User:Tony1/GAC revised application form

This is a draft submission to the Project and Event grants process. Please do not respond or comment on it just yet.

Legal name of organization or individual requesting this grant
For organizations: Are you a for-profit entity?
For organizations: If of non-profit status (US, or equivalent outside the US) is available in your country, do you have or are you pursuing such status (be specific):
For individual applicants: note that if your request is accepted you will be required to provide documentation verifying your full legal name and address.
Grant contact name
Grant contact username or email
Grant contact title (position)
Project leader's name
Project leader's username or email
Project leader's title (position)???, if any
Full name of the project
Amount requested in US$ or local currency (US$ will be assumed if no other currency is specified)
Provisional start date
Provisional completion date

Budget breakdown


Project goal


Project scope and list of activities


Non-financial requirements


Fit to WMF strategies


Other benefits


Measures of success


Team members (optional)



Grants redirects here; if you're looking for the old page, see Grants given to Wikimedia Foundation and the Grants category.

For a complete list of grant submissions, please visit the WMF grant requests subpage.

For a complete list of grant reports, please visit the WMF grant reports subpage.

Introduction to Wikimedia Grants Program


2011–12 is the Wikimedia Foundation's third year of grant making to support movement groups. In 2010–11 we funded 44 grants totaling almost US$300,000. The Wikimedia Foundation is happy to fund mission-aligned innovation-focused programs and activities through its grants program, and to offer non-financial assistance. To receive funding for a program or activity, please create a public grant request on this page, using the template described below. This public process ensures that requests can be reviewed and commented on by the community and general public.

Note: This page describes the Wikimedia Grants Program, run by the Wikimedia Foundation. Some other Wikimedia organizations are offering grants as well. See this list.

Click here to view an introductory slide presentation about the WMF grants program.

An introduction to WMF grants.

Introduction to the Wikimedia Grants program

Click to review the phases of a successful grant.

This section is an overview of a grant's life, from initial planning to reporting.

Grant proposal: see the Grants Bakery, guidelines, and instructions for submitting your request

  • The grant proposal is in preparation stage
  • The grant proposal is submitted as a draft or submitted to the grants bakery (optional)
  • The grant proposal is submitted as open submission

Grant review: see grant review

  • The open grant submission is subject to public Q&A and Review
  • The open grant submission is pending decision
  • The grant submission is approved

Grant execution

  • The grant agreement is signed and grantee information is provided to WMF for approval and disbursement
  • Grant activities are executed
  • The grant submission is pending a report

Grant reporting: see reporting requirements

  • The grant report is submitted on Meta and details of expenditures are reported to WMF along with supporting documentation
  • The grant report is subject to public Q&A and Review
  • The grant report is accepted by the Wikimedia Foundation

Key guidelines and criteria


Read this section to review the requirements before you decide to submit a grant.

This section describes who should apply for a grant and how to apply for a grant.


This application process is open to chapters officially recognized by the Wikimedia Foundation and other groups and individuals whose work aligns with the Wikimedia mission and strategy. Therefore, groups that are in the process of applying to become officially recognized chapters may apply for grants as mission-aligned organizations or individuals.

To receive a grant, organizations must be able to show that they are a non-profit organization under their local regulations. Individuals receiving funds must provide their full legal name and address, along with a copy of valid government-issued photo identification to Wikimedia Foundation, but are not required to disclose this information publicly.

The minimum amount that a grantee can request is USD 500. While there is no set maximum amount, most grants are under USD 10,000.

Submissions from previous applicants not in compliance with the reporting requirements outlined will not be considered for future grants.

Criteria for submission:

Grant requests should support the achievement of Wikimedia's mission and strategic priorities. We favor high impact requests over low impact requests; try to break new ground, and to increase your group's capacity for new programs and partnerships. Examples include: An article contribution competition, outreach activities to recruit and train new contributors, partnership activities with GLAMs or other institutions, or efforts to add local content to the projects (e.g., Monuments).

Grants should not replace volunteer action to accomplish valuable work. They are intended as a supplement that supports volunteer effectiveness.

WMF funding should not replace outreach and liaison efforts on your chapter/group's part with sponsors, allies, and like-minded local groups.

Grants should not fund staff salaries and other recurring expenses (e.g. rent). In some cases, grant requests may fund part-time positions or full-time temporary positions specifically focused on the activities of the project for which funding is requested. Such funding would also depend on an assessment of the applicants' ability to effectively manage staff, and the existence of some infrastructure, such as policies for travel, hiring/firing, et cetera. Funding for long-term full-time staff is only available via the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) process

If you would like to request a grant to fund your own participation in a non-Wikimedia event or activity, please see Wikimedia Participation Support.

Guidelines for submission:

If a grant request includes travel, please review and adhere to Wikimedia Foundation's Travel Policy (i.e. travel economy class, use 75% of US government per-diem rates, etc.).

Grant requests may be submitted in any language. If you have questions about submitting a grant request in a language other than English, please contact Asaf Bartov at grants at wikimedia dot org.

Note that grants can be disbursed in local currency or US dollars. Due to local limitations on local currency money transfers, Wikimedia Foundation can wire money in local currency everywhere except in the following countries: Argentina; Indonesia; Macedonia; India; Philippines; Taiwan; Ukraine.

To prevent losses incurred from wire transfer fees, currency exchange, or other bank fees, it is recommended that you document your expected loss and include it in the budget of your original grant proposal.

