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Topic: Educational Inequality. Marginalization and Nuclear pollution.

External Link: webtv.un.org

Document: welcome, this online topic is not about an easy answer and solution to class room teaching and learning even if such things existed.

We are not here to offer advice on individual circumstance and cases

The main topic is about thinking together; thinking about how we can best support learners in particular.

The big question is: Doest Education for all mean truly for all?... As we try to answer this big question we should consider what the issues are and what has been done to address the issue and finally what is the next.

Example, The forward from UNESCO 2015 of Global Monitoring Report offers as start reminder to the issues.

It states that there are still 58 millions children out of school globally and around 100 millions who do not complete there primary education.

Example, inequality in education has increased and with poorest and the most disadvantaged shouldering the most heaviest burdens

The world poorest children are four times more likely not go to school than the richest children, and five time more likely not to complete primary school than the richest children

Conflicts remains a steep barriers with high and growing proportion of out of school children living in conflict zone.

Over all the poor quality of learning at primary level still has millions of children leaving schooling without basic skills.

The issues are clear at the start of this topic; education system and the parts they might not play in marginalisation as well as talking about this issues

We may be sharing out thought on educational sysems with which we are famlier

Together we will explore the community and the differences between our systems keeping at the forefront of our mind the impacts of the idividual learners, about who is out and who is inn.

Some young people are in school physically but not engaged in learning and some are just not in school.

In your country and context think about educational system:

Does it function in the way that includes all. Or are there learners who are marginalised and excluded?

Jesmion 22:31, 20 December 2018 (UTC)

Discovery of Jesmion


In accordance with the stipulated question regarding inequality in educational sectors, i can emphatically stress and, although indent few points realistically envisage.

I have spherically uncovers and discovered in my educational research, disadvantagious acts in the field/world of education.

Certainly, there are pathetic area to mention that seems abhorence or in other way round seems extortioning.

Looking at the eductional situation in my area incomparative with other developed continents; i have found my area seems money mongering.

The government itself use education for money, talk of the private sectors which use education as business liability.

In my area about 65% of children are within the rate of inequality complex.

Government is not helping; although, the government build institutions for learning but on business connivance.

In my investigation and discoveries i can point out that education is not for all, but for those in position of money/wealth - - Jesmion Unngob (talk) 14:24, 24 December 2018 (UTC)Reply