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NOTE: Due to the COVID-19 situation, it is advised (as of 7 April 2020) to NOT attempt cross-border travel at this time



Transit information to Wikimedia meetups in Hong Kong 在香港的维基社群聚会交通信息


Wikimedia meetups in Hong Kong are generally designed for Wikimedians living in Hong Kong and Macau. However residents in Mainland China (including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Foshan, and other cities of Guangdong province) also participate and collaborate on Wikimedia projects. This guide is intended for local Mainland Chinese, Chinese from other areas residing in Mainland China, and foreigners residing in Mainland China, as well as those in Macau, who wish to regularly participate in the meetups along with Hong Kong residents.


Mainland-resident Chinese citizens and foreigners (people without Hong Kong IDs and/or Macau IDs), please pay attention to the Customs and Immigration section below, as entry into and entry back into Mainland China involves crossing a territorial border and may be complicated by your visa status and/or the country of origin of your passport. To avoid unforeseen problems, please review the section carefully.

Shenzhen residents and Macau residents who wish to participate are strongly advised to get eChannel status in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong or Macau and Hong Kong, respectively, as outlined below, to make border crossings quicker and more convenient.

Crossings from Mainland China 从大陆

Shenzhen residents may take the Shenzhen Metro and/or the MTR (Shenzhen) trains to the Hong Kong checkpoints
Ferries are another possible way to travel to Hong Kong
Shenzhen 深圳:
  • Rail crossings 铁路 : I suggest taking the Shenzhen Metro to the Futian Checkpoint Station or Luohu Checkpoints (which correspond to Lok Ma Chau (Spur Line Control Point) and Lo Wu immigration points and MTR stations). Note that the Huanggang Checkpoint is on the Shenzhen Metro but its corresponding HK checkpoint, Lok Ma Chau Control Point is not on the MTR; bus services may be used at this point. Before you exit Futian Checkpoint and/or Luohu stations in Shenzhen, if you have an Octopus card, tap it at the discount kiosk to get a discount on your MTR fares in Hong Kong.
  • Private car crossings 私立车 : Shenzhen Bay Port, Lok Ma Chau/Huanggang, Man Kam To/Wenjindu and Sha Tau Kok/Shatoujiao may be used by those using private cars. You can also take a taxi to Futian Checkpoint or Luohu to cross over and get on the MTR, or to the ferry terminal.
  • Bus crossings 公交车 : While there are various bus lines going from Shenzhen to Hong Kong I don't know if they are as efficient compared to the MTR, especially since the meetups happen on Hong Kong Island and/or Kowloon, which are well-connected to the MTR. Buses into Hong Kong may be picked up from the Shenzhen Bay, Wenjindu/Man Kam To, and Huanggang/Lok Ma Chau checkpoints. Buses are slightly cheaper than the MTR rail line.
  • Sea crossings 海路 : Ferries to Hong Kong depart from the Shekou Cruise Center (Shekou Ferry Terminal) and the Fuyong Ferry Terminal (near Shenzhen International Airport). People living in Shekou or Fuyong may find going by sea to be more convenient (I'll have to talk to more Shenzhen people to see what they think) - Ferry destinations close to the centre of the city include Hong Kong–Macau Ferry Terminal (Sheung Wan) and Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal (Kowloon) - Tuen Mun Ferry Pier in Tuen Mun is much further from central Hong Kong. While Hong Kong Airport has a ferry terminal, it is far from the central city and is only open to people taking flights. Note that sea crossings tend to be more expensive than land crossings, with ferry tickets around 300 HKD/300 RMB.
  • Note that not all border crossings are 24 hours - In regards to crossings by land and sea, Lok Ma Chau/Huanggang and Hong Kong–Macau Ferry Terminal are 24 hours - Sometimes meetings have ended around 8-10 PM at night, so this is important if you do not wish to stay overnight in Hong Kong.
    • If your meeting ends late at night, you may wish to use the late night bus service to Huanggang if you wish to return to Shenzhen immediately.
Guangzhou 广州 :
  • Residents of Foshan, Dongguan, and Zhaoqing should consult schedules as the Guangzhou–Kowloon Through Train only serves these cities at certain times. If you are unable to meet those times, please make alternate arrangements through Shenzhen and/or by ferry.
  • Sea crossings may be done from the ferry terminals in Nansha and Panyu districts. Note that sea crossings tend to be more expensive than land crossings, with ferry tickets around 300 HKD/300 RMB.
  • Bus crossings are also available.
Sea crossings from other Chinese cities 从其他的城市的海路 are possible. If your city has ferry service, consult the schedules. Cities served by ferry lines to Hong Kong include, other than Shenzhen and Guangzhou: Dongguan, Doumen, Gaoming, Heshan, Jiangmen, Kaiping, Shunde, Taishan, Zhaoqing, and Zhuhai. Note that sea crossings tend to be more expensive than land crossings, with ferry tickets around 300 HKD/300 RMB.
Bus crossings 其他的公交车 between central Hong Kong and various cities in Guangdong may also be available.
New rail line opening in 2018: Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link Hong Kong section will run from Guangzhou South in Panyu, Humen Station in Dongguan, Shenzhen North Station, and Futian Station in Shenzhen to West Kowloon Station. When it opens it will become the most convenient way for people living in Shenzhen, Dongguan, and southern Guangzhou to travel to Hong Kong for Wikimedia meetups.

