WikiConference India 2023/Submissions/Submitted/Building effective leadership in South Asian communities: a workshop hosted by the Leadership Development Working Group

Building effective leadership in South Asian communities: a workshop hosted by the Leadership Development Working Group


Abstract/description of your session

  • The Leadership Development Working Group (LDWG) was formed to carry out the tasks of crafting a definition of leadership and building a leadership development plan for the Wikimedia movement. This was guided by the sixth movement strategy recommendation, Movement Strategy/Recommendations/Invest in Skills and Leadership Development. Since our formation, we have completed the shared leadership definition and now are working on creating aleadership development plan.

We are proposing a facilitated session to interact with community members through anecdotal storytelling as well as a guided brainstorm and strategic conversation on effective leadership qualities as relevant to the South Asian Wiki experience. Instead of a regular presentation format, we would like to take this opportunity to have a dialogue with South Asian community members to understand the challenges, hopes and aspirations they have about building leadership in their rehion.

How does it connect with the WCI 2023 theme/focus

  • this session will create an intentionally facilitated space for honest conversation on leadership building in the South Asian context.
  • the session will enable community members to acquaint themselves with the shared definition of leadership as well as provide early inputs on the leadership development plan.
  • finally, the session will create space to share leadership stories in varying grassroots and project contexts, with an aim to highlight the challenges, resourcefulness, building resilience and sustainable leadership.

Speaker name/s or username/s



  • Leadership Development Working group

Contact details (optional)

  • mrbrafi1971
  • jgeorge-ctr

Language of the session

  • English, Hindi

Session type

  • workshop

Session outcomes

  • Attendees will understand the importance of nurturing leadership in the movement and feel more connected to the sixth recommendation of movement strategy. At the same time, LDWG will also try to understand peoples’ concerns and challenges towards leadership.
  • Attendees will hear stories from South Asian contributors and thus be connected to the leaders and contributors across the south asian movement. This will also help build empathy and resilience within the community.
  • Attendees will have a deep understanding of the participatory process the LDWG used to draft the leadership definition.

Support required from organizers

  • Note-taking, technical maintenance (including hybrid support)
  • Yes