WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Final project examples: openings

description"video in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - video: Final project examples: openings"
display_name"Final project examples: openings"
subtitle-120-3730-1"Here is a selection of openings."
subtitle-3750-10110-2"A number of different ways that you might open your full presentation, your"
subtitle-10110-12030-3"presentation to a partner."
subtitle-15880-18910-4"Here's the first one: It starts with a self introduction."
subtitle-20080-21760-5"You may remember this example."
subtitle-21760-24820-6"We've seen a version of it in an earlier section."
subtitle-27280-32320-7"It's a self introduction, so it starts off by introducing the speaker, the person giving"
subtitle-32320-35160-8"the presentation. "I am so-and-so."
subtitle-35170-37090-9"I'm a teacher of the local language."
subtitle-37090-39250-10"I work as a teacher in a primary school."
subtitle-39250-43570-11"But today I'm here as a representative of this Wikimedia affiliate."
subtitle-43570-48520-12"It's a nonprofit association that deals with editing articles on our local language"
subtitle-48520-53620-13"Wikipedia. As an educator, I'm also the coordinator of one of the most serious"
subtitle-53620-62440-14"Wikipedia clubs in the country." So that's a bunch of formal associations, I'm a teacher."
subtitle-62440-64300-15"That's my day job, now you know."
subtitle-64390-71110-16"And I'm here as a representative of this nonprofit, and I do this as a volunteer."
subtitle-71110-76840-17"And, oh, actually, there's no mention of it being a volunteer activity."
subtitle-77470-82690-18"And as an educator, I do this work with a wiki club as well."
subtitle-83320-86290-19"And then the right side has more of a story."
subtitle-86560-90190-20""I became acquainted with Wikipedia eight years ago when I attended a teacher"
subtitle-90190-95800-21"conference, etc." By the way, this is in writing so that it's easier to share and show"
subtitle-95800-100840-22"to you. But obviously when you're actually presenting to the partner, all of this might"
subtitle-100840-105100-23"be text that you speak rather than read off a slide."
subtitle-106140-110820-24"So this tells the story of how this person started the wiki club, etc."
subtitle-111630-115860-25"motivations. "My personal motivation as a teacher of the local language was the"
subtitle-116730-118950-26"additional contribution to the language."
subtitle-119400-125010-27"This was my way of leaving lasting values in the local literary language of the largest"
subtitle-125010-126420-28"online encyclopedia."
subtitle-127260-132210-29"But above all, the biggest driver for me is the words of the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy"
subtitle-132210-136440-30"Wales, in which he says to imagine a world in which all human knowledge will be"
subtitle-136440-143400-31"available in one place." So again, a personal statement about your motivation is"
subtitle-143400-149460-32"very, very powerful, because when you say it, and people can feel that you mean it,"
subtitle-149460-154080-33"that you're speaking from your heart, you really do believe in these things, has a very"
subtitle-154080-160110-34"strong power to make them empathize with you and to be more interested in what you have to"
subtitle-160110-163860-35"say and more likely to want to collaborate with you."
subtitle-163860-165750-36"So this is a good opening."
subtitle-167890-174550-37"And I want to show you that this same presentation moves on to establish connection"
subtitle-174550-175740-38"to the partner."
subtitle-175750-181480-39"So just after the self presentation in this case, this is the same example, the same"
subtitle-181570-188370-40"presentation. You move on to say, this is who I am and I'm following your activities."
subtitle-188370-190200-41"I'm interested in what you do!"
subtitle-190770-194760-42""For a long time, I've been following the field activities of the employees in your"
subtitle-194760-196770-43"institution through the Internet."
subtitle-196770-200730-44"It is an honor for the whole engagement to point out the National Park So-and-so","
subtitle-200730-203460-45"that's the partner, "as a valuable place to visit."
subtitle-203850-206970-46"You publish data that you have at your disposal, which is little known to the"
subtitle-206970-213150-47"public. Personally, I was most attracted by your media section entitled 'Do You Know' in"
subtitle-213150-220170-48"which you selflessly share data on endemic species, etc.?" So this slide is good because"
subtitle-220170-226860-49"the partner is told, Hey, I know something about you, I'm following what you do."
subtitle-226860-232590-50"I've looked around your site and I'm seeing the effort that you are putting in", and"
subtitle-232590-238260-51"everybody loves to hear that their work is noticed, that their work is appreciated."