Crossing from Macau 從澳門 从澳门

Two ferry terminals are available: Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal (Macau Peninsula) and Taipa Ferry Terminal. Ferry destinations close to the centre of Hong Kong include Hong Kong–Macau Ferry Terminal (Sheung Wan) and Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal (Kowloon) - Tuen Mun Ferry Pier in Tuen Mun is much further from central Hong Kong.

Customs and immigration 海关入境

Foreign passport holders from about 170 countries and territories do not require visas to enter Hong Kong, but persons from other countries and territories may need to apply for visas even if they reside in Mainland China and/or Macau

People with Hong Kong IDs (HKID) and/or Macau IDs may cross in and out of Hong Kong and Macau quickly and easily. However Mainland Chinese and some foreigners have restrictions.

  • Mainland Chinese must receive an "Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao" (EEP) from their public security bureau (PSB, a police department). They must receive an endorsement for the applicable type of visit: “endorsement for individual visit (Geren Luyou)” for an individual visit would apply for most Wikimedia-related visitors
    • They are limited in how often they may cross. I believe Shenzhen residents may go to Hong Kong twice a week, but non-Shenzhen residents have stricter limits. I'll have to get official information from Chinese authorities about this.
  • People from the Taiwan area (Republic of China) residing in the Mainland, please use your passes for Mainland China to enter Hong Kong
  • People who are not Chinese citizens/ROC on Taiwan citizens/HKSAR/Macau residents:
Note: Someone with a single-entry visa for Mainland China should not cross into Hong Kong until he/she is ready to leave Mainland China at the scheduled end of his/her visit. This is because crossing from Mainland China to Hong Kong is considered "leaving China" and voids the single entry visa. If he/she is waiting for his/her work permit (which is multi-entry) he/she should not enter Hong Kong until after he/she has received his/her permanent work permit in his/her passport.
Note #2: If you are a foreigner residing in Mainland China and are renewing a visa or residence permit you will not be able to cross into Hong Kong while your passport is having the new visa or residence permit applied to it.

Because of logistical issues with applying for Hong Kong tourist visas, if you hold multiple passports, consider entering Hong Kong on the passport which has visa-free access and/or which is likely to get the smoothest entry into Hong Kong. If your residence permit is in a different passport, take both with you: For example if a person is a dual citizen of France and Lebanon and has his/her Mainland Chinese residency in his/her Lebanese passport, use that to exit Mainland China and use the French passport to enter Hong Kong.

Visa application and forms


Foreign residents in Mainland China who only hold passports of countries requiring tourist visas to enter Hong Kong may apply for visas in the following ways:

  • Mailing an application to the Hong Kong Immigration Department (IMMD)
  • Applying at Hong Kong government offices in Beijing and Shanghai
  • Applying at the Mainland Affairs office in Macau (Possibly)
  • Applying at a People's Republic of China embassy or consulate (outside of China)

As no Hong Kong government offices processing visa applications are located in Guangdong province, most foreigners resident in Guangdong province may find that mailing an application is the most convenient method.

