WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Picking indicators; Joint metrics

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Picking indicators; Joint metrics"
display_name"Picking indicators; Joint metrics"
subtitle-120-5910-1"Now, we already discussed indicators."
subtitle-6090-11460-2"We discussed the sort of the building blocks of evaluation are those indicators that tell"
subtitle-11460-17670-3"us whether this particular action has contributed to the desired change in a"
subtitle-17670-20250-4"certain indicator, in a certain measure of success."
subtitle-22350-26100-5"And sometimes those indicators, again, are not ours to choose."
subtitle-26100-28860-6"They are dictated to us by an external funder."
subtitle-30750-37470-7"But when we get to choose, we should always measure indicators that are tied to outcomes."
subtitle-37590-45150-8"The indicators should somehow show us progress towards an outcome, and almost"
subtitle-45150-47970-9"anything can be quantified in one way or another."
subtitle-50400-57210-10"I say almost anything, even if it is not inherently a quantity, not inherently"
subtitle-57210-63990-11"countable. We can create countable indicators of it by surveys, for example."
subtitle-64170-71010-12"Your satisfaction with this course is not a number, but I use surveys to get a quantified"
subtitle-71460-74190-13"indicator of your satisfaction with this course."
subtitle-74670-82350-14"That's an example of deriving a quantified metric from an essentially non quantifiable"
subtitle-83220-86670-15"sense, feeling, impression, etc."
subtitle-86670-88590-16"and it has obvious downsides."
subtitle-89100-94710-17"That number, if the number ends up being, whatever, 4.6 out of five, that's probably"
subtitle-94710-96870-18"good. But it doesn't tell me really how you feel."
subtitle-97350-103530-19"It just tells me that broadly more people ranked it five or four than people who ranked"
subtitle-103530-104730-20"it one or two."
subtitle-104880-110010-21"But it doesn't give me deep insight into what you feel about the course."
subtitle-110040-116760-22"So the last bullet here says, that quantitative indicators do tell us the"
subtitle-117120-119160-23"progress we're making against our goals."
subtitle-119160-123090-24"Because, remember, our goals were designed to be measurable."
subtitle-123510-129240-25"I refer you back to Assignment seven, our theory of change, but qualitative indicators,"
subtitle-129240-134730-26"indicators that aren't numbers, that are open ended, questions that are interviews."
subtitle-135270-142320-27"These can give us a deeper understanding of things like motivations, concerns, examples,"
subtitle-142320-144270-28"stories, testimonials."
subtitle-144270-149010-29"And those could be crucial to understanding the quantitative results."
subtitle-149190-155610-30"To understanding why we're getting 2.1 here, whereas last year we were getting 4.7."
subtitle-156630-160140-31"The fact that we are getting 2.1 doesn't explain why."
subtitle-160560-167070-32"So qualitative research and qualitative indicators are definitely part of a good"
subtitle-167070-169290-33"evaluation, to be clear."
subtitle-171210-175360-34"But broadly, the qualitative indicators will tell us why."
subtitle-175620-177240-35"Will give us the insight."
subtitle-178050-182160-36"So here are some examples of measures of success in the movement, and some of them are"
subtitle-182160-184740-37"very common and shared across many, many projects."
subtitle-185280-191550-38"For example, number of participants, or number of newly registered users, or number"
subtitle-191550-193710-39"of content pages created or improved."
subtitle-193740-200460-40"These are very frequent indicators in a lot of project plans, in a lot of partnerships"
subtitle-200460-202260-41"and a lot of grant proposals."
subtitle-203080-206360-42"But there are many other indicators that we could have."
subtitle-206380-210430-43"For example, the number of female editors who are admins."
subtitle-210640-216430-44"That's an interesting indicator for a certain kind of question around diversity and"
subtitle-216430-224950-45"participation. The number of policy processes influenced can be a metric,"
subtitle-225880-232420-46"the whether and how much institutions incorporate open knowledge in their programs."
subtitle-232750-235180-47"And again, that's not a number."
subtitle-235180-240730-48"So we need to find ways to measure it, or at least to capture it qualitatively through"
subtitle-240730-244960-49"stories and testimonials, etc., etc.."
subtitle-245860-247540-50"The tone of discussion on Wikimedia platforms."
subtitle-248410-250660-51"Has the tone become more friendly and open?"
subtitle-251600-254180-52"How do we know? How do we know?"
subtitle-254300-256120-53"Probably through a survey of some kind."
subtitle-256130-259970-54"We need kind of an aggregate opinion of people who have been participating in"
subtitle-259970-264140-55"discussions to tell us if the tone has improved, for example."
subtitle-264170-270020-56"So there are many, many possible measures of success, and some of them may be unique to"
subtitle-270020-271160-57"your projects."
subtitle-271190-275930-58"In other words, don't always just take the ones you saw in another grant proposal."
subtitle-275960-280100-59"Really think about what you need to measure for your outcomes."
subtitle-280100-284270-60"And it's possible that you need a metric that nobody ever had to measure before."
subtitle-284720-285920-61"That's absolutely fine."
subtitle-289730-295250-62"Again, the most important thing is your measures of success should always be"
subtitle-295250-298520-63"connected to the outcomes that you want to achieve."
subtitle-299180-302570-64"Don't just adopt measures of success from somewhere else."
subtitle-303110-309170-65"Now, ideally, we want those measures of success to be joint, to be things that both"
subtitle-309170-312140-66"partners care about ideally."
subtitle-312290-320780-67"If both our group and the partner share some of these indicators or metrics, we are both"
subtitle-320780-327170-68"looking at the same number, but we're both looking at the same gauge to see if we're"
subtitle-327170-330530-69"doing well or not. At least [for] some of our goals or outcomes,"
subtitle-330530-333230-70"we are literally tracking the same thing."
subtitle-333230-335060-71"We and the partner."
subtitle-335920-340120-72"And this contributes to what I called "shared reality" last time."
subtitle-340440-345760-73"This idea that we're looking at the same things and we won't be surprised by the"
subtitle-345760-349180-74"other's results or the other's perspective."
subtitle-350360-352340-75"It also improves accountability."
subtitle-352340-358190-76"If we're both measuring the same thing, even if they're also measuring other things we"
subtitle-358190-363050-77"don't care about. For example, page views to their Facebook account."
subtitle-363260-364880-78"That might be something the partner cares about."
subtitle-365210-368930-79"We, Wikimedia, don't directly care about their Facebook page."
subtitle-369290-370880-80"That's a relevant metric for them."
subtitle-373590-378540-81"And when we have such joint metrics, they provide a really solid foundation to build on"
subtitle-378540-380220-82"for making any change."
subtitle-380460-383400-83"If we both look at something and we see, "you know what?"
subtitle-383400-388740-84"This needle isn't moving, this thing is not improving!", then it's very easy to agree,"
subtitle-388740-390420-85"yes, we need to change something here."
subtitle-390420-396360-86"We need to rework it, change an approach, or maybe even abandon it."
subtitle-396360-401400-87"Sunset it. Like let it come to a halt."
subtitle-403050-408870-88"For example, the number of attendees to the editing workshop at the museum."
subtitle-409170-415350-89"That can be a joint metric because it advances both our goals of training editors"
subtitle-415350-420300-90"and the museum's goal of holding relevant public events, for example."
subtitle-420930-427740-91"So for these different goals, we may have this shared metric or shared indicator."
subtitle-428430-436920-92"We're both tracking this number towards our different but compatible goals."