subtitle-238740-244470-52"So this is a good way, again, to establish rapport, to establish empathy with a partner."
subtitle-244470-247080-53"Of course, say it only if you mean it!"
subtitle-248190-249780-54"Don't just flatter people."
subtitle-249780-252270-55"Don't just give them empty flattery."
subtitle-252690-257940-56"But assuming that you have been researching the partner like we did, you have been"
subtitle-257940-262530-57"looking at their website, you have been poking around and seeing what they care about"
subtitle-262530-267360-58"and what they do. You can honestly with integrity, say these things."
subtitle-267630-268710-59"I have noticed this."
subtitle-268710-272100-60"This is the section I was particularly interested in, etc.."
subtitle-273630-277170-61"It goes on. "I'm convinced that for each of them, you as an institution have a lot of"
subtitle-277170-279270-62"data that is worth knowing."
subtitle-279780-284160-63"And we know that the more we actualize the values, the more the people become informed"
subtitle-284160-288990-64"and the well informed local population we expect to be proud of and protect the natural"
subtitle-288990-295530-65"park. And on the other hand, to sell it as a story about a tourist product." So again, the"
subtitle-295530-297240-66"writer here is not a native English speaker."
subtitle-297240-305100-67"Don't worry about the syntax, but we are connecting my self introduction to my"
subtitle-305100-312270-68"noticing your work, and leading into how we're actually interested in the same value"
subtitle-312270-317880-69"of spreading knowledge, sharing knowledge, encouraging people to learn about this park"
subtitle-317880-326050-70"and this nature. And then this opening moves on to a group introduction."
subtitle-326050-332240-71"This is all part of the same example, self introduction, something about the partner to"
subtitle-332680-336940-72"bring them in as well, and then we're sort of zooming out and saying, "Well, I'm also"
subtitle-336940-340390-73"part of the group, and let me say a word or two about this group."
subtitle-340690-345580-74"The club exists for five years and we registered here and we work there and we"
subtitle-346300-351550-75"became a city wiki club, etc." We don't need to dwell on the details, but you can read it"
subtitle-351760-354190-76"if you like in the slides."
subtitle-355750-357730-77"We participate in these actions."
subtitle-357730-362300-78"So again, just giving, an introduction of the group."
subtitle-362300-367760-79"We've discussed this a fair amount in exercise number three, assignment three."
subtitle-370060-372820-80"Here's a different example again self introduction."
subtitle-374680-377590-81"A few words about me, the person before you."
subtitle-377590-379150-82""I have a degree in history."
subtitle-379150-380960-83"I specialize in archeology."
subtitle-380980-383500-84"I've been a Wikipedia volunteer since so and so."
subtitle-384220-386860-85"I collaborate mainly on these topics."
subtitle-387130-392990-86"I'm a Wikimedia chapter member since this year, and this year I worked as a Wikipedian"
subtitle-392990-397370-87"in Residence at three state museums." Et cetera."
subtitle-398310-401460-88"And of course, there's a portrait photo here too."
subtitle-404640-410910-89"I mean, it's also the person speaking to you, but still it matches the details about"
subtitle-410910-413010-90"this person with the photo of the person."
subtitle-413040-414900-91"It's a good idea to include."
subtitle-415670-419990-92"I have removed it to anonymize, and also the chapter logo."
subtitle-420620-422180-93"So that's the standard kind of self introduction."
subtitle-423830-429290-94"And in this case, this person moved from the self introduction to the group introduction."
subtitle-429860-431120-95"Who are we?"
subtitle-431360-434240-96"I started by who am I, now who are we?"
subtitle-434240-435830-97"We are a chapter."
subtitle-435830-437750-98"We were approved on this year, etc."
subtitle-437750-442870-99"We're a nonprofit association registered in our country since so and so."
subtitle-442870-446750-100"What do we do? We promote the organization diffusion and improvement of initiatives that"
subtitle-446750-448880-101"support, etc., This is the mission statement."
subtitle-449360-452000-102"We know it from assignment number two."
subtitle-453690-458910-103"Moving on from the general statement about the mission, etc., to what do we do?"
subtitle-458940-463170-104"How do we work? This is already more concrete, but still part of the group"
subtitle-463170-466890-105"introduction. We focus on public policy."
subtitle-466890-468600-106"We do support for our members."
subtitle-468600-472620-107"We have training sessions, we have content competitions, etc.."
