User:Sj/Design chats/Charter/Council

The Global Council consists of an Assembly (GCA) and a Board (GCB) drawn from its members. Members of the GCA are selected, elected, or appointed to bring forward a diverse range of perspectives and experiences from the Wikimedia Movement as described in the Global Council Membership policy. Except as provided herein, the term of service for a GCA member shall be three years. GCA members may serve a maximum of two consecutive full terms (that is, six years). After having served any consecutive two terms, they shall not be eligible for appointment to the GCA again until a period of at least 12 months has expired. The GCA is composed of at least 100 and at most 150 members.

At least one Global Council meeting shall be held annually and within six months of the end of the fiscal year, unless an extension of this period is granted by the GCA. At this Global Council meeting, the Global Council Board shall present its annual report on the affairs of the Global Council and the carried out activities. It submits the activities with an explanation to the meeting for approval.

Global Council Assembly

All decisions shall be made by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If the votes are tied on matters, the proposal is rejected. If in an election between more than two persons no one obtains an absolute majority, a further vote shall be taken between the two persons who received the greatest number of votes, if necessary after an interim vote.

A resolution may also be adopted outside of a meeting with the written approval of a majority of all GC members entitled to vote, and shall have the same force as a resolution of the General Assembly meeting, provided it has been passed with the prior knowledge of the board.

Responsibilities of the GCA include:

  • Making high-level decisions within the scope of the GC's purpose and functions
  • Holding the Board accountable for their work
  • Taking seat in the GC's subcommittees
  • Updating a strategic plan for the movement

Global Council Board

The GCB shall be in charge of coordinating and representing the Global Council, and for this, derives its mandates from the Assembly decisions. The Board is authorized to further decide on the activities in order to carry out these decisions. The board is selected, elected or appointed by and from the Assembly members following the process laid out in the Global Council Membership policy. The Board is composed of at least 5 and at most 15 members.

The term of office for a Board member shall be three years. Each member will serve until the expiration of their term and until their successor has been appointed and qualified, or until their earlier resignation, removal from office, or death. After having served any consecutive two terms, they shall not be eligible for appointment to the GCB again until a period of at least 18 months has expired.

The Board shall review updates to the movement strategic plan each year, as part of its strategic planning function. It will also supervise and oversee the selection of new members of the Assembly, coordinate the annual GC meeting, and represent the Council in stakeholder engagement activities. Finally, it is accountable for the effective execution of the functions of the Council.

Committees and Support Structure

The Board can create committees and determine how their members are chosen. Committees may appoint members who are not members of the GCA. Committee members who are not members of the GCA may serve a maximum of two consecutive full terms of three years each (that is, six years).


The Council will have a budget which it can use to hire staff and contractors. The Wikimedia Foundation may also assign staff and other resources to support the operation of the GC.

Advisors and Liaisons

Advisors and liaisons are appointed to support the work of the GC and its committees based on the need for specialized knowledge and guidance. Advisors may be called upon to offer insights, recommendations, and assistance in addressing complex challenges and opportunities within the Wikimedia Movement.



↑ The Global Council is responsible for establishing and managing processes to support conflict resolution between different Wikimedia Movement Organizations, including affiliates and hubs.

↑ The GCB is the body tasked with making sure the processes within the GC are running according to plans and timelines; they coordinate with others where and when necessary, manage an overview of the functioning of the GC, etc.