WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - problem: Most important quality of an indicator

description"problem in Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - Basics of partnership building for Wikimedia volunteers, with computer-graded exercises."
label"WikiLearn - Introduction to Partnership Building (computer-graded exercises) - problem: Most important quality of an indicator"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.label"What is the *most* important quality of an indicator? "
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.1"being easy to measure"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.2"being tied to an outcome we want to achieve"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.3"being interesting to the partner"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.4"being likely to be achieved"
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.5"none of the above"
display_name"Most important quality of an indicator"