subtitle-472650-480160-108"Great. And now, after describing our activities, we also provide some hard"
subtitle-480160-488410-109"numbers, again to make it less hand-wavy, not just "we do things!", but also show the"
subtitle-488410-494860-110"scale of the things we do and how many people are involved and how much impact our"
subtitle-494860-500720-111"work has had. So we've had 17,000 people participate in our activities."
subtitle-500720-506350-112"Again, to express the fact that we didn't start yesterday."
subtitle-506350-507880-113"And it's not just me and a couple of friends."
subtitle-508660-513520-114"We are a serious organization that has a serious track record by now."
subtitle-515190-517470-115"And again, this is illustrated by a group photo."
subtitle-518460-527630-116"Very nice. And from this group introduction, in this example, we're moving to"
subtitle-528200-533480-117"explanation of the timing and the lead-in to the pitch."
subtitle-533990-537800-118"So I'm showing you a different approach: This one started from self introduction,"
subtitle-537800-545510-119"group introduction, and then notice the title of this slide: "Why are we here today?""
subtitle-545750-551840-120"That's a great title for a slide, because it answers a question that may be implicit in"
subtitle-551840-554450-121"the partner's mind: "Okay, very nice."
subtitle-554450-555650-122"They do all these things."
subtitle-556160-558320-123"Why are we here? Why am I listening to them now?"
subtitle-558590-564800-124"What is the context of this meeting?" And so this is what this slide addresses."
subtitle-565740-570690-125""Our National Parliament approved in the year so and so, the proposal to promote the"
subtitle-570690-573600-126"declaration of this site as a World Heritage site."
subtitle-574620-579660-127"Given the lack of content on Wikipedia, on heritage in general, and on this topic in"
subtitle-579660-586980-128"particular, we propose to you a partnership." So this is a great slide."
subtitle-587250-589770-129"It answers the question, why are we here today?"
subtitle-590790-595650-130"And it prepares the the mind of the listener:"
subtitle-596510-603150-131""Okay, now we're going to hear about a proposed partnership." This is a perfect"
subtitle-603150-609750-132"setup, a perfect lead-in to the pitch, to the actual declaration: "This is the"
subtitle-609750-610830-133"partnership we offer"."
subtitle-615060-616530-134"Taking a different example."
subtitle-616740-619710-135"That was that was a second flow of opening."
subtitle-619710-622390-136"Remember, we're demonstrating openings."
subtitle-622390-624510-137"And here's a third example of an opening."
subtitle-624540-627480-138"Start with the mission, not with a self introduction."
subtitle-629410-634360-139""Our mission is to encourage the uptake of open knowledge activities among Examplian"
subtitle-634360-638770-140"communities particularly, but not exclusively through Wikimedia projects."
subtitle-638800-642640-141"Through these activities, the organization aims to encourage awareness, etc."
subtitle-642640-647260-142"etc.. Tangible and intangible cultural heritage." Mission statement."
subtitle-647620-651200-143"After the mission statement, comes the self introduction."
subtitle-652550-661310-144""My background is so-and-so." (This is in resume form, CV.) I worked for this and"
subtitle-662630-667130-145"I'm a Wikipedia editor and I was an employee and I was a co-founder of this community,"
subtitle-667130-674060-146"etc. And my day job, in case you're curious, is I'm an academic based in so-and-so." So we"
subtitle-674060-676130-147"started with the mission to frame everything."
subtitle-677000-678280-148"This is what we do."
subtitle-678290-679400-149"This is what we're about."
subtitle-679430-683170-150"Now, since you're probably curious, this is who I am."
subtitle-683180-689480-151"This is my background and mentioning some relevant background here in VisitExamplia,"
subtitle-690230-695300-152"because this example is about the tourism partnership that we've seen some examples of"
subtitle-695300-702000-153"earlier. And from the self introduction, this one moves to a group introduction."
subtitle-702180-704910-154"Here are some past successes we've had."
subtitle-705330-708660-155"We've registered this, we've organized that, we've organized this."
subtitle-708660-711120-156"We have a weekly national radio show."
subtitle-711150-714150-157"Again, whatever your group successes are."
subtitle-716190-720630-158"And moving, still part of the group introduction, from the successes to what"
subtitle-720630-722430-159"we're doing now. Current plans."
subtitle-722700-727470-160"We're focusing on the vital articles for our local language Wikipedia."