Tourist visa forms are available here

Please have forms mailed to: Receipt and Despatch Sub-unit, Immigration Department 2/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (address in Traditional Chinese: 香港灣仔告士打道七號 入境事務大樓二樓 入境事務處收發分組 , Simplified Chinese: 香港湾仔告士打道七号 入境事务大楼二楼 入境事务处收发分组). The address may be written in either English or Chinese. You may put both English and Chinese on the envelope if you like, but please ensure the addresses match (as in the English and Chinese refer to the same place).

If you are a foreign resident of Mainland China needing a Hong Kong visa (for example a Cambodian or Pakistani citizen) please contact WMHK members, as they can help you with the visa process. As the normal visa processing time is about four weeks, please get the process started well in advance of the meetup or event. Pay attention to event calendars so you can start your visa application the moment an event is publicly announced.

You may be asked by the IMMD to provide evidence from your bank that you have sufficient funds, so please be prepared to obtain your financial records; they need to have a translation in English or Chinese if they are not already in either language.

eChannel programmes E通道


Shenzhen residents are encouraged to get echannel status in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong; this allows crossing between Hong Kong and Shenzhen easy as pie. Note that these are two separate programmes by each government. To avoid being held up at immigration, the following are suggested:

  • 1. Apply for Shenzhen echannel at the Futian Checkpoint Station, 3rd floor, by customs and immigration, or at the Huanggang Checkpoint. You will need to have a residence permit for Shenzhen, D visa, Chinese citizenship, or other long-term visa status for Shenzhen. It will be active for the Shenzhen side the day after you apply for it. However, you will need to apply on the Hong Kong side in order to take the eChannel on that side.
  • Note that if you renew a work permit and/or visa you may have to renew your Shenzhen eChannel.
  • 2. You may apply for Hong Kong echannel at the Wan Chai Immigration Station (for all eChannel types) or at various other points (including Hong Kong International Airport, the Macau (Hong Kong Island), China (Kowloon), and Tuen Mun ferry terminals, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge, and land border crossings (Shenzhen Bay, Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, and Man Kam To) between Hong Kong and Mainland China, depending on your eChannel type.

Macau residents may also enroll in the respective eChannel programmes in both Macau and Hong Kong.

Hong Kong eChannel enrollment 香港E道登记


  Macao permanent residents may apply for Hong Kong eChannel immediately after arriving in Hong Kong. Macao residents may apply for echannel at the Immigration Department head office, at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge immigration centre, at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminals, and the following ferry terminals: China Ferry Terminal, Macau Ferry Terminal, and Tuen Mun Ferry Terminal.

到香港時澳門永久性居民可以登記香港e道。 可以登記在:

  • 入境事务大楼
  • 港珠澳大橋
  • 啟德郵輪碼頭
  • 中國客運碼頭
  • 港澳客輪碼頭
  • 屯門碼頭

  Mainland Chinese visitors may apply for eChannel after entering Hong Kong from any border point at least three times within the previous 12 months (one year). They may enroll at the Hong Kong Immigration Department head office, at Hong Kong International Airport, at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal, at the immigration centre at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, and at border checkpoints at Lok Ma Chau, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Lo Wu, Man Kam To, and Shenzhen Bay. They may also apply at the Macau Ferry Terminal and China Ferry Terminal.


  • 入境事务大楼
  • 香港国际机场
  • 启德邮轮码头
  • 港珠澳大桥
  • 落马洲管制站
  • 落马洲支线管制站
  • 罗湖管制站
  • 文锦渡管制站
  • 深圳湾口岸
  • 港澳客轮码头
  • 中国客运码头

Most foreign passport holders (non-Chinese citizens) may apply for the frequent visitors programme of the Hong Kong echannel after having entered Hong Kong through Hong Kong International Airport over three times within the same year and/or with a major airline mileage card if it has a certain status. Contact the Immigration Department for further details. Note: Entering Hong Kong through Shenzhen does not count in regards to the entering Hong Kong three times requirement for enrollment in the frequent visitors programme; you can only accomplish this at the airport. If you need more flights you can take a budget airline flight from and to HKIA during a weekend or holiday. Be sure to clear Hong Kong customs and immigration in both directions (do not take the ferry to the Mainland) so your arrivals/departures count towards getting eChannel.