Reporting requirements:

Any chapter/group that is awarded a grant must agree to and abide by the reporting requirements outlined on this page.

All grants must be publicly announced to the community in the geography(ies) involved via either a mailing list or on village pumps. New grants will be publicly announced by WMF in our monthly Report to the Board.

Grant review and approval


Click here to learn about WMF grant review.

This section describes the current grant review process: What will happen to your grant once it is submitted.

All completed applications will be reviewed. We encourage applicants to contact Asaf Bartov during the planning stages of the grant to get initial input and feedback on the proposed grants. WMF wants to work with applicants to create the best grants possible. Please notify grants at wikimedia dot org when the application is complete and ready for review.

We will notify applicants using the contact information provided in the grant submission whether their requests have been approved within 30 days of submission or we will contact the applicant to request additional information. Please monitor the discussion page of your grant submission to ensure that you are able to read and respond to comments posted there. Please note that if additional information is required, this review process may take longer than 30 days. The Wikimedia Foundation will not fund every grant application it receives and will review each submission according to the criteria listed here, and according to the quality of each grant application. Applicants should not expect to be reimbursed for costs incurred in the course of implementing any project that is not funded or not yet funded, and the Wikimedia Foundation is not responsible for reimbursing any applicant for these costs.

Criteria for grant review


The Grant Advisory Committee and WMF staff will review the applications based on the following criteria:

  • Fit with the mission and strategic priorities of Wikimedia.
  • Potential for impact in the projects that the grant aims to support.
  • Availability and readiness of volunteers and other non-financial resources required to implement the grant.
  • Past track record of the group in managing grants (where applicable).
  • Degree to which the grant will add new knowledge to or spur innovation in the Wikimedia movement.
  • Efficiency of proposed use of funds.
  • Sustainability of impact beyond the duration of the grant.

Reporting requirements


Click here to learn about reporting requirements for successful grants.

This section describes reporting requirements for grantees (after grants have been approved and executed).

Reports are for projects that have been funded and completed (or ended).

Project leads are responsible for ensuring that reporting requirements are met. By accepting funds, a chapter, group, or individual agrees to abide by the following procedures:

A complete report on the funded activities must be published within 3 months of the project end date submitted on the proposal at the time of review. The Wikimedia Foundation will review each project report and may request additional information at the time of review.

Original copies of receipts (or documentation) of all expenses paid directly or reimbursed by this grant must be kept on file by the Project Lead in case of the need for review of spending, and digital copies must be Emailed to grants at wikimedia dot org when your report is submitted.

If you can achieve your proposed goal under budget, Wikimedia Foundation requires you to return any unused funds to the Wikimedia Foundation. You may submit a request to reallocate the remaining funds to other mission activities. This may require that an additional grant request and/or report is submitted, and each request for extension will be reviewed by Wikimedia Foundation staff.

If the project requires extension past the estimated end date submitted on the proposal at the time of its review, a project extension request must be submitted within 30 days of the end date projected on the proposal and will be reviewed by Wikimedia Foundation staff. To request an extension, please Email Asaf Bartov at grants at wikimedia dot org. Please note that you may be required to submit an interim report even if an extension is granted.

To create a report, follow the instructions here and send an Email to grants at wikimedia dot org to ensure that your report is reviewed in a timely fashion. Wikimedia Foundation will review your report and contact you if additional information is required before accepting the report. Please monitor the discussion page of your report to ensure that you can respond to feedback from the community and the Wikimedia Foundation in a timely fashion. Please contact grants at wikimedia dot org with questions about reporting.

Submit your grant request


Before you consider creating a request, please read this entire page. Please email Asaf Bartov at grants at wikimedia dot org when submitting a new grant, so we can review it in a timely fashion.

Click to expand instructions for submitting your grant proposal.

This section provides instructions for submitting your grant using the infobox provided.

Please submit your grant request by creating a page using the box below.

Enter the name of your group followed by a forward slash ("/"), followed by the title of your project.

For officially recognized Wikimedia chapters only: The name of your group consists of the letters WM followed by a space, followed by the country code of your chapter. (For example, WM DE for Wikimedia Deutschland, or WM HU for Wikimédia Magyarország.)


WM AR/Conducting outreach in public universities
Technology for All/Providing offline OER to more students in Moldova

Click the "Create new grant submission" button to be directed to your new page, and follow the instructions for completing your request.

You must then save your page to complete your submission, and Email grants at wikimedia dot org to notify WMF of your request. (Don't forget to change the status from Draft to Open so we know you're done preparing the proposal!)

Submit your report


Please email grants at wikimedia dot org when submitting a grant report, so we can review it in a timely fashion.

Click to expand instructions for submitting your grant report.

This section provides instructions for submitting your grant report using the infobox provided.

Please submit your grant report by creating a page using the box below.

Enter the name of your group followed by a forward slash ("/"), followed by the title of your project, followed by a forward slash("/"), followed by the text "Report."

For officially recognized Wikimedia chapters only: The name of your group consists of the letters WM followed by a space, followed by the country code of your chapter. (For example, WM DE for Wikimedia Deutschland, or WM HU for Wikimédia Magyarország.)


WM AR/Conducting outreach in public universities/Report
Technology for All/Providing offline OER to more students in Moldova/Report

Click the "Create new grant report" button to be directed to your new page, and follow the instructions for completing your report.

You must then save your page to complete your report, and Email grants at wikimedia dot org to notify WMF of your report's submission and submit your receipts.