subtitle-727470-733740-161"We're participating in photo competitions, we're expanding a Wikipedian in Residence"
subtitle-733740-735360-162"program, etc., etc.."
subtitle-737400-738930-163"And that was that flow."
subtitle-739530-748740-164"Another set of example slides for openings, a big portrait photo, and then details about"
subtitle-748740-750660-165"the person presenting self introduction."
subtitle-750660-754140-166"This is a slide we've already seen earlier."
subtitle-755010-759330-167"Moving on immediately to the elevator pitch !"
subtitle-760300-764370-168"Right from the self introduction, cut to the elevator pitch."
subtitle-765190-771580-169"Right away! "Why a partnership?" "To achieve the goal of enriching our lives both as"
subtitle-771580-776200-170"individuals and as whole communities." That's a really nice phrase, enriching our"
subtitle-777710-780730-172""through better access to and understanding of our past."
subtitle-781610-787190-173"To achieve that goal, Wikimedia so-and-so would provide at no cost online trainings,"
subtitle-787190-788240-174"etc., etc."
subtitle-788240-792380-175"to get a wider readership for their work, by improving the resources on Wikipedia and"
subtitle-792380-797000-176"related projects. The partner will provide access to their infrastructure to reach"
subtitle-797000-803060-177"individuals and groups around the country." So the elevator pitch, expressing the PVP,"
subtitle-803240-805580-178"right away, second slide!"
subtitle-806730-814440-179"And after the elevator pitch, now that you're no longer wondering "what is all this"
subtitle-814440-819660-180"about? What do they want?" I've told you what we want, now I'm doing the group"
subtitle-819660-825000-181"introduction. You notice I'm showing you different ways to structure the opening."
subtitle-825120-829940-182"And it's not like one is definitely better than the other."
subtitle-829950-831180-183"It really depends."
subtitle-831180-833430-184"It depends on what feels natural to you."
subtitle-833460-837660-185"It depends on what your partner may like better and you may not know in advance."
subtitle-837870-842550-186"But I'm saying different styles may work differently for different partners."
subtitle-842550-848370-187"Maybe your culture has a very rigid expectation of how meetings go, and then you"
subtitle-848370-849750-188"should probably follow it."
subtitle-850170-854610-189"But I'm giving you several examples just to show you there's more than one way to do it."
subtitle-854640-861240-190"In this case, we saw a self introduction and then right away stating the elevator pitch."
subtitle-861330-865800-191"And now that you know what this meeting is about and what we want, let's take a step"
subtitle-865800-868530-192"back and continue the introductions."
subtitle-869010-874110-193"But I've kind of removed the question mark of "Yes, but what do they want?" Right, which"
subtitle-874250-878730-194"may arise when you are doing a lot of group introduction, and we've discussed this in an"
subtitle-878730-879780-195"earlier section."
subtitle-880020-883920-196"When you're doing three, four or five slides of group introduction, people may go, "all"
subtitle-883920-887210-197"right, yes, that's very nice, all your activities, but what do you want?"
subtitle-887220-892140-198"What do you want from us? What are you here for?" So it's actually a good idea usually to"
subtitle-892140-899730-199"try and make the introduction short or to divide it like they did here to some kind of"
subtitle-899730-905100-200"initial introduction and pleasantries and then right away some substance to get"
subtitle-905100-907950-201"everyone on the same page of the broad agenda."
subtitle-908970-913140-202"And then you can do more introductions, then you can proceed with the group introduction,"
subtitle-913140-917940-203"in this case. This chapter is the national charity, etc., etc.."
subtitle-919050-921030-204"And that's another way of opening."
subtitle-921660-929640-205"And here is one more style of opening: You can open with a direct question to"
subtitle-929640-933060-206"immediately grab the attention of your audience."
subtitle-933960-940140-207"In this case, you can see that there is a title slide, just the title "partnership"
subtitle-940140-945210-208"offer from Wikimedia So and so" that's the title slide."
subtitle-945210-952440-209"And right away on this title slide, probably not even in writing, I'm writing it here on"
subtitle-952440-956850-210"the slide for your benefit, but probably just asking the people you're addressing a"
subtitle-956850-959280-211"direct question. What direct question?"
