
Hello world, from Buenos Aires, Argentina! My name is Felipe, I'm a philosopher by training and a web developer by trade, specialized in MediaWiki, the software of Wikipedia. I'm a global interface editor and contribute to the Wikimedia movement since 2008, mainly to Wikipedia, Wikiversity and MediaWiki. At first I did mostly content, but nowadays I'm more into software (templates, Lua modules, JavaScript tools and MediaWiki extensions). I currently work as the lead developer at Appropedia, the sustainability wiki, and contribute back to the movement with the knowledge and skills I gain there. I also do occasional paid work for Wikimedistas de Uruguay developing templates and tools for Wikimedia sites.
If you want to contact me, feel free to leave me a public message or send me a private email. Thanks!
editOver the years I contributed very many things. However, if I had to pick the top ones, I think they'd be:
- Excerpts - Templates and Lua modules for reusing content in Wikipedia
- Proveit - Gadget to add or edit references easily
- MiniEdit - Gadget to do small edits without leaving the page
- Synchronizer - Tool for synchronizing Lua modules across wikis
- Wikidebate - Wikiversity project to discuss controversial issues
edit- v:Talk:Wikidebate/New#I tried to add a new debate but the system is not cooperating
- mw:Talk:ProveIt#Needs adapting to dark mode
- mw:MediaWiki talk:Gadget-Global-Vivarium.js#Speed control
- Request Gadget namespace in
- Create a documentation page for each global gadget
- [Proveit] en:User talk:Sophivorus#ProveIt 2
- [Proveit] Add rather than replace change tags
- [Proveit] Update init codes to use global version
- Write James about en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2020-03-01/From the archives
- Finish HelloWorld
- Migrate to v:Mysterious Organic Cellular Automata
- Create essays, blog posts or something out of
- Fix Vivarium and Formicarium bug, see eu:Lankide eztabaida:Sophivorus
- Delete
- Delete
- [WikiProject] Sección Ayuda / Colaborá / Participá?
- [DebateTools] Add error handling
- [DebateTools] Bug when saving an argument/objection with a reference
- [DebateTools] Add back arrows to collapse
- [Synchronizer] Translate edit summary?
- [Poncho] mw:Topic:Y2js1t4ixc3zaa1v
- [MiniEdit] Extender a respuestas
- [MiniEdit] Extender a listas
- [Extractos] en:Module talk:Excerpt#Infobox images in dark mode
- [Extractos] mw:Topic:Xxllsn6t8lemipw0
- [Extractos] es:Plantilla discusión:Extracto
- [Extractos] Terminar o eliminar Wikipedia:User:Sophivorus/Signpost Opinion1
- [Extractos] Botón de read more ?
- [Extractos] Las listas no son párrafos en:Module talk:Excerpt
- [Extractos] Usar <templatestyles> en vez de /config?
- [Extractos] Integrar ?
- [Extractos] Deprecate c:Data talk:I18n/
- [Extractos] Transcluir texto alternativo de las infoboxes
- [WikiVideos] phab:T319351
- [WikiVideos] Use internal methods rather than exec
- [WikiVideos] Add WEBM support
- [WikiVideos] Add SVG support
- [WikiVideos] Support NCCommons files
- [WikiVideos] Support for automatic captions in multiple languages using Google Translate or Deepl
- [WikiVideos] Support for voices in multiple language using Google Translate + Google Text-to-Speech
- [WikiVideos] Support for Amazon Polly
- [Wikisource] s:Wikisource:Café#Importación masiva de leyes argentinas
- [Extensions] Document mw:Extension:Prop
- [Extensions] [UserPageViewTracker] mw:Topic:Xx1d9d1yejzu10j4
- [Extensions] [TimeMachine] mw:Topic:X6nspehhhvak2oob
- [Extensions] [NukeDPL] mw:Topic:X6js9qj6p43mycrl
- [Extensions] [MobileDetect]