I'm creating this page to be my global user page. I intend for all other pages to redirect to this page, though if I can't find an automatic way to do it I'll do the redirect and then I'll put the link to this user page.

Why I chose this username edit

First of all let's start how I entered. I wanted to call myself WikimediaNeurodiversity. It had of course the simple purpose of just choosing myself a username so I can start contributing and secondly have a "witty" or "catchy" meaning, that witty/catchy meaning being to raise awareness of that many famous projects are wikimedia projects and raise awareness to the concept of neurodiversity. I chose that username on a separate site and got a reaction where they thought I was representing Wikimedia. I said no, but little did I know that I should have paid more attention to this as a warning that other people/users might get confused and think that I am or that I represent something I do not.

I made a user named User:Canemousse and made some edits but now I realize that W in WNeurodiversity doesn't need to stand for Wikimedia. It could also stand for "World Neurodiversity", "Way-wise Neurodiversity", "Wayworn Neurodiversity". Way-wise and Wayworn are like my Yang and Yin.

Ways to create/choose a unique username edit

This is my own opinion and may not reflect consensus on any Wikimedia Projects nor be part of any official policy, guide etc. The reason I create this section is because choosing a username is often difficult and I see it as a barrier in contributing.

Now to create a unique username if the above didn't help you:

  • In your Wikimedia Project of choice go to the search field and type "user:" then fill in something that you are thinking of naming yourself...ie. if typing "user:iamnot" on the English Wikipedia you are going to find out all the usernames that begin with "user:iamnot" like ie. "user:IamnotAJ", "user:Iamnotmyself" etc. Try also other languages and wikimedia projects.
  • Since you probably want to follow one of the many Wikimedia project username policies try to choose a name which is unique and that nobody else has chosen. let's say you would like to name yourself iamnotunhappy. There are various ways to check whether that is unique:
  • 1. Try to switch the largest parts of the word, in this case iamnot and unhappy and make it into unhappyiamnot and search for user:unhappy first, then user:unhappyiamnot second. If "user:unhappyiamnot" already exists as a username you would better avoid creating the username user:iamnotunhappy as it could be considered later that you are trying to confuse other people into thinking that you are "unhappyiamnot". That's why we are going to step 2. now
  • 2. let's say we wanted to make a username called "notsugarinpi" so we search for "user:inpi" first, 2 users turned up, "User:Inpilates" and "User:Inpinoveritas". Let us not be bothered by that, that much proves that nobody has thought about the username "notsugarinpi" so we could try to make such a username. This is just a tiny summary of how you can create your own usernames.
  • 3. Now let's say you don't want to put too much effort in your username, so let's assume you want a simple name like 123. Searching for "user:123" turns up a lot of users so you could try making it unique. Let's say "unique123". "user:unique123" actually turned up somebody called "user:unique12345". Now I want to show that shortening your name might actually make it more likely to find a suitable name. "uniq132". No result of anybody being called that so let's check "user:132" and then "user:132uniq". A lot of users were called 132 but after adding a u after the 132 it became obvious that nobody is called anything starting with 132u which if you wanted to call yourself something unique you could actually use "user:132unique" though because many are called unique, we might want to avoid that name. You can add a color, a feeling. "joyuniqueblue" that username got unique after "user:joyuniq". I think this is enough and elaborating further could be interpreted as spam. A wikibook about choosing your username I'd consider this to fit in, though if there is no such book maybe it's better to not create one. A wikibook must be maintained well. Anyway I hope this can help others who were in a similar situation to myself.

Wikidata edit

This is quoted as is(from my userpage on wikidata, which I'd like to redirect to this page):

After reading more on inappropriate usernames I think that this username is misleading too. If W could stand for Wikimedia the 
name for this account is wrong. Therefore I will create a new account which follows the policy.

English Wikibooks edit

Quoting as is(and will now attempt a redirect from that userpage after this edit):

My first attempt to create a Wikimedia Project name failed. That's why I created this one. I'm interested in Neurodiversity as a concept and am 
interested in resources regarding Neurodiversity and ASD. Interested in 'aspie books' or 'ASD books' or 'Neurodiversity books'.