WikiLearn - Assess your digital security risks - html: What does Digital Security entail?

description"html in Assess your digital security risks - Identify and learn about some risks and vulnerabilities when navigating the digital world "
label"WikiLearn - Assess your digital security risks - html: What does Digital Security entail?"
content"<p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; float: left; padding: 10px;" height="80" width="80" src="/static/solution.png" alt="Icon - what does digital security entail?" />There is no one definition for digital security. <strong>Digital security is a collective term</strong> that describes the resources employed, from the tools we use to the habits we build, to protect our identity, data, and other assets in the digital space. In many ways <strong>digital security is about applying the thought processes we have about our physical security onto the digital space</strong>. </p> <h4><strong>Digital security:</strong></h4> <ul> <ul> <li>... is <strong>holistic. </strong>It is an interplay between the <strong>tools</strong> we employ, the modes of <strong>communication</strong> we use, the <strong>spaces</strong> we engage with, the <strong>habits</strong> we build and the <strong>shrewdness </strong>we gather to keep any potential digital threats at bay.</li> <li>... is a <strong>practice,</strong><strong> not a goal. </strong>Think about it in this way, washing our hands before a meal or brushing your teeth twice a day are ordinary habits – they are a part of personal hygiene. Neglecting it can cause severe illness - the same concept is valid in the virtual world as well. </li> <li> <strong>variable, not static. </strong>Digital technologies are evolving, and that too at an increasingly rapid rate. As we continue to engage with new products and services we need to stay abreast of the novel threats they bring, learn how to protect ourselves, and adjust our digital security practices accordingly. </li> <li>... should be <strong>proactive, rather than reactive</strong>. We are all no doubt always wiser after the fact, but digital security is about being proactive, to be the wiser from the get-go to diminish harms coming your way.</li> <li>... is <strong>contextual</strong>. There is no one-size-fits-all to digital security, it really depends on what your <a href="" target="_blank">risk assessment</a> looks like.</li> <li><img height="144" width="236" src="/static/security-tradeoff.png" alt="security tradeoff image" style="float: right;" />... is a <strong>tradeoff</strong>. When using tools or building digital security processes you will often have a trade-off between what is useful, easy to use and secure. For example,  consider using a password manager. One the one hand it is convenient to have to only remember one master password to access all others, but on the flip side, if that master password gets compromised a malicious actor can gain access to all your other passwords. </li> </ul> </ul>"
display_name"What does Digital Security entail?"