

Hi, Raetius You opposed the Ripuarian Wiki. would you please care to drop me a few lines on my Talk Page as to your background concerning ripuarian languages, e.g. what you know them from, do you speak any, etc., and, provided, a ripuarian wiki was no to be created, should entries for (non-redundant, non-overlapping) terms from ripuarian languages be added to the German Wikipedia? Would you be able/willing to advocate such in the German Wikipedia? Thank you for your consideration. -- Miss van der Roehe 15:40, 22 October 2005 (UTC)Reply

Don't bother Raetius opposes any request, with no other argument than "dialect". His behaviour betrays:
  • that he has absolutely no understanding of the voluntary nature of the term dialect as it is most often used, and is most probably ignorant when it comes to linguistics;
  • that he has no knowledge of the current policy towards creating new wikipedias, for he opposes Wikipedias that, according to the rules, have to be created.
  • that he refuses to read any of the discussions accompanying the requests. Several sheets of talk have been dedicated to the status of language/variant X, and yet he thinks he can just afford to say "it's a dialect", just as if all people who could tell him the opposite are nuts.
Caesarion 17:18, 17 November 2005 (UTC)Reply

Hi Raetius, are you active in other wiki projects? Couldn't find your user name in any. Otherwise I propose your votes to be accounted for as anonymous votes. Dbach 10:11, 2 January 2006 (UTC)Reply

  • Am I not allowed to vote and to say my opinion? There's more people who want it than people that don't and now it has been declared that it approved, so where is the problem with my opinion? Raetius 11:02, 10 January 2006 (UTC)Reply