subtitle-960210-967100-212""Have you ever encountered a Wikipedia article that was really poor quality?" And"
subtitle-967100-970970-213"that's a great question to open with, because anyone who's been around the Internet"
subtitle-970970-976550-214"for a bit and has read Wikipedia probably has encountered a Wikipedia article that was"
subtitle-976550-977960-215"really poor quality!"
subtitle-978260-979350-216"We know this, right?"
subtitle-979370-984050-217"We Wikipedians know that Wikipedia is full of poor quality articles."
subtitle-984560-987860-218"They get better with time, with attention, etc."
subtitle-988340-993290-219"But there are always quite a few articles that are poor quality and sooner or later you"
subtitle-993290-998330-220"run across them. So pretty much everyone in the room will go, "Yeah, I've encountered"
subtitle-998330-1005210-221"some low quality Wikipedia articles." And then after some people nod or raise their"
subtitle-1005210-1010070-222"hand or something and say, yes, yes, we've encountered, you follow up and say, "Have you"
subtitle-1010070-1016190-223"ever clicked edit and improved it then?" And then, of course, most people would go, "Oh,"
subtitle-1016190-1017820-224"well, no, I haven't.""
subtitle-1017840-1023000-225"Or some of them might say, "I have, actually!", which is great, because now"
subtitle-1023000-1028360-226"you've identified a Wikipedian in the room, and that's good to know."
subtitle-1028370-1032780-227"Or they might say, "I tried, but it was too daunting or too scary, and I left it"."
subtitle-1032780-1038450-228"Or "I tried, but it got reverted." That's all okay, because you've learned something"
subtitle-1038450-1042560-229"about your audience and it's an opening to approach later."
subtitle-1042560-1047090-230"When you, for example, find yourself explaining Wikipedia principles, you can come"
subtitle-1047090-1053540-231"back and say, and this is why you, sir, had your article reverted, because of this"
subtitle-1053540-1055760-232"principle, etc. and it's something to build on."
subtitle-1055940-1062300-233"So this is an actually really great way to open instead of introductions, etc."
subtitle-1062300-1064790-234"You immediately open with engagement, with interaction."
subtitle-1065810-1071060-235"You ask them a question, you get a direct answer, and then you move on to the rest of"
subtitle-1071060-1074270-236"the presentation."
subtitle-1074270-1080660-237"In this case, after the direct question, this learner moved into the self introduction"
subtitle-1080660-1086780-238"and the way they did their self introduction was actually with a big photo of a singer who"
subtitle-1086780-1088760-239"is not the presenter."
subtitle-1089610-1091110-240"Which attracts attention, right?"
subtitle-1091110-1095430-241"Because you see the presenter and then you see a big picture of someone else, and that"
subtitle-1095430-1097490-242"itself generates a little bit of interest."
subtitle-1097500-1101850-243"So they listen to you and then you tell them that "I've been a Wikipedian since so-and-so."
subtitle-1101850-1106110-244"And we can say that I'm addicted to improving articles and writing new content."
subtitle-1106140-1112050-245"I simply started because my favorite singer, that's who's in the photo, had a very poor"
subtitle-1112050-1118640-246"article. I have written over whatever number of articles since."
subtitle-1118640-1123330-247"In my mundane life I work for a multinational company as a customer relations position.""
subtitle-1123330-1124410-248"That's my day job."
subtitle-1124440-1129180-249"I mentioned to you that people are often curious, when we show up as volunteers,"
subtitle-1129180-1132470-250"they're often curious about what do you do as a day job?"
subtitle-1132480-1135150-251"So it's nice to mention if you're willing to share that."
subtitle-1136170-1142590-252"And there was also here a screenshot of user boxes from this person's wiki page, which is"
subtitle-1142590-1148140-253"a kind of nice geeky way to describe yourself in certain ways, like where you're"
subtitle-1148140-1150840-254"from, what you care about, whatever you put in user boxes."
subtitle-1151290-1154740-255"And it's also giving people a little taste of wiki culture."
subtitle-1155870-1157880-256"So after this self introduction."
subtitle-1159100-1161170-257"We move on to the group introduction in this case."
subtitle-1161740-1163930-258"Again, I removed the group photo."
subtitle-1165730-1167080-259"This is about a chapter."
subtitle-1167110-1173080-260""This chapter aims to support self organizing communities in our country"
subtitle-1173080-1177940-261"particularly, but not exclusively related to projects endorsed by the Wikimedia Foundation"
subtitle-1178090-1182650-262"in the collection and distribution of free content on the internet, etc., etc."
