
Shaheed Muhammad Zeb Khan Date of birth (1967) was a prominent politician and the respected head of the Jirga in Chagharzai , Buner, Pakistan. His untimely martyrdom on September 2, 2023, left a void in the hearts of Buner and the Skhala Khel tribe.

    1. Early Life and Education

Shaheed Muhammad Zeb Khan was born in 1967 in Chagharzai. He was known for his kind-hearted nature and a strong sense of community service from a young age. He pursued his education in Daggar college Buner where he developed a passion for public service and community development.

    1. Political Career

Shaheed Muhammad Zeb Khan embarked on a remarkable political career through Jumat e Islami Pakistan, representing the interests of Chagharzai, Buner, and the Skhala Khel tribe. His dedication to serving the people earned him the title of "Khudaye Khidmatgar," which translates to "Servant of God," a testament to his selflessness and commitment.

As the head of the Jirga, Shaheed Muhammad Zeb Khan played a crucial role in resolving numerous disputes and issues within the village and among the Skhala Khel tribe. His wisdom, fairness, and ability to find common ground made him a trusted mediator, promoting peace and harmony in the region.

    1. Family

Shaheed Muhammad Zeb Khan was a devoted family man and had two sons, Hamayoon Zeb and Waqas Zeb, who continue to uphold their father's legacy of community service.

    1. Legacy

The tragic loss of Shaheed Muhammad Zeb Khan on September 2, 2023, was deeply felt throughout District Buner kpk Pakistan. His departure left an indelible mark on the entire community, and his contributions to the welfare of Chagharzai and the Skhala Khel tribe are remembered with gratitude.

His life serves as an inspiring example of selfless service to one's community.