38"say such things. But as you can see, other people responded, myself included, and we are"
subtitle-177390-180930-39"actually interested in partnering with you!" I mean, you know, you can talk your way out"
subtitle-180930-183900-40"of it by really going back to the wiki norms."
subtitle-184800-190710-41"Saying, "you know what, this unpleasantness is the price we pay for the benefits that we"
subtitle-190710-195840-42"get from public discussion, from transparency." I mean, you can you can"
subtitle-195840-201270-43"literally turn it into a teaching moment about the virtues of Wikipedia, and how that"
subtitle-201270-206040-44"sometimes comes with a little bit of a price, in potential unpleasantness."
subtitle-206040-208560-45"So this was my answer to [someone]."
subtitle-209760-214620-46"[someone else] asks, "Is the village pump the only place to announce?" No."
subtitle-214680-216840-47"I specifically mentioned the WikiProject pages."
subtitle-217680-225270-48"Didn't I? the WikiProject for a country, or the WikiProject for a topic, a theme, are"
subtitle-225270-226290-49"definitely relevant."
subtitle-226290-231540-50"Even if you did post in the village pump, you should probably also post in any relevant"
subtitle-231540-237900-51"group. It can be a mailing list, it can be a Facebook group but never ever post only on"
subtitle-237900-242410-52"Facebook, leaving the on-wiki contributors in the dark."
subtitle-242410-246660-53"Again, people don't like to be surprised, and people don't like this feeling that here"
subtitle-246660-252090-54"on-wiki nobody said anything, but out there in a smoke-filled Telegram channel, they were"
subtitle-252090-253260-55"making plans."
subtitle-253260-254610-56"People don't like that feeling."
subtitle-255960-260570-57"There's another question: "Isn't there a possibility of another wiki group in the same"
subtitle-260570-264230-58"locality in which you operate, rather than reaching out to you for possible"
subtitle-264230-270980-59"collaboration, go ahead and reach your potential partner before you do?" Yes, I"
subtitle-270980-273290-60"suppose that is possible."
subtitle-273290-279950-61"If that is the situation in your region, where there is this kind of uncollegial"
subtitle-279950-286370-62"competition between groups, then I guess you would need to think twice before discussing"
subtitle-286370-292670-63"it publicly. And maybe you want to inform the community not when you have the idea, but"
subtitle-292670-296990-64"when you've already had some conversations with the partner; not the full pitch, not the"
subtitle-296990-301910-65"decision, but when you've already created some kind of relationship with the partner."
subtitle-303430-309280-66"But I will say that it saddens me to hear that that's a concern for you."
subtitle-309670-318070-67"I really think Wikimedia groups should not behave that way to to each other."