subtitle-1182650-1186730-263"We believe that every human being has the right to access human knowledge." You"
subtitle-1186730-1187850-264"remember this, right?"
subtitle-1187870-1189100-265"Group Introduction."
subtitle-1189130-1190870-266"Assignment three."
subtitle-1190870-1195010-267"Moving on. Still group introduction: What do we do?"
subtitle-1195040-1199390-268"We mention our activities, we organize meetups, we provide funding, we develop"
subtitle-1199420-1201940-269"tools. We participate in lobbying and advocacy."
subtitle-1203710-1209320-270"Again, just explaining the range of activities that your group is involved with."
subtitle-1211000-1219220-271"And after these three slides, individual introduction, group introduction and what we"
subtitle-1219220-1223630-272"do, moving to the proposal, the core pitch."
subtitle-1223630-1227800-273"And you notice that in this slide the learner used colors."
subtitle-1227800-1235180-274"These colors were used in the original homework submission, I did not add them, and"
subtitle-1235180-1241000-275"they're using these colors to highlight the roles of the two sides in the partnership."
subtitle-1241630-1250210-276"So this is a good, quick pitch: "to help preserve and promote the countries built"
subtitle-1250210-1256570-277"heritage", This is the why, "and to allow people to access free knowledge about such"
subtitle-1256570-1260140-278"heritage while enriching Wikimedia content."
subtitle-1261240-1266070-279"Wikimedia," that's in blue here, "would provide at no cost assistance, etc."
subtitle-1266070-1272640-280"to place images provided by the partner under a Creative Commons Attribution, etc."
subtitle-1273270-1278310-281"in articles and Wikimedia would also organize an article writing and improving"
subtitle-1278310-1284730-282"contests about the buildings managed by the partner, and the partner would provide"
subtitle-1284730-1291750-283"related information about the renovation process in data and or text." So very, very"
subtitle-1292080-1294990-284"concrete, plain, easy to understand."
subtitle-1294990-1297060-285"And it came pretty quickly, right?"
subtitle-1297480-1299520-286"This is what we're here to talk about."
subtitle-1300030-1302670-287"The goal is to preserve and promote, etc.."
subtitle-1302670-1305700-288"And towards that, here's what we propose we do."
subtitle-1306690-1308760-289"We will take this action."
subtitle-1308760-1310470-290"You will take that action."
subtitle-1310830-1312060-291"That's our proposal."
subtitle-1312360-1313800-292"Super clear."
subtitle-1313800-1315200-293"Very concise."
subtitle-1315210-1316230-294"Great slide."
subtitle-1320610-1322860-295"Here's another example."
subtitle-1323160-1324900-296"This one I did not anonymize."
subtitle-1324900-1326420-297"It's coming from Brazil."
subtitle-1326420-1329610-298"Because it's so visual and I wanted you to see it."
subtitle-1330330-1336300-299"This is a way to direct attention to your track record using visuals."
subtitle-1336690-1341760-300"As you can see, and if you're not Brazilian, maybe you don't recognize most of these"
subtitle-1342570-1348930-301"logos. But still, it's a very attention-grabbing graphic and you start"
subtitle-1348930-1351750-302"looking for something you know, or you're interested in."
subtitle-1351750-1352940-303""Oh, what is this?"
subtitle-1353640-1361190-304"What is this? Logo with the halberd?"
subtitle-1361910-1363980-305"What does the Latin say here?" Whatever."
subtitle-1364580-1369620-306"It's attention-grabbing and you start looking at it and reading it."
subtitle-1369620-1375920-307"And that sort of slide really brings home the idea that, again, you have a track"
subtitle-1375920-1380390-308"record, you have a bunch of people or partners or organizations that you've already"
subtitle-1380390-1384310-309"worked with. Of course, that's in case you can actually say that."
subtitle-1384310-1387680-310"If you are a relatively new group, don't make such a slide."
subtitle-1387920-1391370-311"Because it will only show how few partners you've had."
subtitle-1391850-1396950-312"But when you can when you're able to do it, this is a very visually appealing way to"
subtitle-1397250-1398830-313"express the idea."
subtitle-1398840-1400300-314"We have a track record."
subtitle-1400310-1405890-315"We have worked with a bunch of different organizations in the past as part of your"
subtitle-1406010-1409400-316"group introduction, of course, as part of your opening."