Mainland Chinese and foreigners may apply for Hong Kong eChannel at Terminal 1 of Hong Kong International Airport, after immigration but before leaving customs

For Hong Kong echannel, citizens of   Australia,   Germany,   South Korea,   Singapore, and   Thailand have looser requirements. People with passports from Australia, Germany, and South Korea can immediately get eChannel upon arrival in Hong Kong without frequent flier status or prior departures/arrivals at the airport. Citizens of Singapore may get eChannel after visiting Hong Kong at least two times within a prior 24 month (two year) period from any arrival/departure point (not only the airport), and citizens of Thailand may get eChannel after visiting Hong Kong at least one time within a prior 12 month (one year) period from any arrival/departure point (not only the airport).

In addition to HKIA and Immigration Tower, passport holders of Australia, Germany, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand may also apply for eChannel at Macau Ferry Terminal; this may be useful for residents of Macau and for those in Mainland China who travel by ferry to Hong Kong.

People with passports from the following countries (Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese) are eligible for Smart Departure, in which one can use eChannel kiosks to leave Hong Kong even if they don't have full eChannel clearance

Wikimedia Foundation reimbursement of transport expenses WMF交通费用偿还


The Wikimedia Foundation sometimes reimburses some expenses related to transport: it will generally reimburse economy-class intercity travel and/or economy-class public transport fare. Please hold onto your tickets and receipts from China Rail, MTR, the ferry companies, and/or other public transport agencies you use.

In regards to MTR cards, you may check the spending records at kiosks at MTR stations, or you may download the MTR application for your mobile phone, complete the sign-up, and tap your card to your phone to receive a three-month record of your spending. Please note down or take screenshots of your MTR spending in a three-month period so the foundation has the documentation needed to reimburse you.

You are welcome to use officially-designated taxis or Didi Kuaiche on the Mainland side. If you use official taxis, ask the driver for a receipt (发票 fā​piào), and he or she will gladly provide. If you pay by WeChat, take a screenshot of your WeChat spending.

Do not board illegal taxis (黑车 hēi​chē or "black cars"): upon arrival at the customs areas on the Mainland side, kindly ignore touts who call for taxis in English (do not say anything to them) and go to the official taxi queues. The Wikimedia Foundation will not reimburse usage of illegal taxis in Mainland China. Also note illegal taxis charge a higher rate than legitimate taxis and are not under safety or legal regulations.

During the meetings, and experiencing Hong Kong 聚会信息和香港文化

Note the map of the MTR system (Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese versions)

Meetings are conducted in a mix of Cantonese, Mandarin, and/or English. Members at the meetings generally have great commands of English, so if you need clarification and/or understandings of things, don't hesitate to ask!


Note that Hong Kong has its own currency, the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) - While some shops in Hong Kong accept Chinese renminbi, most businesses and the Hong Kong MTR (the city's underground/subway system) only accept HKD as legal tender. This is important as you will need to use the MTR to go to the meetings, and you may wish to bring outside food into Wikimedia meetings and/or buy drinks at the site of Wikimedia meetings.

People may exchange renminbi and/or other currencies for Hong Kong dollars at various points in Hong Kong itself as well as in Macau and in some places in Shenzhen and other Mainland Chinese cities. Macau patacas are generally not accepted in Hong Kong, so Macau residents should plan to bring Hong Kong dollars.

For those from the Mainland, remember that Hong Kong uses a different electrical standard so be sure to get converters for your laptops.

Hong Kong is well connected on the MTR, so we recommend using this service to arrive to the Wikimedia meeting after going through the border crossing and/or arriving at the ferry terminal. If you attend meetings frequently or otherwise visit Hong Kong frequently, get an Octopus card so that you won't have to stand in line to buy tickets. Then at Luohu and/or Futian Checkpoint stations you may tap your Octopus card at the discount kiosk to get a discount on the HK MTR.

Unlike Mainland China, internet is not censored in Hong Kong, so at Wikimedia meetings you will not have to worry about making sure your VPN is working.

For further information on how to enjoy Hong Kong, please take a look at the Wikivoyage article - Before or after the meeting you may wish to buy something in Hong Kong's night markets, savour its diverse cuisine, or enjoy the various activities the city has to offer!
